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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Uncle K.

  1. Uncle K.

    Going To Be Gone

    Was it a family friend matter or a personal friend matter? Because that does make all the difference. UK
  2. That old person looks like Popeye the Sailor Man.

  3. ELDERLY ADVENTURES? That screams awesomeness.

    And no. You are not homeschooled.

    I don't belieeeeeve you.

  4. Uncle K.

    Going To Be Gone

    Thy forums shall not be the same without your blue-y ness. UK
  5. When are you going to change your name back?

  6. How come I know Kyn Ace, Redux, and Karma Kollaps and none of the other names you've had?

  7. Someone's cranky.

    All the time.

  8. Were you qwertybarraki too? UK
  9. Uncle K.

    My Dorm...

    Fourth floor, baby. Woo. UK
  10. YOU!

    I know you. Cause I've seen you before.

  11. ecso is lying.

  12. Uncle K.

    Help Please.

    Smack 'em. Or at least tell him really maturely that you don't want to hear that kind of stuff from your own brother. ...And that he's six and you're 13. When have six year olds been old enough to make fun of people twice their age? He's like in what, first grade?
  13. You have a very strange name.

    But interesting.

  14. Uncle K.

    Oh No

    Or you know, give them a butcher knife to play with for several hours. And when you find them on the floor, give em a kick and the stop bleeding all over the gosh darn place.
  15. As cool as all of you think you are, you still got owned by Brickshelf. Except Exo, but ever since he changed his name he seems so much more rude... Give us Exo back!
  16. Oh yeah? Five days with martin AND jason.

    Beat that.

  17. and letter E.

  18. Stupid fr aking sp ace bar!

  19. Did you DRIVE? 0.0

    I've only ever driven to California from Mississippi. But stillnotfuneither.

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