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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. So all those listings on TRU this morning... You were supposedly, for a time, actually able to order them. Anybody here actually see that and receive any notification from TRU about it (or have seen actual evidence elsewhere)? Still debating whether it's worth my continual stalking of the local TRU, but if they're really showing up on the site... That's a good sign. ~|ET|~
  2. Sigh.. we need to keep perspective here. From the outset it was understood that whatever the numbers would be, those who don't want to know canon details can just ignore them and headcanon them differently. You're treating it as if both options of the answer carry equal weight. But that could only be so if pleasing the one had to mean taking away what the other side wants, and it doesn't here. Those who want to see their Toa Mangai as different than whatever will be decided can do that, just as much as those who want to reimagine the Toa Mata can, etc. But those who want to know what the canon "fill in the map" answer is don't get pleased, and it's especially strange to be punishing them, when Bionicle has done so much to encourage that sentiment with all its "collect the reference sources" and the like. This is (within reason) consistent with LEGO's vision, and arbitrarily banning any further refinement of canon at XYZ point in time is not. And I keep telling you that you're wrong about that, but whatever I guess. I don't really think you are seeing it from an open perspective, only that of one in defense of those in support of canonization (not that I claim any sort of unbiased approach either). You are "punishing" those who want the ambiguity and mystery by pushing things into dubiously accepted canon. There is simply no actual pleasing everyone. I simply view shoving the additions down others' throats as the worse path. Everyone just accepting into their own "headcanon" of what they want things like the Mangai to look like (and this is by no means limited to them) would more align with the creative freedom LEGO is really about. ~|ET|~
  3. Kardas is a tempting choice, but I am disinclined to vote for combi models in these polls for some reason.. So then it boils down to a professed love for the beasts of BIONICLE's pasts or the truest set to carry the title "titan." That would be Vezon & Fenrakk and Brutaka. I think... to me, at least... Fenrakk has enough negatives to put it below the monstrous beauty that was Brutaka. ~|ET|~
  4. Finally, not a very hard choice for me heh. The Toa Hordika I rank up there as some of my least favorite sets. While I enjoyed the Visorak, I don't consider any of them particularly memorable. The playsets weren't all that exciting to me either. So that leaves the titan sets, with Keetongu as a clear standout. Though Roodaka wasn't horrible, all things considered. She also wasn't yellow though lol. ~|ET|~
  5. --- I started Watamote. This might be one of the most uncomfortable things I've watched in a while. Yet I want to keep watching... ~|ET|~
  6. I just want to say, the sheer number of entries is astounding and impressive. Best of luck to everyone. ~|ET|~
  7. Ugh, another hard one for me. Really boils down to Nidhiki or Lhikan & Kikanalo - both interesting, unique sets and both very cool. I think I have to hand it to the Kikanalo though. ~|ET|~
  8. Aye, those two definitely shouldn't be taken to any sort of poll. They aren't concrete weapons. I personally object to anything vine-based because those aren't weapons to me... As a Toa of the Green, he can just make whatever he wants out of plantlife. That's all those would be to me. But at least they're concrete forms that were suggested. If you could narrow them down to, for example, a Fikou Mace, that'd be great. And a mace actually sounds cool to me. If you want the Fikou stylings, then just have the head shaped like a spider (legs being pointy bits). ~|ET|~
  9. It's a great series. If you can find a way to, I would definitely recommend the PS3 HD remakes (even if I can't play them myself heh). Or the latest 3DS game. And I've been planning on buying the 3D Riku since it came out I think this time last year... Oops. At least there's no other version of Roxas I'd want to give me indecision over whether to get this one or not. And he is cool. I had to look up who said that just to check and... Legitimately laughing up a storm here. Definitely not shipped with Demyx at all. If you had said the spikey red haired dude... The sea salt ice cream part is spot on though lol.
  10. I don't think this poll tells us anything right now to be honest. For one, it has only been up for around 2.5 days. That is not even remotely enough time to get a good judge of opinions. The total participants (76 at present) is just too small to actually gauge a consensus and does not in any way represent the BIONICLE fandom to any extent.. Second, the participants thus far have been in this isolated S&T forum, where those pro-canonization are obviously more active than the average fan. Your user base is skewed from the start. Go post this same poll on all of the websites involved in the Battle for the Gold Mask Competition (and then some even), for example, and let a lot of people know it exists. Let it run for a reasonable amount of time. Then we can talk numbers. ~|ET|~
  11. In general I'd say my point still stands too, all things considered... Barreling through with all of this without regard for dissenting opinions and in general just moving too quickly. If there isn't going to be a choice in a poll to have nothing (and the person running them wants to ignore people saying that anyways), then of course people are going to vote for something just so they can try and pick what they consider reasonable since something must be picked (which is how the polls are being structured). ~|ET|~
  12. Even pilots of indomitable automatons can have a little holiday spirit in them. ~|ET|~
  13. Hmm. I wouldn't really see the point, but... Not like it's going to be a rare thing.
  14. Agreed -- however, the poll Boidoh posted does at least have one way to vote "no canonization", by selecting "nothing from this" for all three questions. Still, I think "no mask" should have been an option. Maybe you missed that suggestion, Boidoh? Or do you disagree with it and why? Plus, I would make that the FIRST option. There's no need to fear it anyways, since we just had a poll showing widespread support for canonization. But the option should be there, just in case. We always made allowances for this with the Story Squad. And heck, Greg could even disagree with "no mask" and pick the top winners anyways, but at least he should be given that information ("no mask" might be inconsistent with his vision as author and thus not work, but he should still know to factor it in his decision). Well... I wanted to add it, but Archon wanted to rather make a separate poll rather than it there being an option. Also, 12 people could want a Huna, 23 wanted a Mask of Conjuring, but 30 people wanted it to remain unknown. More people wanted the Toa to have masks, but their votes were spread among multiple options. The unknown option has a clear advantage. And with the poll Archon did, many people who voted No on his poll, went to the Toa Mangai of Ice Kanohi Poll and STILL voted for the masks they want the Toa of Ice to wear. I'd say many of those "no"s shouldn't be counted, because they went ahead to vote for the Kanohi, but yet say they don't want to know the Kanohi. (Those people know who they are) And this is why people are taking issue with how you're doing this... You're literally ignoring people or advocating for that just to push your own agenda. That is not even remotely fair. Edit: Oh, and regarding the numbers game - that seems fine to me. While overall more wanted a mask, it does mean a consensus couldn't be reached. If a consensus couldn't be reached, then it should just stay unknown. ~|ET|~
  15. Yeahhhhh my cell phone camera's not the greatest, I know. ;_;
  16. Most of the Rahi were pretty great sets. I was tempted to just go with one of the Toa fueled by nostalgia, but couldn't stop thinking of how much I always admired Muaka & Kane-Ra (even if I only finally got my own pair a few years ago). ~|ET|~
  17. Oooh... Tough choice for me here. For this one I decided to go back to what I played with most and had a lot of fun with. That would undeniably have to be the Exo-Toa. ~|ET|~
  18. I mean... Do I have to explain my choice? The Rahkshi in general were a huge change for BIONICLE with their articulation. And they were just plain cool (with my preference for one hopefully being obvious). ~|ET|~
  19. I shudder to think what could make somebody make that kind of expression. ~|ET|~
  20. This guy is big and tons of fun. ~|ET|~
  21. I was about to suggest a knock off myself... But I can't recall any 2007 sets in particular that were. This definitely wouldn't have been an easy thing to directly create a mold from because of their soft and pliable nature - and the people making them likely wouldn't have cared if they missed things like the tentacles. Being compressed and stretched out during that process could also explain the elongated tail. Is this actually yours or just something you found elsewhere? I'm curious about what type of plastic it's made of. ~|ET|~
  22. This and the Amiibo thing - yeah. Somebody at Nintendo really doesn't get it... (I still think the Gamecube adapter shouldn't have happened. But it did and the controllers are plentiful, so what possible reason could there be to do this...[The only answer is none.])
  23. This REALLY bothered me when I first heard it. It doesn't make a lick of sense. They were the most underproduced by far (and Fox comes pretty close apparently) and all that was made was enough to stock shelves initially of maybe 4 or 5 per store... Jeeze, Nintendo, do you want these to sell or not? They should have remained in production more than literally once. I was going to get every Amiibo. They are not making it easy and frankly it's just a dumb marketing move.
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