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Cu Chulainn Caster

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Status Replies posted by Cu Chulainn Caster

  1. Lan Ask: Besides JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, what other anime do you like?

  2. Updated 22 Mar · 0 comments

  3. Updated 22 Mar · 0 comments

  4. Oh, yeah. Congratulations on 1,000 posts.

  5. Ask Lan: Do you do birthdays?

  6. Ask Lan: Do you do birthdays?

  7. Ask Lan: Do you do birthdays?

  8. Ask Lan: Do you do birthdays?

  9. Dear BZPower members, Just as I have opened my profile feed to you with "Ask Lan," so too am I opening my PMs with "Talk To Me." If ever you're going through a rough time and you need an ear to bend, just shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to offer you as much encouragement as I can.

  10. Ask Lan: To your knowledge, are your ancestors Gaelic in origin, or were they pre-Gaelic peoples that were assimilated by the Gaels when they arrived in Ireland/Hibernia?

  11. Ask Lan: Have you ever had alcohol?

  12. Ask Lan: How many slices of bread have you eaten in your lifetime?

  13. Ask Lan: Have you seen a red 1x2 brick that goes by the name Samantha?

  14. Ask Lan: Have you seen a red 1x2 brick that goes by the name Samantha?

  15. Ask Lan: Have you seen a red 1x2 brick that goes by the name Samantha?

  16. Top o' the mornin' to ya, laddies! Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a pint of stout and an "Ask Lan" question!

  17. Ask Lan: Have you ever had alcohol?

  18. Ask Lan: Have you ever had alcohol?

  19. Ask Lan: Have you ever had alcohol?

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