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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. *Gasp!* YAAAAY! *Glomp.* Turakii
  2. Just in case anyone would randomly like to see some work in progress pictures... One Two Three Turakii
  3. But you can't be, because you're a figment of my imagination! Turakii
  4. Laka -- Of course she could use a party! Everyone could use a party! Jordboy -- I totally agree. It really needs something, like more fold lines, but I just couldn't draw something that didn't look even worse. I really need practice with fabric... Kraggh -- That's okay, my first reaction sure isn't whoa either. XD I drew the whole thing on the computer, using my tablet for the lineart. Turakii
  5. No, I don't know who she is either. XD
  6. *Pets the party kitty.* Awww... Turakii
  7. Awesoooome username and banner!

  8. Hi! Nothing much... sup with you?

  9. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


    Did you glomp them? =O Turakii
  10. How dare you be bored!? <=O The horror! Turakii
  11. 1. I am as of a few days ago officially dating Toa Lhikan Hordika 2. Toa Lhikan Hordika is a guy 3. I'm not a guy 4. I'm a girl 5. The only reason my gender is set as male in my profile is because I hate pink 6. I'm not a guy 7. Honest ... I have to say, that was one question I never anticipated. XD Turakii
  12. Who said he lived near me? It's a five hour drive. =P Turakii
  13. Are plagiarizing Nikira and Smeag. =3 Turakii
  14. Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But remember, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile.
  15. Oh, sorry, I forgot. XD It's Laughin'Man/Fishy Goat-Man. Turakii
  16. 1. Homeschoolers don't get to go to dances very often. Honest. They don't. Despite their previously non-homeschooled parents assuring them they aren't losing out on much, they still feel deprived and wish they could make a fool of themselves in pretty clothes (and, in girls' cases, exceedingly high heels that put their lives at risk) at least once in their lives. So when a public-schooled friend invited me to go to her homecoming dance with a group, my general reaction could be summed up with: "AAHH! EEEEEEE! OMGOSHOMGOSHOMGOSH! INSERT HYPERVENTILATION HERE!" So right there I nearly died. 2. When one goes to a dance, they hope very much to dance with someone of the opposite gender, preferably someone who doesn't mind such conversation starters as, "So my red mage leveled up today" or "Did you hear about Mata Nui's brother stuffing him into a mask and banishing him from his own universe? Gosh, talk about a bad week!" So somehow my potential dance partner ended up being Toa Lhikan Hordika. And he's driving over here today. My general reaction can be summed up with: "EEEEEEEEEEE! OMGOSHOMGOSHWHATJUSTHAPPENEDITHINKIMDREAMINGTHESKYISFALLING!" *Falls over dead.* Turakii P.S. BLUE TEXT! P.P.S. Yes, this is one of those boring "life" entries... I apologize. ;.;
  17. Turakii is unavailable to comment at this time due to an unexpected death. Premature death was determined to have possibly been cause by a horrible pun she was reading at the time. Turakii
  18. It just gets so boring being a girl...

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