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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Na. Lego.com has not been my friend nowadays. ~Nikira How so? I did a couple online set orders from them that were only halfway delivered; that is, only half of the order actually reached my house. Never found out where the rest went. Also, I get the parts free if I use the phone. ~Nikira
  2. I wub Yoda. He's so confusing. ~Nikira
  3. Na. Lego.com has not been my friend nowadays. ~Nikira
  4. NOTE: This has NEVER happened to me before. Until yesterday. I got Vezon and Kardas yesterday. At a bargain, too: only $25 at Target's after-Christmas sale. So, yippee-yay, I was all excited to get him built. Poured out the contents of the box. Got to building. Well, lessee... I got about halfway done, I guess: I had just finished his legs, when I realized something. I was missing pieces. "Hmm... Nvm, let's keep building, maybe they'll show up." Turns out, I was missing several pieces. Big silver ones, too. (The main wing pieces, Fenrakk's head armor piece, and two pieces to finish up the legs.) Yes, I scowered the box. There we no signs that it had been opened previously, and all the bags were factory sealed. So... yeah, called the fancy LEGO assistnace number that I've never, ever had to use before, sat on hold for, like, forever, and got an order in for replacement parts. Thankfully, I marked down the part numbers before I called, so I didn't have to go flailing through the pamphlets to find them. Whee. So now Kardas sits, an incomplete blob, for 7-10 days while I wait for my order to get here. >< At least Vezon looks happy. He gets to talk to his alternate self (the other Vezon from Vezon&Fenrakk set) all day. ~Nikira
  5. I dun't start till Thursday. Hee hee hee. Then again, I have a dentist appointment that same day. Rats. ~Nikira
  6. Artpad ain't all bad. I've seen several pics that were very well done, like LehvakLah's Krana Lewa. Remarkable program when the right people use it. But I agree about it being overused nowadays. It seems I can't go in BA1 now without at least 5 Artpad topics blocking my view. >< ~Nikira
  7. Nikira

    Congrats To Lee

    I may actually be able to go to Brickfest 2007 over in Portland. Maybe I can meet him there. Yeah, a hearty congrats to Lee! *applauseapplause* He's definetly an amazing contribution to the news crew of BZP. ~Nikira
  8. Sometimes BZP forums annoy me. Like today: I'm on for 25 minutes and I encounter more than 90 board messages... oy. >< So, for the QUESTION OF THE HOUR: How has your BZP browsing been as of late? Bad? Good? Akwardly normal? *ahem* Ah... yeah, happy new year! Only 359 days until Christmas! *gets buried under pile of rotten tomatoes* ~Nikira
  9. Mm-op went the little green frog one day Mm-op went the little green frog Mm-op went the little green frog one day And his eyes went Mm-op mm-op-op Beep-Beep went the big red truck one day Splish-Splash went the little green frog And his eyes didn't go Mm-op no more Cause he got all eaten by a dog Woof-Woof There we are. Poetry. ...And ellipses... ...ACK! I forgot an emoticon! Uh... gottathinkgottathink... ~Nikira
  10. I never did pass the second one for PC. I think I was missing... oh, I dunno, probably about 30 lums or so. I had all the cages... Rayman has no arms and legs., he defies all laws of physics and science, and his best friend is a walking frog-mushroom thing. Who's to argue if he plays sports with his torso? ~Nikira
  11. Nikira

    Christmas 2006

    Your Christmas morning sounds so much like mine - I went to bed at 11:30, woke up at 12:30, played Game Cube until 3:00. Unlike you, I blacked out around 3:30 while watching MoL. Nice to hear that your umbrella's finally replaced! It seems like everytime I hear about the old one (like on the 22nd), it wasn't doing you much good. Happy rest-of-your Holidays, Spirit! ~Nikira
  12. *waves frantically* I remember! I REMEMBER! [flashback] *Larry and Lunt dancing with disco lights* "Moo moo shoo moo moo moo moo shoo shoo" [/flashback] I need to get that CD for my dad. ~Nikira
  13. I cannot view it, for, alas, it is blocked on my Internet browser. ~Nikira
  14. Link Yeah, I got Rayman: Raving Rabbids on GameBoy for Christmas. It's tons of fun: I get to beat up rabbits all day long. And I got colored inking pens. So, voila, some Rayman fanart somethings! ~*~ Oh, and a great big hearty (sorta late) congrats to Makaru, the new FA! *applauseapplause* ~Nikira
  15. Hey, MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Mountain and Pacific Time... Merry Christmas in a couple hours!) ~*~ Okey-doke, it's 1:41 a.m. E.S.T, Christmas morning, and I'm totally exhausted from yesterday... And I just can't seem to get to sleep...Seriously. It's like... I'm being watched... I betcha Anti-Santa's mad at me or something. He sent his mischeif elves to make sure I don't get to sleep so I don't have a happy Christmas with my family! Bleh... Maybe I'll sleep better on the couch. -.-;; Anyways... *goes into Jimmy Stewart imitation* "Merry Christmas, y'ol Savings & Loan!" *bell rings* Yay Clarence! ~Nikira
  16. Nikira

    Blog Dedication

    Hear hear, considering that at least three of these wonderful souls has stopped at my household this month. ~Nikira
  17. Agh! I'm blinding myself! It's too BRIGHT! *dies* *mutters* Ihopethisisworththeroubleofmelosingmysight... ~Nikira
  18. It's in the 30's right now, and Ohio's supposed to get snow by tomorrow evening. Har har. *rofl at paranoid carol* ~Nikira
  19. Happy Christmas Eve Eve!... Day... Eve... uh... ~Nikira
  20. Yay for daily comments! Here, you can have some, Dok. It's got walnuts in it. Makes it really, really rich and delicious. ^^ ~Nikira
  21. ZOMG No way! Where in the world would I keep it? ~Nikira Well I didn't wanna spoil the surprise, but I got you a stable to put the pony in. -Omi Omi, you spoil me so. ~Nikira
  22. ZOMG No way! Where in the world would I keep it? ~Nikira
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