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Cu Chulainn Caster

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Status Replies posted by Cu Chulainn Caster

  1. Broken joints yo.

  2. I challenge you to a race. We're both at 464 posts; let's see who can get the next rank up the fastest. (To my knowledge, it's at 500 posts.) You down?

  3. I challenge you to a race. We're both at 464 posts; let's see who can get the next rank up the fastest. (To my knowledge, it's at 500 posts.) You down?

  4. All the noise, noise, noise noise noise! TURN OFF YOUR DOGGONE RADIO, I'VE HEARD DARUDE SANDSTORM LONG ENOUGH

  5. Aside from my friends, anticipation for BZPGOT2 is the only thing keeping me here

  6. Ask Lan: am I Ghrinchy enough

  7. Ask Lan: am I Ghrinchy enough

  8. I just hit my pinkie toe against a wall. It hurt. Send help.

  9. i don't care what the calendar says, it's still halloween

  10. That avatar makes you look super gangsta btw.

  11. Ask Lan: Were Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa abducted by the same UFO?

  12. Cleaning a carpet is hard. Cleaning blue ICEE stains on a carpet is even harder.

  13. Cleaning a carpet is hard. Cleaning blue ICEE stains on a carpet is even harder.

  14. Cleaning a carpet is hard. Cleaning blue ICEE stains on a carpet is even harder.

  15. Cleaning a carpet is hard. Cleaning blue ICEE stains on a carpet is even harder.

  16. Ask Lan: What would you say? If I tell you I'm gonna buy a Mac

  17. but what did i do to, to deserve all of you?

  18. Ask Lan: What would you say? If I tell you I'm gonna buy a Mac

  19. I wonder what's up with people tormenting Solek for some odd reason.


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