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Blog Comments posted by Eyru

  1. Canadians definitely have an accent: when I last visited America, I noticed that my vowels were a bit "stretched out" compared to how my friends were talking (i.e. my "about" is a little closer to "aboat"). The farther east you go, the stronger it gets.


    Western Canadians have a less distinctive accent. I live on the west coast, and while my Canadian accent becomes more pronounced when I'm tired or excited, I think I usually sound pretty American.


    As for favourite accents: Scottish, hands down.

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  2. I always recommend that everyone take a year between high school and university if they can; I don't know anyone who's done so and regretted it. It's easy to just go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing; taking some time to figure out what you want is extremely valuable.


    For example, I took a year just to work. Not only did that allow me to save up some money, but by the end of that year, I was sure I wanted to attend college. That certainty (as well as a year of "growing up") gave me the drive to work hard and ace my classes. It was for me, not for anyone else.


    Many universities allow you to suspend your acceptance (and even your scholarships, if you're offered any) for a year. This is great if you don't want to go directly to post-secondary, but you also don't want to sacrifice your offer.


    However, in the end, it's your choice. :)

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