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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira


    And yet again, another Art Contest is upon us. Difficult theme, that for sure. (Not to mention that 13 is superstitiously an unlucky number. It's a bad omen, I tell you. ) Unlike last contest, however, I got my pic done really, really early. Strange, this world can be. Oh, and my guy friend didn't kill me this morning. So... hooray for odd luck? ~Nikira
  2. Even though I live in Ohio and was in massive blizzard territory this week, I didn't get a single day off of school. Homeschooling stinks sometimes... >> But yeah, 10+ inches of snow is still fun, even if you do have Civics work to do. ~Nikira
  3. Nikira

    Woot Lego

    I have a little car that goes vroom. It's just not a Lego car. ~Nikira
  4. It's cold outside. ColdColdCold. More from the negative-degree wind chill than from anything else. >< ~*~ Ah... lessee, how did my Heart Day go yesterday... Well, I got a little something for my guy-friend (not a boyfriend, cause we're not dating *shakes finger* ) for Valentine's Day. Really simple, but I know he doesn't mind. ^^ We agreed last Sunday to meet each other at the Wednesday night activities at my church, like we always do. Crummy part is, we both got snowed in under 10 inches of snow and ice yesterday morning and afternoon. With Level 3 snow warnings on top of that which made it illegal to drive anywhere unless it was an absolute emergency, going to church was out of the question. And I tried to call him, both yesterday and today, but his phone wasn't on. I'm hoping that some of this snow melts by Sunday so I can go and apologize my head off. ~Nikira
  5. I can't MOC for beans. They all fall apart. I might actually be able to come to Brickfest this time. I've got tons of family that live just south of Portland, so... yeah, maybe. If not, I'll have to wait till it pulls by the Eastern Coast again. ~Nikira
  6. Nikira


    Ugh. The flu is the worst thing. Hope you get better soon. Yay for Matau! ~Nikira
  7. Nikira


    Maybe it's cause we're from opposite ends of our country? *hugs again* ~Nikira
  8. Hooray for happiness! =D Glad to hear your day is goin' well, KIE. ^^ Passing out by paint fumes is NOT fun. Believe me, I've had it happen. O.< Maybe I can re-paint my room before I go to college next year... ~Nikira
  9. ...It's not THAT good... I think the smoothness is just pure luck, anyways. I only own about a dozen or so watercolor pencils (in the main primary, secondary, and hereditary colors.) Evrything else is, like, the colored pencils you'd buy for school back in the elementary ages, like Crayola. Never, EVER say that you can't draw, LK, cause you can. And never ever stop drawing. The more you practice, the more you learn, the better you become. I'm still learning that as well. ^^ I've actually recently been asked to do an anime tutoring job, with reasonable pay, but I dunno if I could do it. I wouldn't know where to start, for one thing. >< And I need money also, to buy a new sketch pad. Mine's only got 10 pages left. ;.; ~Nikira
  10. Nikira


    No! Nonono... *runs after her* Oh, geez, LK, you just made me feel really crummy... *hugs* ~Nikira
  11. Yes. National Treasure. It's actaully not BZP. It be the Weather Channel's website. Text-based are the best. =D Clockwork by Philip Pullman. ~Nikira
  12. Nikira

    Gone Gone Gone

    Ok, Ok, quick expliantion time: Ohio is getting DUMPED on. We got three inches overnights, and it's still coming down strong. We're supposed to get 12 or more inches by nightfall (That's a total of 15+ inches, people.) Thus, we are preparing for power outages. I will be off BZP for the next couple days because of that. Just wanted to let you know. ~~~ Oh... and one last note... Jaller Mahri's mask ROCKS. ~Nikira
  13. Nikira


    Did something eat your motorcycle?! ~Nikira
  14. Nikira


    ... ... Dudes, I DREW something!?! It's TOTALLY SURPRISING LOLZ! 8D *has a seizure* ~Nikira
  15. Nikira

    Star Wars Fad?

    Oh, it's just a little thing. It'll probably go away in a day or two. ~Nikira
  16. Dude, was that deathwish because of me and my not-ever-played-Halo blog entry....? HK-47
  17. Nikira

    I, Robot

    I haven't even heard of that book. Sorry about that. HK-47 is just totally awesome in my eyes. HK-47
  18. Nikira

    I, Robot

    That would be HK-47, premium assassin droid owned by none other than Darth Revan from Lucasarts' Knights of the Old Republic game. Magnificent fellow. You just have to ignore the fact that he's pretty much plain evil. HK-47
  19. Nikira

    I, Robot

    Dudes, I think I've joined the SW bandwagon. oO Fear my blaster rifle. Ha-Ha.
  20. Nikira

    Death By Xbox

    Their completly off-the-topic titles are what makes them one of my more favorite bands. Ours is all shiny and glittery and crunches under your feet. Haha. Game controllers are also not built to be weapons of mass murder. Well... not real-life mass murder. HK-47
  21. Nikira

    Valentines Day

    February 14th is always a bummer for me. I never get anything other than the fun little paper valentines from the 2nd-3rd graders I teach. ;.; ~Nikira
  22. Nikira

    Death By Xbox

    Nope. Too violent of a game to be used in my household. ~Nikira
  23. Nikira

    Death By Xbox

    I learned a valuable lesson on Super Bowl Sunday: Never... EVER... tell a group of total Halo fanatics that you have never played Halo or Halo 2 before. They will more than likely run you out of town and try to behead you with their Xbox 360 controllers. Same goes for Final Fantasy and the Wii. Except they'll kill you with Playstation controllers and the cool white sticks. >< *rubs bruises on top of head* ~*~ Hey, look, I've finally shown my sorry face in the forums again! Life has been really really busy as of late, and I haven't had any time to do anything here, besides glance at the news every Saturday. This lack of time has brought me to the decision to shut down my requests list for my art topic. I do NOT have the time right now to even work on my own projects. I'm sure, eventually, I'll be able to bring it back up, but for now, it'll be closed. I'm just glad that my art topic isn't totally dead right now. ^^;; *goes out to play in the lovely snow* ~Nikira
  24. Nikira

    In Trouble.

    My important piece of advice to you: ALWAYS ask your parents first and get their okay. Always always always. *shakes finger* I had the same thing happen to me (minus the talking-on-de-phone thing). Got kicked off of MSN, AIM, and a whole bunch of other stuff. >< Oh, and second piece of advice.: Don't listen to Omi about 20ish posts back. Lying is the LAST thing you want to do. Hope to see you back soon. ~Nikira
  25. Well, hey, I haven't been here for a bit. Stupid Civics, with all your branches and judicial junk.... >< I was going to stop by yesterday, but I wasn't home half the day. ...Oh... a reason... that's right, a reason. Uh... let's see, where did I put... aha! *clears thoat* My mother took me and my sister to Easton, about 5-10 minutes drive from Columbus and about a 40 minute drive from our place. Easton is best known for its shopping center. I no longer ponder why this is. The place is HUGE, almost big enough to be a town all its own. There's tons of stores that everybody knows, tons that I'd never even seen before, a two-story McDonalds and a Multi-Screen AMC Theatre. Lots of the well-known stores were, like, twice as big than their normal counterparts. (The Barnes&Noble has almost 3 levels, for crying out loud.) Well, yeah, I kinda got lost. Twice. And it stunk, cause it was wet and cold and rainy when I got lost. And my umbrella kinda wasn't helping me. ;.; I can't help it. I'm a terrible remember-my-directions person. I got lost while walking my dog in my own development for almost 3 hours, just cause I took a right instead of a left. Yeah. I'm THAT bad... Ah, well. I got some neat stuff. Neatest of which is Bionicle Legends #6: City of The Lost. Awesome book. Cliffhanger ending. Gotta love it. ^^ (I dunno if the spoiler warning for this book are off or not... I'm not sure...) So, yeah, that's where I've been. I'll probably be away next week, as I have exams to study for. That includes Civics. See me jump for joy. ~Nikira
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