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Everything posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. Why on earth are ye repeating 'Xi' over and over again? Xi, when used with the symbol Huan becomse like. Interesting. Because I needed a character on my computer that would come up as a little square. Happy? Very.
  2. Can I join, cap'n? Or is there something against Whales in the crew? TMD
  3. Ta-metru_defender

    O Rly

    *TMD inches forward, a blade held by a blue hand at his back* Okay, I'm posting. *runs off*
  4. Ta-metru_defender


    ...a time to tear down and a time to build... Indeed KIE. Oddly, I was just looking at that yesterday... Agreeing with KIE here BInk, very well put. Very interesting how the choices of a few people so impacted the world... TMD
  5. I'm sure it's not as good as MY design, eh? TMD woz 'ere
  6. Heheh, most of my friends are scatterd around the world. Singapore, Finland, UK, Germany, China... It's endless, lol. TMD woz 'ere
  7. Hey Mog, did you try any seviche in Peru? And I personally have fond memories of the drivers there, XD. TMD
  8. Practicing tossing a(n American) football around with Zarai a while ago I realized something, I can't throw one properly to save my life... TMD stared down the rows of armed executionors. Here he was destined to be executed for reasons that he himself did not know. He had been told that his sole bid for freedom would be based on his failure. The minutes tick by. A sole bead of pespiration slips slowly down his neck. On the far side of the chamber a door slides open - slowly TMD notes. Out walks a man dressed in a uniform similar to the others. A medal and stripe on his chest marks his supierior ranking. The man is carrying something behind his back. TMD waits for what seems like eons as the engimatic being walked to him. In one swift movement the man drew an object from behind his back. An official size football. TMD's eyes widened noticibly. "It's a football as you can see," The enigma stated sourly. "Your life will be spared if you can throw it four yards. Properly." A cold grin creeps across his face, the room tempreture drops noticably. TMD takes the oval learther-clad object in his hand. He gauges the weights. He waits a few moments, does a series of test throws. The enigmatic man's smile grins considerably. TMD hefts the ball up and throws. His arm swings forward, he adds a twist and releases the ball. TMD and the rest of the crowds' gaze follows it. The ball swings and wobbles like an injured sparrow. Darn A gunshiot fires. It's over. TMD
  9. Spiffy Tirakki, spiffy... Real quick, my Blog's name has been changed, so, yeah. TMD
  10. If I could I'd probably go for dark red streaks... And then shove my fish-hat on. TMD woz 'ere
  11. Ya mind getting pics of the modification? I'd like to see it. TMD
  12. Definately the theme song. XD. Not my favorite tune, too corny. XP TMD
  13. Ah, helping at the VBS is alot of fun... THe food was good whne I helped out. Zarai and me were helping in the recreational division, so we helped with Dodgeball and what have you. XD And good luck on your art! TMD
  14. Lolzors Bink, sounds like you have -alot- of fun whenever a new LEGO mag comes in. XD BTW Bink, if it's not too pushy, how old are your kids? TMD
  15. XD! That's awesome. Very cool job there. Hm, maybe add in some SPAM enemies? I assume your weopen is the Spammer Hammer? TMD woz 'ere
  16. Sounds good. Maybe if you included pictures here and there, it would add another level to it, no? TMD woz 'ere
  17. You think, and I agree. It does seem quite like that at times, no? Kinda good how Pohuaki dosen't mention the names in the polls. TMD
  18. Looks cool Bink. You might wanna warn some people about the forums - they're not moderated. I assume your neccesity of somone who speaks Russian is another project? TMD
  19. Aye, the NXT does look spiffy. I knwo for a fact that my cousin will be all over it. BTW, what's with your new avatar? TMD woz 'ere
  20. Relient K, Newsboys, Soundtracks, Abba, Jars of Clay, Veggie Tales and other artists of simmilar Genre, not including Abba. TMD
  21. I agree there, one of the best ways to write stories. But do you have a basic ouytline like: Piraka arvive on Voya Nui Toa get to Voya Nui Toa loose fight against Piraka TMD
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