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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Uncle K.

  1. I burned all the skin around my mouth off again.

    Darn French Vanilla.

  2. Oh no. I just realized. You are not Bordahk Blue. For the tenth time. I keep thinking you changed your name, even though I've seen you both a long time ago... >.

  3. Ugh. While I travel a lot (or when martin gets me a plane ticket) I hate moving. I've only done it once before, and I hardly remember it.

  4. So you moved to Ohio, or you moved to California?

  5. Uncle K.

    Bzp In Class?

    Well, I know it's not me. I don't get on BZP in any of my classes.
  6. Those emocons... they are scalding my corneas.
  7. Congrats on actually believing I am 2 years old.

  8. And I do not know how I missed the space bar.

  9. Waityouliveincalifornia?



  10. See you around.

    I should probably read some of your stuff If I ever get enough time to myself.

  11. Uncle K.

    Inspection Stress

    Ugh. HOW many kids? Gosh. I went to Jeff's church once, it blew me away, because I was used to our less than fifty chuch, and not his, like, thousand member church. It was awkward. Not even counting the children. We have what, like ten? *Crosses things for imaginary luck*
  12. Too many people with Mc before their names!

  13. Do you have a complete list of people who knew about Splee?

    So I can give it to an assassin?

  14. Uncle K.

    Summer Projects

    What kind of projects? Writing projects? I had those last year and the year before that, and BEFORE that I had super amounts of reading projects, that I wouldn't get around to until the last week of summer. Procrastination FTW Well, not this year...
  15. Uncle K.

    Another Complaint.

    Lol B_D. I blame the goverment for setting poor standards for life.
  16. Uncle K.


    The blog cheesburger one? I haven't been to there in forever. They're so cute, and non, lego-ish...?
  17. Uncle K.

    M-my Proto!

    I have five minutes to get on, and what do I do? I get on Spit's blog. How pathetic. PE isn't only a chunk of digital media, it's a form of reputation in newbie eyes. I personally think it just means that you bribed your way to premier status, but hey. Whatever floats. Good to see you're not banned.
  18. Neither! Go buy some coffee instead. That's what I would do.
  19. Uncle K.

    M-my Proto!

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you probably should respect the rules a bit more. Aaaaand that was probably too late, but whatever. You need to hear it again, dude.
  20. Uncle K.

    Sorry People

    Wait, I just got back right as the Mudkips (what the heck) was over, and I don't even know what happened. Mudkips is a pokeman right?
  21. Welcome. It's cozy here. BZP often welcomes newcomers, except for the few people who just act dumb. :P

    May I recomend the art forum...? It's getting better, since the deletion of Sprite comics.

  22. I've been to Berlin! It was cold there. Or at least the week I went it was.

  23. Meant to Live is good with big loud sterio speakers. Mmmm. ^_^

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