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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. I'd better warn Kex to re-equip his penguin armies before Tufi gets hold of those whips!
  2. Aoran


    Yes Lehatu, comics were in A1... So it's no wonder he has so many posts there
  3. Aoran

    Also On The Equator...

    You know the south would win, I mean, seriously, it has us aussies!
  4. Aoran

    A Little Excitement

    Oh boy oh boy I am exci- Now I'm bored...
  5. Yes, it is indeed wise to keep a record of important things like optimizing the database and exchanging staffies for Star Wars characters.
  6. Aoran

    Barraki Animations

    Aaaaaaaand if you hadda just come here you wouldn't have needed to go to all that trouble
  7. Aoran

    As It Stands...

    Somehow the relationship between Kex and ToM seems a little... Eerie...
  8. Aoran

    Omicron Q&a

    Before Final Fantasy, what were your 'normal' interests... If you could call them 'normal'... Is it true you are against the movement of Mouse-Spiders and their outrageous requests for world domination? Are you sick and tired of pop-ups? Muppets or Sock Puppets?
  9. I much prefer calling them Flargonegsa. Much easier. ... Oh fine, I pronounce them as mock.
  10. School isn't so bad for me. I mean, most of the day we're either burning things in science or playing games on the computer. So bleh to you.
  11. Silly America... Down here in Aussie, we go for 40 hours. Now, you try and beat that!
  12. Aoran

    You Know It

    Copper is soooo last season. What's in right now and forever is just plain ol' text. Huzzah for Retro!
  13. Aoran

    Lisa's Pizza

    I'll stick with my Australian pizza places. They have real Italian ingredients
  14. Silly Exo. Retro is cool, so use Walkmans, not mp3 players.
  15. Aoran

    Motw #1

    Kex Come to think about it, I think it could actually be a fried egg... Nah, it's Kex.
  16. Aoran


    Less spam (Annoying messages), more spam (Food). Oh, and cheese, you gotta have cheese.
  17. I remember all of those events, back when I had my first account... Shame I forgot about it
  18. What would you expect? A Library is meant to be a quiet place, and our place of Literature is no exception
  19. Pfft. Dokkypoints are sooooo yesterday. What's in style right now are pants!
  20. Aoran

    Two Blog Things

    I guess you're not going to have dinner then, Kohaku.
  21. Here's to your MOCs you may post in the future! *Raises glass of orange juice*
  22. Aoran

    More Server Fun

    Sorry to hear about LF. 'Tis a real bummer. Anyways, I'm glad you have been working on the server, making it run smoother and all...
  23. Aoran

    Jo For President

    Silly ToM. EC5 was looooooooooong ago. We currently have EC6... Dummyhead Say, can you send the snow down here in Aussie? We really could use it.
  24. Aoran

    2007 Summer Sets

    Concerning the first colourful pretty part, you said it Shiney One! Concerning the other not-so-colourful part, you ruined the year for me, Shiney One.
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