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-{Lion Heart}-

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Blog Entries posted by -{Lion Heart}-

  1. -{Lion Heart}-
    So. This is the first entry. (Tries to fill up rest of white space.) Let's see, first I should say how I like potatoes. But you all must know that by now.
    Also, I got New Super Mario Bros. Yeah. :Cricket sounds:
    Oh and I also like Nachoes! Mmmmm...
    And I am gonna go see a movie later today..maybe Cars, or Superman returns or something...
    I can't think of anything else for the first entry, but before I leave, I will leave you with one question:
    What came first? The chicken or the Egg?
    ~(STILL!) Lion Heart
  2. -{Lion Heart}-
    I'll be traveling tomorrow from Brazil back to Florida since School starts next week for me. (I'm on summer vacation)
    So I won't be on for a few days.
    Oh, and if you don't like my previous entries (I don't either ) don't worry, my next ones will be better. (I hope)
  3. -{Lion Heart}-
    Has anyone seen that movie lately?
    Saw the complete Trilogy the other day.
    Ahh...good times.
    Those movies are my favorite. Part 3 is my favorite of the three.
    I wish I could build a time machine out of a delorean. But I'd need to build a Flux Capacitator and need some plutonium to generate the 1.21 Jigowatts of electricity needed at 88 miles per hour, so...that's out of the question.
    If you haven't seen them, what are you doing here?! Go watch them now! Trust me..its worth it.
  4. -{Lion Heart}-
    Man, I've just realized I haven't posted a entry in almost a year! Gotta get posting... Anyways, welcome to my blog! (Wow, what a bad beginning)
    Yeah...so, entry. Yeah. Well, in my blog, this one, that your reading right now, I'll post..stuff.
    Anyways, just kidding. Hope my other stuff is better. Here is what you'll get by reading my blog:

    -E.V.I.L (You'll get lemons*)
    -V.I.P. access into LH's comics
    -And other great stuff from the magical world with ponies, rainbows, fairies and magical stuff! :cough::cough:
    All this and more with a paid*** suscription to E.V.I.L.! Send in a stamped envelope with your name, bank account number, and social security number!
    But WAIT! There's more! Order now and receive a free potatoe absolutely free! Remember FREE! Oh, and did I mention FREE?****
    Call Now! 1800-FREE-LEMO!
    And remember FREE lemons! There FREE!
    *:You'll not really get lemons
    **:Nachoes are not really real
    ***: You don't really have to pay.
    ****:Lemons are not really free.
    *****I just added this one cause I felt like it.
    All jokes aside, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of my blog!
    ~Lion Heart
  5. -{Lion Heart}-
    Okay, here's some things that are happening right now or happened:
    -I'm trying to jump over that stupid flagpole in New Super Mario Bros. Can't...stop..playing...
    -I also got Worlds 4 and 7. Woot.
    -Working on comics, I am PLANNING on opening my new comics again.I might post some progress later on...
    -Didn't watch Cars or a movie the other day. Might watch one today since I already went to church yesterday.
    Yeah, so..yeah.
    ~(STILL!) Lion Heart
    :runs off to try to finish World 6- tower 2:
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