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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Uncle K.

  1. This is Fail. Just because it has similarities does not mean it's a Hau in Spirit OR DESIGN. I couldn't care less if the Mistika look like some far fetched idea of their personalities, if they're crapfilled sets then that's that. There is absolutely no likeness whatsoever in the Mistaka to Nuva. >_> Even if I pretend they aren't the Nuva and are just another Toa Team, the sets still suck. I don't get why the set designers don't understand that you don't only need the bare essentials kids want. What's so wrong with making a set that the target audience enjoys, AND have it be high quality? uk
  2. Which X I like?

  3. I meant to say SAY instead of SAW in the reply.

  4. Still nuthin, dawg

  5. So I overestimated?


  6. That always works. Especially if you get caught. Then try using that excuse again. ever. But then again, what do I know?
  7. Wow

    Is this the ninth name change?

  8. No, I was being sarcastic. Everyone knows the only social life is on BZP.
  9. Then instead of coming across as rude try proof-reading your posts. Maybe she wants to be on longer because she actually has people online that she wants to talk to. Or perhaps catch up on numerous websites. You don't know, so saying something is sad makes you the one who's sad. Also, if other people have said you come off as rude, then you should probably look into fixing it or something. *is standing up for Lady K*
  10. Maybe you should up the quality, grandma. Or ask someone younger than you. You know, someone who wasn't born ten billion years ago? Like tech support.
  11. Just because it was weird doesn't mean it was a good movie.

    But the book is extremely better. They butchered the ending and made everything messed up.

  12. I Am Legend was weird.

    I hope if I ever get rabies, it doesn't make me roar like a werewolf.

  13. Now I added some bands off the top of my head. :D

  14. Ha

    I couldn't tell


  15. Are...

    are the skies gone yet?

  16. You stole my booze!

    and chris's

  17. Watch out Chris, my Psycology teacher is stalking you.

  18. It's ensue. With an E. ...Or an S, I'm not sure.
  19. It is now my signature
  20. Uncle K.


    I hope that's not a Cabin Fever reference. uk
  21. It's super short anyway, but don't get super excited because it's pretty lame.


  23. I must be behind on my Pony knowledge then. Since when was that a name?

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