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Everything posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. I love cats. :3 And no, I don't think I did. Resend, please and thank you? ^^ ~Nikira BTW, I never got my cat declawed... So yeah, every so often I'll have a scratch or two on my body... And sometimes on my wrist... which is always awkward. XD TMD
  2. XD. And that's what makes cats so awesome. They aren't afraid to attack you one second and look at you all cute next. Cats, . Psst... Did you get that PM of mine? TMD
  3. Dude, grab Jars of Clay's Christmas Songs too... It's a terrific CD. TMD
  4. Take what you can, give nothing back. TMD
  5. This person is a brilliant musician. u_u

    That's why I hired him.


  6. Ta-metru_defender


    I know what you mean... I got a scholership into a Christian Private School here thanks to my status as a missionary, so that's fine. But, a bunch of the other kids, especially in my class, are flippin' rich. I don't hang out with my class' core much, they're very... close? and snobbish. I haven't been able to make any really good friends in my class (except for this other new guy). It does get annoying, trying to co-operate with people who are a class above you and don't understand what it's like to have to budget yourself. I think the point of that whole paragraph was that it's everywhere -- in churches, schools, chances are at work too. People who are richer don't understand what it may be like to not be able to have everything. @LK: "I am opposed to millionaires -- but it'd be tempting to over me the position." -- Mark Twain TMD
  7. Ta-metru_defender


    Yay, that means I'm the first place entry too. ...XD EDIT: Dang, you're winning by a landslide. O_o TMD
  8. Ta-metru_defender

    2008 Faqs

    Waaait...? Makuta? When was this announced? TMD
  9. His birthday's on Halloween? Creepy. XD ~Nikira Naw, the 29th. TMD
  10. Heh... You're one week younger than Motago. XD TMD
  11. ...well I named my cat 'Kit'. u_u ... XD TMD
  12. Well... Van Gogh cut his ear off, XD. TMD
  13. Especially on PizzaMmhmmI hope soIndeedNay, there are only 10, those who speak Binary, and those who don't.I've gotta agreeIt was canceled?I would assume soBiking > Walking
  14. *looks at picture* Heh, it reminds me of Aarhus, which is also in Denmark. Enjoying the lovely Europeon climate and the stuff that comes with it (Haribo, Fizzy Water, etc)? TMD
  15. Ta-metru_defender

    100 Songs

    Only 100? I've got over 560. TMD
  16. There's an unrated F4? XD TMD
  17. Ta-metru_defender


    Dude, I ALWAYS ask for a diet water... Gotta watch these 55-60 Kilos. =P TMD
  18. Long bus/car/plane rides = peh. Unless you've got a good movie playing, or a good person to talk to, or a good book or Full Metal Alchemist on your iPod... But otherwise, pleh. BTW, welcome back to the strange place called 'ceeveeleezayshun' TMD
  19. Then pudding leads to a 3 course meal at a fancy, expensive restaurant. And guess what? You're paying. -Omi Which is reason number 4 why I'm not dating in High School. TMD
  20. Dude, Dokky should have all of those. TMD
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