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Not Quite Dead

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Everything posted by Not Quite Dead

  1. IC: Ezezko - Open Skies Perhaps he should ram the vehicle to gain their attention and/or check for signs of life. Instead he settled for landing next to it, kicking his feet up on the dash and relaxing with the best Blondie impression he could manage pasted on his face.
  2. IC: Ezezko - The Failed Testing Grounds Uh. It was getting really awkward. He hadn't been hailed or anything and he was aimlessly circling above the improvised grave of the test pilot. Waiting for something. Big Red and suspiciously nice girl had entered Hakkzan's craft. Maybe he was kzzzzplaining his actions. Maybe they'd all be killed and made to disappear for their involvement in this covert op gone bad. That'd be kinda neat.
  3. I hereby solemnly vow to make mafia great again. We're gonna build a wall and make the scum pay for it.
  4. Switching from Nato to Smoke Monster. Multihangs are STUPID.
  5. Where do deadly bugs come from? Australia. Voting for Nato.
  6. IC: Ezezko - The Testing Grounds "What the **** was that for?!" He exclaimed to no one in particular.
  7. I was trying to win, and I would have if I didn't kill myself for the coup de grace.
  8. IC: Ezezko - Testing Grounds One pilot took a longer little to respond than the others, both metaphorically and literally. While Big Red and the suspiciously nice Skrall eyed the prototype, he was still bewilderedly looking around in the air and reestablishing his sense of equilibrium. So, it took him a moment more to notice the big spider crab mech thing. He was sort of unimpressed. He was expecting an underground sandworm-esque beast of a vehicle, completely unfeasible but cool that fired energy from its gaping sawteeth rimmed circular jaw. That would've been really cool. In actuality, he just sort of nodded dumbly, turned For Hire to face the mech and let off a volley of shots at it.
  9. Me and because you're too smart to live
  10. Never do this again. Ever. Bad secret role. BAD. Onaku got swerved hard
  11. Good showing we had, fellow Piraka.
  12. IC: Ezezko - Sky The greatest living pilot never even thought to dodge the invisible ball of force. It hit his craft head on, sending it a spinning and twirling and his head a pounding. And maybe a little bit of his stomach a retching. A scant moment later, through some timely used of his omni directional thrusters, he'd straightened out For Hire and was wildly looking around, both to see if anyone else had seen that embarrassing display and to possibly spot the prototype...
  13. Shadowvezon is obviously Tuyet. Voting Shadowvezon.
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