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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. After a little more investigating, I feel more confident now in deciding to exclude the transparent orange Mask of Fire from the mask checklist on the basis of being a pre-production item. While certainly they are seemingly more plentiful than some others, how they were given out and with what does implicate them as prototypes. --- Anybody think more labels might be beneficial to some of the lists? Like maybe the Kraata one to say the colors for each set of six, or some separation on the masks list for generations? ~|ET|~
  2. It's unfortunately very unlikely they'll be able to. I definitely expect some stores (particularly TRU in the US) to put things out early. But only by maybe a week or two, which would be a tad too late. No retailer anywhere has been reported as having done so yet. ~|ET|~
  3. Yeah I realized I did an incredibly poor job at explaining myself there... Sorry about that guys. I would like to encourage people to have fun writing stories. And certainly enjoy debating story aspects - most should know I am certainly no stranger to that. I wouldn't have done it for so long (and now be returning to it) if I didn't like to. But if your only reason for coming up with things to be canon is "it's fun," I don't feel like that's a good starting point. It should be to actually fill plot holes* and explain things really needing it. It's the type of thing that shouldn't be happening just for the sake of it. *Which I understand is being used by some also for their rationale. But what one views as "plot holes" can definitely vary. I'm just on the side of the fence now that sees topics like the current one as not holes that need filled. ~|ET|~
  4. Taking a little respite from Omega Ruby right now. Left off after beating the Elite Four and ready to start Episode Delta. One of the things I'm considering doing once I start up again is transferring everything from Y to OR to get the Shiny Charm... and soft reset for shinies in the Mirage Spots. Which is actually something I've never soft reset for before. Anyone who's done it with Legendaries before, think it's worth it? I already find it enough of a hassle to try for natures (granted I usually don't bring a Synchronize Pokémon along), but a shiny... Yikes. That's intimidating. I've got a few dozen now because of just how easy it was made in X/Y, but I haven't bred any either because of the effort involved. ~|ET|~
  5. 1. YAAAAAYYYYYY! Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo is getting an anime adaptation! 2. Maybe it's because I knew it was coming this time, but seeing this week's episode of SAO in animated form was not nearly as gut-wrenching as reading it was. Still found it a great moment nonetheless. 3. Log Horizon this week was literally one guy talking for 90% of the episode. ...Okay so that's not too different from half of last week's, but at least that one I found a little more interesting. And it wasn't the whole episode. Just feel like things really ground to a halt. 4. Oh man all the references in Fate/Stay Night! <3 Especially liked the Rin/Sakura stuff being so out there without being completely overt, just in case there are viewers who don't know yet (thus making the surprise better). Just wish they'd do the same with Saber/Shirou/Kiritsugu heh. ~|ET|~
  6. I must admit that I do not find it likely, but I would nonetheless love the idea to be true. The masks will probably be named in one of the videos next year, so I'm very curious to see if the discrepancy - which is very curious - persists there. It's rather trivial, but just the way it pervades everything Jungle rather sticks out and does leave me desiring some explanation. Even if it's as simple as the same proposed explanation for the numerous grammatical and spelling errors on the site: work being done by a non-native English speaker accidentally making mistakes, and perhaps now a translation one as well? ~|ET|~
  7. I was just checking the current suggestions myself to check for this as well, but perhaps that's what the "None" in the list means? If that is the case, it might not be the best word to use. It does imply you would be voting for literally not carrying a weapon, which wouldn't be the same as an "Unspecified" vote. So consider me seconding thirding fourthing whatevering it as well. ~|ET|~
  8. Hey, maybe you should too with all the things being brought up for vote lately. Just decide for yourself what they carry. I've already explained elsewhere why once something is "canon," one cannot just "headcanon" it out of existence whilst still continuing to discuss and engage in the storyline. It doesn't work like that. ~|ET|~
  9. So let me get this straight...YOU can have fun, but WE can't? This should NOT even be about "fun"! The concept of "fun" shouldn't be coming up anywhere in these discussions. That's not a reason to want to make things canon for a story that everyone absorbs, not just yourselves. It's one of the most egotistical reasons for wanting to get things canonized - so the story you decided on is what matters and nobody else can write their own. ~|ET|~
  10. Again: Go write your own stories if you want to decide these things. Group stories, even, to have the same level of collaboration and input. You are "ruining the fun" for people who want this openness and freedom in storytelling. It's a two way street. Nevermind that "it's fun" is the worst possible rationale for why one should be attempting to canonize anything. ~|ET|~
  11. Ektris

    Collectibles Displays

    That Slizer disk display is stupendous.
  12. WOW. Way to blow something up over a tiny little harmless comment that wasn't an affront to you in any way. Did I forget to mention that I played all of the games you mentioned too? (Well, except BBS because I wasn't buying a PSP for one title.) And based on your recent blog posted for when you started the series... I've been playing longer than you too. I've cared too - it's one of my most beloved franchises. I don't see what gives you any right to act so disrespectfully towards me just because you're a fan (too). I specifically meant a console release, which was what kept getting teased - they literally skipped a generation of consoles until the remakes... which are just remakes. That's not the same thing as a new title. And that's what they kept saying was coming. The console release. The next big installment. Not a bunch more side stories which I never even said I had a problem with existing. Just... WOW! You'd think I slapped your mother or something from that response. You went off on me for things I didn't say at all and just... Yeah, no, I'm saying this and leaving. I don't even want to talk with you anymore about this.
  13. I'd actually consider that a good example of why you can't (even though I'm firmly in the camp that they did have a relationship... and it's kind of an opposite situation anyways). There are still people who genuinely don't know it is not considered canon, and every time it is brought up ever, there is somebody who has to point out that it isn't canon and doesn't matter. Which was the general point I was getting at - you will always have somebody tell you you're wrong. I could choose not to accept this new Toa Mangai of the Green, for example, and lament in some future topic about how we never had more than one Toa of the Green that wasn't just an off-hand mention despite being an extra element featured relatively early on compared to others added like Iron or Psionics. There will be somebody that will show up to tell me there is. And it's not like I didn't know that, but feigning ignorance doesn't get that point across and can be even counterproductive. You can't just pretend not to know and still discuss the subject. ~|ET|~
  14. These same people are also probably the ones who constantly lampoon issues like those that arose in Assassin's Creed Unity, yet it's because of them that developers are rushed by publishers to push things out so quickly. In this particular case, I'm kinda curious what studio you're referring to in particular and their situation. (That said, I totally would complain in some issues too... Like Kingdom Hearts. It's been almost 10 years since KH2 and a real continuation, and until a year ago nothing was ever being said than "we'll work on it eventually." Which isn't a very satisfying answer. After an amount of time like that, while knowing something is supposed to happen, I think the frustration is justified.)
  15. If it's truly original pieces, what's the harm? You could come up with something pretty useful or neat. ~|ET|~
  16. If lack of contrast is what bothers you, I'd think the Protector of Jungle's mask would be your least favorite, since it not only uses two green colors, but effectively uses solid and transparent versions of the exact same shade of green. Whereas at least the Protector of Water's mask uses two visibly different shades of blue. ...It does? I genuinely had no idea that it did. Maybe it's just the lighting in the pictures in the reviews (the ones for the Protector of Water are darker than the Protector of Jungle...), but it looked to be a lighter shade than the solid part... Or maybe it is just that it's lighter than the blue and lets more light through in general that it didn't bother me at first. But now it does, thanks. ~|ET|~
  17. Ugh... As much as I was turned off by a show starring Slaine for season 2 after growing to truly despise him, making those changes to the ending of Aldnoah.Zero are just so much worse. Also, Naruto. Naruto, man. I get it. You need filler to stretch things out. I even get the movie tie-ins - the last one was actually pretty funny and I enjoyed it. But this one, and being two episodes at that, was still mostly reused flashbacks. And just boring. GAH! Get on with something already please! Actually progress through the story and don't become Bleach... Psycho Pass 2 has just been confusing me more than the first season. At least by the end of that I felt like I had a good grasp on everything going on. Here it still just seems like a convoluted mess and we're almost over. I'm interesting in what contradictions you're seeing exactly, Terminus. I definitely don't remember everything that they established about the world before to notice them all, but they could explain my general confusion.. ~|ET|~
  18. The turbines on this Protector really give it a very unique look amongst the others that I really like. And its use of the launcher makes it look like a device that would help propel you through the water as well, which works great. Those aspects and its slimmer, more streamlined build really convey a person used to traversing (maybe living in?) the water. It all works as a package wonderfully for me. My only issue with the Protector of Water is oddly the mask. It's the least interesting to me due to using two blues. Still a great mask design and the transparent/solid blend is still cool, but some other color for a real accent might have been cooler. ~|ET|~
  19. We're getting close! Probably time to start stalking TRU for street date breaking heh. ~|ET|~
  20. First, thank you. Second, my problem with that lies here: We don't know its real status. Its seemingly large numbers (I really should see if we can get an estimate on them...) might imply otherwise. But we really don't know what they were made for. Still seem rather prototype-like to me, and since I just went through and deleted some that probably were... ~|ET|~
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