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Cu Chulainn Caster

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Status Replies posted by Cu Chulainn Caster

  1. So, I'm starting up a thing called "Ask Lan." Feel free to stop by my profile feed and drop me a question. It can be about anything; BIONICLE, the meaning of life, my preferences, anything. Just make sure to start a new post in my feed, and not a comment on this post. I look forward to seeing how this works out.

  2. So, I'm starting up a thing called "Ask Lan." Feel free to stop by my profile feed and drop me a question. It can be about anything; BIONICLE, the meaning of life, my preferences, anything. Just make sure to start a new post in my feed, and not a comment on this post. I look forward to seeing how this works out.

  3. Ask Lan: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  4. Ask Lan: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  5. A very Merry Monthiversary to me.

  6. oh god ghiddy what happened to your profile pic

  7. oh god ghiddy what happened to your profile pic

  8. oh god ghiddy what happened to your profile pic

  9. oh god ghiddy what happened to your profile pic

  10. OK, dogs! I think I got everything I need done for the BZPRPG! I'm comin' at'cha!

  11. Nuju, you've been asking for more than a year, and I can say with definite certainty that no, that thing is not on.

  12. No help with my question in the Q&A forum yet, and no Staff Approval on my BZPRPG profiles either. And it's been a whole week. Evidently, getting help from any of the higher-ups besides Nuju Metru takes a super long time. Either that, or I'm just impatient.

  13. No help with my question in the Q&A forum yet, and no Staff Approval on my BZPRPG profiles either. And it's been a whole week. Evidently, getting help from any of the higher-ups besides Nuju Metru takes a super long time. Either that, or I'm just impatient.

  14. Hey there, welcome to BZP! Looking forward to seeing you in the BZPRPG, and if you need help with anything, lemme know.

  15. Hey there, welcome to BZP! Looking forward to seeing you in the BZPRPG, and if you need help with anything, lemme know.

  16. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower!

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