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Cu Chulainn Caster

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Status Replies posted by Cu Chulainn Caster

  1. Ask Lan: what's your favorite horror/Halloween time movie?

  2. I regret to inform everyone that I am seemingly developing cholecystitis, i.e an infection of the gallbladder. I have gallstones, and if I do not have my gallbladder removed I may die.

  3. 700th post celebration, woo!

  4. Ask Lan: How good of a MOCist are from a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being amazing 1 being horrible.

  5. Lan Ask: How come I don't hear from you anymore?

    1. Cu Chulainn Caster

      Cu Chulainn Caster

      It's OK. I was just worried about you, that's all. Glad you're all right.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Ask Lan: (warning don't get triggered) are you for or against standardized testing?

  7. Why does the school system insist on teaching us how chlorophyll works, but not how to pay taxes? These are the kinds of questions you can "Ask Lan" during this school year.

  8. Why does the school system insist on teaching us how chlorophyll works, but not how to pay taxes? These are the kinds of questions you can "Ask Lan" during this school year.

  9. Mate, you could have kept the previous avatar at least until I get through the whole song

  10. i like large fries, i like large fries, i like large fries--but not fried chicken~!

  11. Ask Lan: Please explain your name change besides the fact your a Dank Lord?

  12. Ask Lan: Please explain your name change besides the fact your a Dank Lord?

    1. Cu Chulainn Caster

      Cu Chulainn Caster

      If I end up joining a proposed BZPGOT3, perhaps Lan of House Maar-Veious.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. Ask Lan: Please explain your name change besides the fact your a Dank Lord?

  14. One year = one name change. Reblog to save a life.

  15. Ask Lan: Please explain your name change besides the fact your a Dank Lord?

    1. Cu Chulainn Caster

      Cu Chulainn Caster

      Fear not, though. If, by the end of the obligatory three months, I decide I don't like this new name, I'll go back to my old one.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Ask Lan: Please explain your name change besides the fact your a Dank Lord?

  17. Ask Lan: Please explain your name change besides the fact your a Dank Lord?

    1. Cu Chulainn Caster

      Cu Chulainn Caster

      Have you read my most recent status update? One year = one name change. Reblog to save a life.

      In all honesty, Scrubbish was just the first thing that popped into my head when I was trying to come up with a new screen name for my one-year BZPower anniversary. It kinda just stuck.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Ask Lan: How long is eternity?

  19. Ask Lan: Is this the way life's meant to be?

  20. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Orkahm 'the Traitor'?

  21. Ask Lan: Would you want to see Puerto Rico become a true state?

  22. Ask Lan: So isee that not only is it the forth of July, but you are situated in the US. So I ask, when did your family get over here? Have you guys been around since colonial times? Or did you come here later, like my folks did?

  23. Ask Lan: What's the weirdest type of food you've had?

  24. It's been a while since I got an "Ask Lan" question. Maybe I should start that up again. Y'know what, I'mma do that. "Ask Lan" is back in business!

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