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The True Zedd of BZPower

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Everything posted by The True Zedd of BZPower

  1. I've been thinking of making a Hipster Toa."I don't use elemental powers because they are SO main stream.
  2. IC:Chimera grunted again. "Well, we are on the island of Mata Nui. The region we are in is Ta-Wahi, and the village is Ta-Koro. there are five other Wahi regions, each with a corresponding Koro village. Plus the Kumu islets on the southern tip, and the Great temple of Kini Nui in the center, where I know Makuta has a lair." Chimera paused to take a breath, this Toa was clearly not disturbed by his appearance, which somehow made him more trustworthy. "I go by the name Chiemra by the way." he said, holding out his hand. Twiak laughed. "Watch what? My feet, the sky? Do you want to watch me sequel in pain? Kyahaha, because that's what I always want see, kyahaha."
  3. I'm playing as two completely one-dimensional archetypes. Innovation!
  4. OOC: Speak for yourself Xeren, Twiak is on the evil side of neutral. IC:Chimera looked at the figure who called out to him and grunted. "Not sure what I can help you with, I'm just a traveler, or mercenary, or bounty hunter or whatever it is you want to call me." Twiak looked at the Toa and at the figure, his grin spreading. "Toa good with fly's." He cackled, eating one of the many fly's buzzing around him. OOC: Logging out for a bit, back in about three hours.
  5. All this infighting. Everypony needs to lover and tolerate each other to DEATH!
  6. Chimera is also in that clinic, somebody talk to him. he's lonely.
  7. IC:Chimera was frustrated, he did not know why but he felt like something was needed.Getting up, Chiemra overheard the other bar customers talking about a clinic, deciding that's what he need, Chimera marched off to the hospital..which luckily was not very far.Upon entering the building Chimera waited, he needed pills..something to clear his head.
  8. OOC: I should probably point out that the fire would have been going on for at least 5-10 minutes. There is no way Chimera ran all the way back into the forest in less than a minutes. IC:Chimera sipped his drink. OOC: Gah, i'm bored.
  9. Are you a Brony? do you want to meet other brony's and become part of an elite group? Well here is your chance! I will posting a list of every Brony (MLP fan) on this very blog page. For the vets, nice to see you, for the new comers: --Calamity-- Zerothemaster Vinyl Scratch lunaticCircuitry Evex is back baby YEAH ckmc Daiker Skarloth Pinkie Pie Zatth Necro Rarity Laughin'Man Pinkamina Diane Pie Utah The true Zedd of Ponypower
  10. Actually, I will make the blog post anyway. That way we won't have to keep reposting the list every time somepony new comes along
  11. *Deep breath*I will do it. I'll make a blog post to keep track fo everything, and everypony can PM me saying their dedication. EDIT: Beaten!
  12. I agree with every pony, we should make one. As for my Brony story, I saw it as a big fad on another forum, watched one episode, watched another, and then I...changed.
  13. IC:Chimera had walked back to the village..probably not a wise choice considering he just tried to burn down somebody's shop-but guessing that nobody was able to see him, he was fine. besides he needed to spend his gold on something.He walked into the Inn and booked room, before heading to it's tavern and ordered a drink. he would be here awhile. OOC: Chimera open for interaction.
  14. Really it's just the first two episodes you have avoid if you don't want an overload of friendship and tolerance, the rest of the episodes are fine.Same argument could also be applied to the first two episodes of season 2, but they should be watched because Dischord is all kinds of awesome.
  15. IC:"I prefer it when they squirm." Twiak cackled, stumbling over to the Matoran. "Just a little bite..." OOC: Going to class in a bit, so do whatever you want with Twiak for now.
  16. "I can save you.""Ignika spoke! he can talk! He can talk!""I can SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!"
  17. To get one topic, I admit that it is hard to not quote several meme's at once whenever i post now. BZP's rules are so much more rigid and strict than other forums that it makes everything hard to get used to.
  18. You were to caught up in it's awesomeness and you did not realize it was funny, don't worry we understand. Pony's 4 life.
  19. Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo~ Rainbow Dash always dresses in style. That is all you need to know.RAINBOW DASH ALWAYS DRESSES IN STYLE!
  20. Images with censored words are not allowed, either. - WW
  21. OOC: Twiak and Lost (Xeren Ozone) from Le-Wahi IC:The figures in the streets, and even the beings in the forest did not see this coming. Spiraling down from who knows how far above, were two Toa Canisters. Fused together in an attempt for the two being inside to stay together.CRASHThe inhabitants in the street were immediately distracted by the dual-canister crashing down into some poor saps house, destroying the small hut from the velocity.One canister opened and out stumbled Twiak, swinging hiss word aimlessly, he looked over and saw two beings in the street. Twiak stumbled forward a couple steps, stopped, threw up some horrible green vomit, and then collapsed on the street before letting out a shrill laugh."FUN FUN, hurt yes..but more..kyahaha. where we now?" OOC: if this goes unnoticed then I will be diasapoint. "What else do you need me to-" Chimera was cut off by a loud crash he heard coming from the direction of the village. "What the Kharz was that?"
  22. IC:Seeing the store being engulfed, Chimera knew his work was done. He wa snot to thrilled about having to do this, but the owner was fine and that was all that mattered.He ran off from the village and entered the forest again, following the signs as before Chimera soon came to the workshop."Tiberiam!" He called out. "The job is done."
  23. IC:Chimera cursed in frustration under his breath. he looked at the owner facing away from him, and then looked at his harpoon gun. "Ah forget it."WHACK.Zyckel was lying knocked out on the floor, Chimera holding his gun backward."Sorry about this." he said, grabbing crates from outside. The commotion allowed him to noticed quickly without being seen. Placing the crates around the shop, he broke one of them and put it in the forge, setting it on fire. "Sorry again."Throwing the wood chunk into separate pieces, he chucked all of the burning wood into the other crates, which immediately started to catch fire.Working quickly, Chiemra grabbed Zyckel from the floor and pulled him outside, making sure to knock down all the displays as he did. theyw ere metal, but it was still worth it to make the mess.Zyckel was already stirring when the flames started to intensify. "Sorry again." chimera whispered, running into an ally and activating his Huna. OOC: That was fun.
  24. IC:Chimera saw the fight going on in the street and wondered if it was possible to get Zyckel out of the store to get cover.Deactivating his Huna, chimera ran back in. "You should find safety, those two dragons look like trouble."
  25. IC:Chimera stood behind the shop, looking at the wooden crates."These could be useful, but if I want to use that forge then I have to get the owner out. I need a distraction of some kind but what could I do..."
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