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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. So the question is, once you're in it, how do you get back out of it? And if the groove is on a record, what happens if the record gets scratched? Are you trapped forever? O_O Turakii
  2. Why am I going to Paraguay? O_O

  3. You're leaving!? D= How come?

  4. Because you're just so much fun to stalk!

  5. I feel like poking you... *Does so*

  6. Please don't headshot Turakii with your pistol when she's riding the rollercoaster in a Batman costume... =( Turakii
  7. Turakii: STALKERS Turakii: Everyone needs a stalker! Turakii: Just so long as you don't let them get a restraining order Turakii: But nice quiet stalking Turakii: That works Laughin’Man: I've stalked a number of people... Turakii: Read their entire interests list Turakii: Memorize how many friends they have Ferhago: That's hard to do Ferhago: Because they keep getting more Turakii: But you'll notice every time they get more Turakii: And then get interested in stuff they're interested in Turakii: VERY interested Laughin’Man: I'd do that if I knew what she was interested in Ferhago: I've stalked...2. And a half. Laughin’Man: Wait, a half? Oo Turakii: Which half? Ferhago: Mostly the left half Turakii: That's only slightly weird Ferhago: XP Ferhago: In all seriousness tho Ferhago: It was only for like Ferhago: Less than a week Turakii: Wow Ferhago: That's what I meant by half Ferhago: I didn't pull out like the BIG stalking guns Turakii: Okay, that makes sense Turakii: Oh, and of course reading all the conversations on her wall Turakii: Looking at all the pictures she's tagged in Turakii: Etc. Ferhago: Yeah. Although that's painful occasionally... Ferhago: The conversations Turakii: It is? Ferhago: Yeah Ferhago: Actually Ferhago: The pictures can be even worse Ferhago: Like Ferhago: When it's of the girl Ferhago: And some average millions-spawned-every-day guy Ferhago: Hugging Turakii: They don't even need to be hugging Turakii: Just sitting somewhat close Turakii: Hey, just looking at each other Laughin’Man: ... I know all too well what that's like ... ;.; Ferhago: Yeah... Ferhago: Your head fills in the rest Turakii: And you're all, "ASDFGHJ NOOOOO OTHER PERSON" Ferhago: Yeah Laughin’Man: What does she see in that stupid Daryl Sabara lookalike, anyway!? Turakii: Obviously enough to date him Ferhago: If they EVER tried to make a move Ferhago: Elaborate murder plots.. Ferhago: Oh, was that just me? Turakii: I remember really detailed daydreams Ferhago: Yep Turakii: About all his ex-girlfriends tying me up Ferhago: O_O Turakii: And then him coming in wearing a suit of armor, beating them all up, grabbing me, and emerging victorious Ferhago: I'd laugh except I'm the same way except I'm the saving part Turakii: His ex-girlfriends were always unlikeable in my daydreams... if not villians... Turakii: Or supervillians... Ferhago: Yeah Ferhago: For me Ferhago: They're always going to murder her or something Ferhago: And I always happen to have an SMG and a sword and brass knuckles Ferhago: I had that sequence down to an art Ferhago: Punch punch uppercut Ferhago: BULLETSBULLETSBULLETS Ferhago: Slash slash Ferhago: And throw them into the sunset with the end of my sword =D Laughin’Man: I always do more realistic daydreams... Like bumping into her accidentally, making her drop her purse or books or whatever, and then picking them up for her... Then making eye contact... And mutual mental <3ing Ferhago: O_o Turakii: Ooh ooh ooh... and then there was the one where I was magically at his school during Christmas and we walked into each other in a doorway with mistletoe hanging over it and his friends said, "Oooh, you have to kiss her!" so he did 8D Ferhago: =D Turakii: Which would have been realistic if teleportation and mind control existed at the time... Ferhago: XD Laughin’Man: Goodness gracious Turakii, your daydreams are so cliche! What about something clever, like seeing him/her in the library, spying to find out what kind of book they're getting, get one too, and then stand nearby and pretend to just notice they're getting the same thing you are and then starting a conversation? Laughin’Man: I've daydreamed that one multiple times Ferhago: I always imagined some kind of bizarre scenario Ferhago: Where I would have to do something involving guns and explosions Turakii: How about the one where he nearly drowned and I saved him with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Ferhago: =D Turakii: Or, if you want less cliche, when he had a life-threatening disease and I magically absorbed it and died in his stead? Laughin’Man: Or the one where I stood behind her in line at Taco Bell, she realized she had forgotten her money, and I offer to buy it for her? Then she, being very thankful, invites me to come sit with her and we talk for hours, even after we've finished our food, finally ending up setting a date for the next available weekend... Turakii: You're WAY too realistic >=O Turakii: If you're gonna reach for the stars, reach for shiny stars! Ferhago: One of my personal favorites is when I envelop the entire universe in a huge white light that destroys everything but me and her and then just hugging her... Turakii: <3! Laughin’Man: The way I see it Laughin’Man: It's funner to daydream the realistic stuff because then you realize hey, it could actually happen someday Ferhago: Psh Ferhago: The way I see it Ferhago: All that stuff could happen someday Ferhago: So why not daydream about stuff that will NEVER happen so you'll get to live more? Turakii: How about the one where you both die and become lifelong partners in heaven? Ferhago: Never had that one.. Laughin’Man: Neither have I Ferhago: It usually stops when we die Ferhago: We've both died a few times Turakii: Died in each other's arms or died kissing? Ferhago: I've died and become her guardian angel.. Laughin’Man: Sometimes I get a little bit unrealistic, all going into the heroic type of daydream Laughin’Man: Though even that's pretty realistic for me Ferhago: XP Laughin’Man: Oh wow Laughin’Man: That came out wrong Laughin’Man: Like Laughin’Man: Instead of being captured by thugs and held for ransom, in my heroic daydreams I just see her being attacked by bully or a mugger or a predator (not the space bounty hunter) and suddenly I run up and beat the heck out of him and save her Ferhago: My unrealistic ones usually involve me turning into superhuman things Ferhago: Or just flying Ferhago: And I'm like Ferhago: Hey Ferhago: I'm a guy Ferhago: WHO CAN FLY Ferhago: I like you Ferhago: Wanna go out? Ferhago: And she's like Ferhago: Chyeah. Ferhago: And then I fly off with her all cool-like Ferhago: There's this other I really love Ferhago: Where Ferhago: I have no Skittles Ferhago: And then I have skittles! =D Turakii: What about the one where you're looking through a mirror and it magically becomes a portal to their house and you see them through it and then you fall through it into their arms in their house and for some reason you're completely invisible and intangible to everyone but them? Ferhago: Sort of Ferhago: Except I don't fall into her arms Ferhago: Cuz I'm probably a bit heavy to hold Ferhago: I'd be like Ferhago: *fall* Ferhago: AAAAAAAAH Ferhago: *crunch* Ferhago: Sorry about your bones! Turakii: Maybe just both tumble onto the ground and be all, *Stare* "Uh, hey... seems I fell through a mirror, heh" Ferhago: And she's like Ferhago: THAT'S AWESOME Ferhago: Clearly, we should go out. Turakii: And falls in love! Ferhago: Yep Turakii: She realizes you are THE ONE! Ferhago: Yes! Ferhago: *A Day Late plays* Turakii: And dumps that lame guy, 'cause HE don't fall through no mirrors Ferhago: Rite Ferhago: Maybe if I'm lucky I can pump him full of bullets too Turakii: So he'll never torture another female with his pitiful excuse for boyfriendness again! Avohkah Tamer: Hey, I'm back and I read the whole chat Turakii: O_O Turakii: I DIDN'T DO IT Ferhago: NO Ferhago: IT WAS LM Avohkah Tamer: Took me like 7 minutes Laughin’Man: Ehehehehehe hi AT
  8. Really nice! I agree, it's a lot better when there's work put into it and not just a few words switched out. This way, we see more of what "Romeo" is thinking as "Juliet" waits for him. Just wondering, did you mean "adieu" here? Turakii
  9. Don't worry, no matter what, you're still amazing. =D Turakii
  10. Someone should totally make an entire Bionicle version... Turakii
  11. I'm a girl again. Happy? --- This was tyoed onluy with my lefty hasnd Tjhis wasd tyyped only with my right had hyis ayped ih my nose ...Speaking of which, which hand (assuming you use your hands) do you rely on more in typing? And which non-hand part of you would you say is the most skilled typist? [/notrandom] Turakii
  12. Hallo, I is good! How is you? And I am!? =O Can I have a link?

  13. What kind of members would we be if we let school come first? Turakii
  14. I don't. No kudos for me... D= Turakii
  15. I wish my visions were that exciting... mine are normally just about world obliteration and other boring stuff like that. ;.; Turakii
  16. Sign me up! =D HH is winsome winsomeness! Turakii
  17. I've got to say, you are incredibly lucky. This is the kind of thing that usually only happens in the craziest dreams... Turakii
  18. Haaaaaappy birthday to our favorite SZ! *Glomp* Turakii
  19. So you're the last little piggy who said, "Wiii wii wii wii wii" all the way home! ... *Cricket.* Turakii
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