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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Girl, you totally stole my ID idea! Congrats on finally getting BOTW! Isn't it great to see those view rise so quickly? I agree: it would be nice for some better prizes to be offered sometime. But right now, they're coming from Pohuaki's own collection and wallet, so I don't think we should complain. I can't MOC for nothing, either. They always fall apart. XD I still want a tablet. But Niki is very very poor right now. ;.; Namasté right bak to you, LK! *actually knows what namasté means and is proud* ~Nikira
  2. Nikira

    Second Day....

    Hey, dude, no prob. LK's entry rocks. Finals. Every time. I got third in AC#9 I tied for third in AC#10 I got second in AC#11 And an even closer second in AC#12 So... yeah, this'll be my first time not making it to the Final top 3. Scary. Ah, but what a faraway dream that is. Everyone knows we only have, like, 2 ACs a year. ~Nikira
  3. Yeah, I know it totally reeks compared to others, but it's the only thing my very very low budget could afford, anyways. And the only way I get it to a seventh-of-a-second frame is by taking the normal thirteenth-of-a-second and speeding it up two-times over. Yeah. Good for my flipbooky stuff. =D ~Nikira
  4. Nikira

    Second Day....

    Well, it be the second day of AC#13 voting. As of late, Lady Kopaka (Lady in the Water, 33 votes) and I (Glow in the Airfield, 35) are being whooped. Badly. By Brave_Dragon (Deep Dive, 59) Akamu (Trial and Error, 37), and Akaku Nuva (City of Peril, 43). Now, it's no surprise that B_D's stomping us to pieces, and I wasn't that shocked about Akamu's, either. Akaku, though... surprised me. This is totally personal opinion, BTW: I do not enjoy City of Peril. Not as much as others, like LK's and Roa McToa's. Though the piece itself is decent and the background texture is nice... I feel it's missing something big. Something important. I cannot put my finger on it, but something's not there that should be... something that gives it that 'wow' factor that so many AC winners' entries have... Am I the only one who thinks this...? In short, it does not impress me. Not even with its high number of votes. But, hey, it's the BZP public's choice, not mine. *had to get that off of her chest* So, yeah, unless some HUGE miracle happens, it looks like Southern Belle Lady K and I will need to wait a few more months before another shot at an AC crown. ... *braces for major retaliations* ~Nikira
  5. Nikira

    Aww Shucks...

    Don't be swayed by her awesome Southerness, dude! *drags Omi away* ~Nikira
  6. Nikira

    Oh No!

    Why of course. *has claws* *mauls Lyger with cat claws* j/k Your vote is your vote. ~Nikira
  7. Nikira

    Aww Shucks...

    You still have a terrific chance, LK. Remember: It's only the first day of voting, and since there are only 50 contestants in Hand-Drawn, the top two from each poll will go through, not just the winning one. So, yeah, it's still anybody's game... ~Nikira
  8. Nikira

    Oh No!

    I think I'm going to cry with you. We're kinda getting pummeled right now by B_D. ~Nikira
  9. Nikira

    Oh No!

    Well, it seems that Pohaki put the polls up when we all went to bed... I'm in Poll #3 ....And I'm stuck with Brave Dragon. AND Lady Kopaka... *hides under bed* Come get me when preliminaries are over, please. ~Nikira
  10. You will always be schway to me. -Omi Dude, you think (almost) everybody is schway. ~Nikira
  11. You are schway for knowing the definition of schway. -Omi And I'm schway for being schway. That's so schway, only schway people can understand. ~DudeNuva~ ...Then I guess I'm not as schway as I thought, cause that sentence kinda confused me. ~Nikira
  12. No, wait... ... He closed two. ~Nikira
  13. I think he'd be used to it by now. But yeah... the polls are not going up as fast as last contest - AC#12, they were up by around 4ish or so... *ponders this* Maybe Pohuaki just likes to see us squirm in anticipation. ~Nikira
  14. Nikira

    Snowday... Again!

    Hooray hooray for snow! But all Ohio got yesterday was a bajillion inches of rain and many, many flash floods. ~Nikira
  15. Nikira

    Eeps. Oo

    I cannot talk long, for there are thunderstorms headed my direction. I'll type fast. >> ~~~ First things first: Check out Roa McToa's AC13 entry. It. Is. AMAZING. Definetly a winner, if not a top-three piece. Y'all will like it, I guarentee. So go. Look at it. Admire it. Gawk at it, just like I did. She deserves your praise for her terrific job! ~~~ My computer is totally starting to annoy me. On top of the standard stuff, it is now blocking Photobucket, Freewebs, and Maj. MAJ, people! I was trying to view the AC entries I missed over the week, and half of them don't show up. *bangs head on keyboard* At least I got it un-done long enough to view Roa McToa's dazzler. ^^ (Seriously: Go-Look-At-It.) ~~~ And... I need to update my art.... >> << Thanks to The Inkling for keeping my topic from dying. Dude, you are totally a lifesaver. ....And... it just started pouring.... -.-;; Well, good luck in voting this week and next, everyone! Make sure to participate! ~Nikira
  16. I no like squid. I like clams. Delicioso clams. ^^ ~Nikira
  17. One more week of AC13, everyone! How are you all faring? ~~~ I just figured out how to use Windows Movie Maker to make animations. Whoo, I'm so dense! (The horrible part is is that the fastest you can have a frame up is a seventh of a second... if that's bad... ) >> << So... yeah, testing that out. I've made a couple test animations, about 20 frames long and lasting around 2 seconds. I'll be making longer ones... as soon as I can figure out why my stupid microphone isn't working. *strangles it* ~~~ Oh, and I got my two-year DramaKids International/DKI Acting Academy trophy yesterday. Along with a nifty T-shirt. Yay for T-Shirts. We'll be starting our annual class production rehearsals nest week. I totally forgot the title, but hey, at least I don't have to be a boy, like the last 5 times I've performed! *cheers* ~Nikira
  18. ...Ineedtomakeatutorailoneofthesedays... >> *ahem* It's so long! I shall comment! Paper I agree that printer paper is a major killer of color pictures, but I use it frequently when I do linearts (the texture on the paper lets me erase most pencil leads with ease, leaving a nice, clean lineart behind.) Plus, you can get a whole big STACK of it for, like, $1 at Wal*Mart. I actaully think, depending on the medium used, smooth paper might not always be the right thing. I mean, yeah, it's good for some pencil sketches and pen&ink, but some mediums, like colored pencil, pastel, et.c, need a larger tooth of paper (I use a medium tooth for my colored pencil stuff. Keeps the color better.) Erasers Kneaded erasers are wonderful for pencil. Rock on. Pencils I love drawing with HB and 2H pencils. They give nice, visible lines, and yet they're easy to erase (as long as you don't press down too hard. ) I did try an 8b pencil once. It was like working with charcoal - really soft and messy. As for mechanical pencils: Shading is pretty tough, but it ain't impossible. I did this whole pic with mechanical pencil. It can create a different feel than a regular pencil sometimes. Pens I like India Ink, pesonally, but Pigma Ink never hurts, either. I use Micron pens, about 4 different sizes. And it never hurts to have a good brush pen in stock, although they dry out pretty quickly after continuous use. >< Colored Pencils Ha-Ha. I use Crayola all the time. Honestly, I was disappointed by some of the higher-price brand colored pencils (save Prismacolor Watercolors). They did not blend as well as others. Did you also know that watercolor pencils are water soluble and can be used sorta like paints? It's true. I'm just not brave enough to try it myself. Markers I am very, very new to these, but I know that if your paper is too thin, the color will BLEED. Badly. Paints I always thought that Watercolors were the hardest paint to master... but they're pretty fun. Acrylic is very easy to get used to. I didn't get into it for a while though... My art class had me use Tempera. Tempera, of all things! It isn't hard.. just frustrating, since it only comes in, I dunno.... 6 colors... >> CG I wanna tablet, too. And Photoshop. ;_; Until that miraculous day, I will sit and fiddle with me mouse. I can't really do much in the CGing category that won't take me, like, forever. However, it is extremely helpful if you have a nice, crisp inked lineart to work with. *dies of longness* Can't wait to see your next one! ~Nikira
  19. Nikira

    New Mp3 Player

    You can always get a normal 'ol CD player, like I have. *gets pulverized* ~Nikira
  20. I like ellipses... =D ~Nikira
  21. Nikira

    Corrected Flaws

    ZOMG, he doesn't got no nose! ~Nikira
  22. I did already. Ha ha. ~Nikira
  23. Nikira


    Boo-hoo. Now we can't cheer each other on crazily like we did for AC11. ;; The thing is: I do not own ANY of the Turaga. I mean, it's totally fair and alright if I don't win. I'm used to it by now. But I would be SO happy if I got in first. ~Nikira
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