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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Uncle K.

  1. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Quick Fruitomech! To the other bunkers before time runs out! *time runs out* Darn.
  2. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *mind asploded in explosion* *confused* *decides to help biofruitomech* *bats away strawberries with limes* ~Jamie
  3. Uncle K.

    Hey Turakii!

    Oh yeah? I made this in notepad! ~Jamie
  4. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Quick Nikira! We must scheme! *infiltrates opposing bunkers with Nikira* *lights cigar* *BOOM* haha we wur far from te exwoshun ~Jamie
  5. Uncle K.

    Fruit War

    So Venomess, what happened? ~Jamie
  6. Uncle K.

    Hey Turakii!

  7. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    im sory hugz! ~Jamie
  8. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Is it just me, or is Biomech annoying? *smacked with pulpy crossfire* ~Jamie
  9. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Nikira! Let's infiltrate some of the opposing bunkers! Secretly! *infiltrates* ~Jamie
  10. Uncle K.

    Hey Turakii!

    Can May I draw the Closeteer's Closet/Bunker? That looks awesome. My stuff sucks. Even yer sketches are amazing! ~Jamie
  11. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    There must ne a cantaloupe stuck in your processor! ~Jamie
  12. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *dodges cantaloupe cannon* *unleashes death upon her enemies* *everyone dies* What? Death is a fruit. ~Jamie
  13. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Huzzah! *fights with renewed strength* *Conquers all the other factions* EDIT: WE WON, ACCORDING TO THE MAP, RIGHT?? ~Jamie
  14. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *is forgotten* ~Jamie
  15. Uncle K.

    Fruit War

    You have made enemies with the Closeteers! Whether intentionally or not. *throws deadly fruit * ~Jamie
  16. Uncle K.

    Fruit War

    That's MY huzzah. ~Jamie
  17. Uncle K.

    Fruit War

    I said Official faction. Official factions go in my blog directory. Although, if you say there's room for one more faction, I'll gladly update my blog. (because you can always over-complicate things instead of leaving them alone.) ~Jamie
  18. Uncle K.

    Fruit War

    There are no new official factions being accepted. There are three options to choose from. 1) Make an alliance with an already existing faction and set up a secondary base camp within their limits 2) Join a pre-existing faction (preferably the closeteers) 3) ignore my words and create an unofficial faction that is neither on the map or acknowledged on the official fruit war website (coming soon) ~Jamie
  19. Uncle K.

    I Agwee Fruit

    It's funny when people lie to be cool.
  20. Join the Closeteers, and not only get the fullest list of Fruit War information, but also get power privileges. Such as our unlimited magical fruit arsenal.
  21. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *retreats to safety in medical center* ~Jamie
  22. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *is forgotten* FRICKIN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ~Jamie
  23. We have the person who thought of the idea for a second war AND the guy who threw the first fruit AND the guy who hosts the battle. Can't beat that.
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