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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. Actually, I didn't mean it to be depressing. XD Personally, I find it highly encouraging that no matter how stupid-looking or crummy my drawing is... if I died, my parents would (hopefully) still treasure it just because it was made by me. ...I suppose that a rather morbid encouragement... You may carry on with your cheerful lives now. Turakii
  2. Yes. You could also call it "A Blog Entry Of Complete And Utter Fail." But hey, at least I blogged... Turakii
  3. Nope, but if we did, I'd love Black Six forever. Turakii
  4. Everything you make is limited edition. The crummy poem you shudder to look at. The little stick figures all over your math. The magic-marker doodles on your favorite shirt. That weird breakdance move that keeps straining your ankle. You are the only person on earth who can create something created by you. Others can imitate what you create, or you may imitate others, but what you do is special simply because nobody else can ever create it just like you do. And once you're gone... Nothing can ever be created by you again. Turakii
  5. *Gasp!* A turtle! =O He looks really sweet. I want to huuug him... Are those Skittles in the middle picture? Turakii
  6. I definitely vote for the stapler one. It's so random. XD Turakii
  7. Nooo! The poor thing! D= *Hugs it.* What kind of MP3 player is it? Turakii
  8. *Gasp!* *Glomps Ferret.* Also, because that picture is so awesome: Turakii
  9. I really like your avatar and banner!

  10. I'm great! And how are you doing?

  11. Your signoff is the perfect comment for that photo. Turakii
  12. 1. I know you're busy, but... (I could really use some clean clothes; could you wash my car for me; would you mind doing some brain surgery really quick, etc.) Means, "You totally don't have time to do this, but because I used this as a preface for my sentence, you'll drop what I'm doing and help me!" =D 2. I'd love to help you, but... (I'm in the middle of doing laundry; my homework's not done; my little brother's playing with a nuclear missile and I can't leave him alone, etc.) Means, "I'm trying to get out of this and sound helpful at the same time and possibly succeeding but likely (depending on how legit the excuse sounds) failing miserably." 3. No offense, but... (your hair looks like a dead porcupine; this banana is more intelligent than you, etc.) Means, "I'm totally about to offend you, but because I used this as a preface for my sentence, it's not offensive to you in any way!" ... ...I know there were more sentences like that, but they ran away.... D= Drat you, stupid blog idea... first you inspire me, then you run away and leave me with half a blog entry!? TRAAAITOR. Turakii
  13. Wait, how long did it take you to notice her new name? Turakii
  14. I just rated every blog on the first three pages five stars and only one of them actually changed. Is my rating really so minuscule? D= Turakii
  15. Even BZP itself declares you two were meant to be together forever! Turakii
  16. Congratulations, you just won the Weirdest Sprite Turakii Has Seen All Week award. Turakii
  17. Your avatar is really cute!

  18. A certain BZPer who prefers to remain nameless. (With a Hayley Williams from Paramore plushie!) If you can figure out who it is, you win twenty Awesome Points and a... uh... hug? Turakii
  19. That's okay, I'll give you all the spoilers so you won't miss out. =D ...'Cause that's what friends do! Turakii
  20. OHM'GOSH. SHINY. Especially that black piece... *Stare.* Turakii
  21. The timing for that is perfect. XD I can't wait to see your drawing! Turakii
  22. On the internet... You can carry on ten conversations simultaneously without any of the other people knowing. Nobody can interrupt you mid-sentence. You can change your appearance as simply as uploading a new avatar. No one has ever stubbed their toe on a topic. You can speak in color. Nobody ever got tired running from BZP to Wikipedia to Google to BZP to their blog to the messenger to lego.com to... Friends are added with the click of a button. With the magic of the backspace key, no one says the dreaded, "No, go ahead, I want to hear the rest of it." Emoticons show expressions you could never manage with your actual face. =3 Every time you retie your shoe, the world can know. You can brutally murder your friends with shotguns, sniper rifles, and grenades without affecting your friendship in any way. You don't get arrested for shopping for groceries in your underwear. Turakii
  23. While we're associating... You lost yourself in finding out The wonders of the world Will let you down You gave yourself to those Who never cared about your soul They only cared for their own And it seems everyone has left you... You're not alone I hear you call And I've been waiting here for you Through it all You're not alone Let me show you where your heart belongs You’re not alone You've been down the darkest roads And you know just how it feels to lose your hope But don't give up on everything When everyone has given up on you And it feels like everyone has left you I will never leave you Come back to my open arms To the only love you need You're not alone You're not alone You're not alone Turakii
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