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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Everything posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. XD is all I can laugh Lewajohnson
  2. D: I feel abandoned. Lewajohnson
  3. real dramatic Your right *waits for war* Lewajohnson
  4. This place is like poison to my eyes *sees Alena* Oh no. Her! Is there a war? *gets out mangosteen blade* I will not hug. MUAHAHA- *choke* Lewajohnson
  5. ok one 2 notes as long as you dont glomp anyone and you dont attack me lol I won't glomp you and I will TRY not you slice you in to cheder. (sp?) Lewajohnson
  6. I would like to join. And fight in the war! *brings out mangosteen blade* Lewajohnson
  7. #2 -Commando-. Lewajohnson
  8. Same here. I have waited a mouth for it, I can wait longer! You can get it up when it is set. I mean, this means a good game, so this is not bad Lewajohnson
  9. Do you have a grudge against me young man? If I did anything to offend you please tell. Why judge before you know the person. K~LL Who are you calling a young man? ... Oh, yeah. I am not mad at you with anything, no, no, Res is my friend, and I am voting for him, thats all And I know you Lewajohnson
  10. Come on, Wessy! Don't lose to this girl *is not trying to make all females mad* I vote Res! Lewajohnson This is'nt just any girl! this is RANNA we're dealing with And if I do happen to lose to her, I could'nt think of a better person to lose to ~C~ *reads this, thinks about it, and runs to cry*
  11. THAT WAS GREAT! HAHAHAHA! That gives us some more info..... Ohh! More CGI's! Lewajohnson
  12. Yep, what he said. My little brother wants to see the new game. Lewajohnson
  13. I must say, this is great! I vote for you. Lewajohnson
  15. Cool!!! Mistika games!!!!! BTW, Could you give us a look at the Lewa game you guys are going to do? And for the Mistika games, will you put those in with the Phantoka games? Lewajohnson
  16. But the big question is, do you get to play as Lewa? If not, then it isn't even Lewa's game!!!! Lewajohnson
  17. That's what I think it is too!!!!! Let's hope it is! Lewajohnson
  18. Do you get to even play as Lewa? But it looks cool!!!!! Thank you!!!! Lewajohnson
  19. I love the game!!!!! Can we see a seek peek at Lewa's game? Lewajohnson
  20. Pet Peeve Species: Post-in-the-wrong-Links to forums are NOT allowed. My Name: Lewajohnson: Toa of Mangosteen Bio: This post's in the wrong forum, no matter what. It can make so many topics that the forum will come down. If banned it will come back again, and again. It uses locked topics as weapons. Description: A blob, with 10 arms on all sides. Lewajohnson
  21. Great blog dude! Lewajohnson
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