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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    One of my fellow classmates is not doing too well.
    He's a wonderfully smart guy - high grades in all of his classes, pretty sure he was eligble for Dean's List next semester. He attends three of my classes, as well as having previously been my bowling partner back in January/February. Really quiet in large groups, really talkative in a bunch of two or three.
    He already wasn't able to return to school. Like I explained a few entries ago, because of our state pulling out all private school funding, many students are not able to come back. He is one of those students. He was doing really well and his grades were high, but the amount of money he was losing would be almost impossible to regain.
    So yeah, he was already a little down these last few weeks of school.
    Then he vanished from classes for the last couple days.
    Nobody knew where he went.
    Until today, when he emailed all his professors.
    Apprently his mother died on Wednesday morning, quite suddenly. She has been put on a ventilator for some small breathing problems earlier in the week, and then she just... died.
    My classmate is completely, emotionally wrecked right now. He has given up on finishing school, even though we only have two weeks left, and he says he never wants to come back.
    If you could, please, keep him in your thoughts and prayers today.
  2. Nikira
    This is what happens when Niki doesn't sleep well for four days straight:
    She apparently sleep-types.

    This is the last page of notes for my first class today. These were all correct, English words in my head when I read them in class.... until I took a short nap and re-read over them (or at least, read over what I could - there's only two correct sentences in that whole mess, apparently. X_x)
    Guess what kind of homework these utterly failed notes are from, and you get a cookie. I can also post a translation if people want.
  3. Nikira
    Hey, whaddayaknow, I finally finished Vezon & Fenrakk.
    Vezon: It's time to practice good oral hygiene! *pulls out giant toothbrush and starts brushing Fenrakk's teeth* Isn't that right, my pet?
    Fenrakk: <Prrrr>
    Speaking of oral whatchwatsits:
    I have to go to the pediatrician sometime next month. Why? Cause I have to go through all these tests, just to get a jaw surgery done (I have a Class 3 Underbite with some other thing I can't remember. Only two of my teeth actually touch). Not to mention a jaw surgery that was supposed to happen 2 years ago, but the insurance company was stubborn (they rarely accept claims that have anything to do with the word 'teeth'), so they wouldn't pay for it.
    What'll happen if this claim gets up and going:
    First, I'll have to go in and get all four of my wisdom teeth removed from my jawbone. I'll go through recovery for, I dunno, a couple months. Then I get braces to straighten my teeth (They're curving inward, sorta like snake's fangs). Then I wait a year. Then I go in for major jaw surgery, where they cut my top jaw through the sinuses and move it forward, and cut my bottom jaw all the way off and move it backward.
    Ouchies. O.<
    Then I'll go through about 5 months of recovery, and then I'll finally be able to eat on both sides of my mouth!
    I want to strangle our insurance company.
  4. Nikira
    Hey members.
    Quick comment.
    If you want to stay friends with someone -
    Learn to forgive and forget.
    It's important to kinda nudge our friends in the right direction if they make mistakes, yes.
    But no matter how big the mistake is, if the person apologizes, forgive. Then forget - that doesn't mean bring it up later. Learn to let it go. Clutching onto a negative memory doesn't make you a better person than everyone else.
    Holding onto something like that just causes resentment and bitterness and all sorts of messes on all sides involved - being a true friend means sharing trust with another person and knowing that everyone (yes, including your uber-cool, "perfect" friends) makes mistakes.
    Also, having the mindset of "well if they won't forgive me, then I won't forgive them" is not superior. It is arrogant and selfish.
    Prick that ego of yours, let it go, and for goodness sake, get on to the better things in life! Like real friends. Real friends are better than overly prideful ones.
  5. Nikira
    It seems that prices for private schools are going up quite a bit.
    And at the same time, private school state funding is plummeting. Like a rock.
    The incoming freshman class - the largest group we have ever had, at about 1,700 - is getting some of the best financial aid the school has to offer.
    In contrast, over half of our existing student body (1800+ students) have been told by financial aid that "you are not going to be able to come back", and will be either transferring to a public school or scrambling to find some means of money over the summer. Means of money is usually about 6 - 12K, out of pocket.
    Half of my friends are in that latter category, and their GPAs are not high enough to get them at least a little bit of extra cash (which requires you to be Dean's List or higher).
    I'm almost in that latter category. I need to literally ace everything for the next 7 weeks to even think about keeping some of my scholarships.
    This is not cool at all.
  6. Nikira
    Gotta love spending the whole break and weekend and a very long night slaving away on a huge, giant, 20-plus-page monster paper of doom...
    ...and then getting an e-mail in the early early early morning the day of, saying it was rescheduled.
    The feelings of Niki are confused as to how to respond to this. 8|
  7. Nikira
    I ate decent fried chicken for the first time in months. Yum. I ate decent beef for the first time in months. Double yum. I ate decent food for the first time in months. Cafeteria food is icky and blah after a while. I'm actually sleeping for more than 4 hours a night. Very glad for this, as I was so sleep deprived last month I could barely function. FREE LAUNDRY AND NO WAIT. ...stop giving me that funny look, Smeag. :| CAT. :3 This one is important. Seriously. Ask Smeag. Or Tufi. I FINALLY got Takanuva Titan. Leg articulation stinks (I like Mazeka better as a 2008 box set), but I've wanted him for quite a while now. <3 No homework... well, sorta. Not as big of a homework load as I thought this time around, although I have a fairly large project (about 23+ pages total) due when I get back. Plus some research thing that I haven't even gotten my assignment papers for that is due next week. Ack. o_O; Other than that, the amount of work is pretty light. I finally got to go back to the doctor. He still don't know what's wrong with me even after running quite a few tests, but he ruled out quite a few things which is always good. He recommended a nutritionist, so I need to go find one of those sometime this week. Other fun stuff! It looks like I'm meeting up with a fellow BZPer sometime next week after I get back! It shall be most awesome. =D -Nikira
  8. Nikira
    Pictures are fun.
    They are less fun when you have to memorize and review over 100 pages of them (about 5-10 pics per page) for a 14-page exam.
    That's like a thousand pictures.
  9. Nikira
    It's getting very not-cool.
    Going to the doctor in a week and a half to get a bunch of tests run, so maybe that'll clear things up.
    Sorry for the unnecessarily long period of in-and-out activity - hopefully it will come to a close soon (and I can get back to my art - all my nice projects have't been touched for almost a month).
    How you all doing, I haven't seen you guys in a while!
  10. Nikira
    Can someone remind me who or what or where this magical thing called "sleep" is?
    I seem to be missing a whole lot of it lately.
    EDIT: This lack has caused me to become ill. I shall be gone for a while.
  11. Nikira
    Cause it's Friday, haha.
    1. How much sleep did you get last night?
    2. How long do you have to be awake today (Friday the 16th)?
    3. How cold is it right now (with wind chill, if any)?
    4. ???
    5. Profit!

    3.5 hours 19 hours -28F ??? More profit! -Nikira
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