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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. The first time I saw this, I thought she was referring to the giant piano things... Turakii
  2. Will I be able to play the piano? =O Turakii
  3. That is awesome! =O I especially like the eyeliner! Turakii
  4. *Applauds enthusiastically.* Congratulations! =D What did you think of it overall? Turakii
  5. Sure, it sounds like a pretty good life to you... but then, you've never experienced the inconvenience of putting your hat in the washing machine and then remembering you forget to take your head out of it first. Turakii
  6. Huuuug time! *Hugs the creepy person.*

  7. But if you post that browser-controlling Rickroll link one more time, you will be. No, I don't know how I'm going to do that either... Turakii
  8. What was that supposed to link to? oO

  9. Art is not how much time you put into it or what materials you used, but how many deep meanings randomly selected people can read into it within a five-minute time period. Turakii
  10. Me too. Let's hate everything together! =D *Links arms with you and skips merrily through the fields of tulips and roses.* Turakii
  11. So today, for a school assignment, I was required to write a short story in the form of an African folktale. I voted on going for a "Why?" story, which explains through highly unscientific means such mysterious subjects such as "why turtles have patterned backs" or "why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears." *Ahem* ---- Milk lived on a supermarket shelf with a bunch of milky friends. He was quite happy and content, and not wanting for company. One day Person came and took Milk away. Milk bid his friends a hasty but meaningful farewell, yet knew this step was necessary to fulfill his milky destiny. When Person arrived at his home, he tossed Milk on the counter and bolted to the living room to watch the latest episode of Sappy Love Overcomes Lame Scriptwriting. Milk waited patiently. Hour after hour passed, and Milk became lonelier and lonelier. He began to wonder if his destiny involved dying of boredom. Night arrived, and Person yawned, turned off the television, and fell asleep. Milk was by this time very put out. "Stupid Person!" he cried to the empty kitchen. "I'll show you! I'll show you all!" And with that, he summoned his curdling power. The next morning, Person walked into the kitchen, readied a bowl of cereal, and poured some milk over it. He stared in confused at the lumpy, white mess all over his Raisin Bran. "Huh," he said. "Serves you right!" muttered Milk. "Ha!" And that is why milk curdles. Turakii

    Don't say such horrible things! D=

  13. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


    Why is my Windows 7 not that delicious-looking? D= Turakii
  14. Windows 7 honestly isn't that different from Vista. I just upgraded a few days ago and still can't figure out the difference. Turakii
  15. To the great dismay and shock of Roodaka/Sidorak shippers everywhere, Roodaka abruptly revealed the secret love of her life: Jason the Inexplicably Giant Jack-O-Lantern. Turakii
  16. Is a wonderful lady and I would be proud to know her. =D Turakii
  17. I found the source of the ticking! It's a PIPE BOMB! Turakii
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