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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Everything posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Member name: Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen Entry Link. Topic Link.
  2. So, I decided to try my hand at this and whipped this in a few minutes. Link. C&C appreciated.
  3. Sounds like fun, and in a couple weeks I'd love to take a crack at Lewa if that'd be alright. =P
  4. Very sorry to hear about this, but I have one question. If he was left concussed and with a broken arm, how did he pass away? Unless you aren't sure exactly. It's just not clear to me, is all. My condolences to his family and friends regardless.
  5. Oh, well as long as there is natural regen. =P
  6. What is highlander survival? Aside from that, Hunger Games sounds interesting, but I'll vote for standard PVP survival.
  7. Just because you have two hands doesn't mean you should carry around two 2× 27 mm Mauser BK-27 revolver cannons, does it? That answer doesn't help any, which is why I thought this would make for an interesting topic. It's Kongu Logic. Kongu's reason for doing so. Kongu didn't feel like spending the next hour deciding what's the most logical or sensible choice. Whether it was a good idea or not, Kongu wanted two blasters over a blaster and a blade. "Kongu Logic" doesn't answer anything. And I'd agree on the whole deciding thing if it wasn't for the fact he ditched his melee weapon before the Toa even found the Cordak. Kongu Logic XD this should be a thing Yeah Kongu seems fairly likely to make an impulsive decision like that tbh Yeah, it did seem rather impulsive, which is why I thought it was odd and wanted some other opinions on it. =P It was never really confirmed what weapon he had. As far as I know, all the minifig weapons were just placeholders and not exactly canon. Least, the 06 - 07 ones weren't. And yeah, I like that other idea. Maybe the Ignika knew they would come across the blasters, and made him very suited for two. Good idea!
  8. Alrighty, that sounds good! I will send you the email with the list of wants, but it will take me a week to get the money prepared. Would that be alright or do you need it sooner?
  9. Hm, maybe it was just controversy in his design then, I dunno. I remember people having great issue with him for some reason. And yeah, I know Vakama had his giant disk launcher, but that was at a time variety of weapons and it wasn't standard for Toa to have a tool as well as a launcher. Oh yeah, I didn't forget that bit at all. And actually, I'd say channeling his air powers underwater would be even more effective. If Hahli was the strongest underwater, Kongu was the second strongest, since he could take away anyone's ability to breath underwater. The only thing with Vakama though is that people didn't see that as a launcher. That was a standard Toa tool. Honestly, all of these weapons are, but back in 2004 that wasn't considered a side arm like it would be for the Toa Mahri or Toa Inika. So with this, it's a tad more confusing. Just because you have two hands doesn't mean you should carry around two 2× 27 mm Mauser BK-27 revolver cannons, does it? That answer doesn't help any, which is why I thought this would make for an interesting topic.
  10. So, I was looking around at photos of the Toa Mahri (trust me, I spend my time wisely! I do!) when I had a thought. Why would Kongu have two Cordak Revolving Blasters? I know there was a lot of controversy over the fact that in the story he discarded a melee weapon of unknown origin, and a topic started where members debated what it could have been/what they thought it was. Now, I decided to read up on the Mahri (not because I had no idea of their story, but as a refresher) and as it says the reason Kongu took a second blaster was to be better prepared. Now, honestly, between six rocket launchers, you're prepared as is, so why take a 7th? Well, I have a couple of theories as to why. 1. He knows long range weaponry. This made sense considering he's always used Bamboo disks back on Mata Nui, and ended up having an Energized Crossbow on Voya Nui. He knows how to hit his targets, so it may be that he isn't used to close quarters combat. To be honest, I don't believe we've ever seen him with a melee weapon. He may have used one, sure, but I can't remember seeing him with one. 2. It was the natural progression of his set. You see, I looked at the Mahri's weapons in comparison to the Inika's, and saw a slight pattern. Granted, it may be coincidence, but I thought it may contribute. When you look at what weapons they had/have, you see that they transformed to something similar to their prior tool. Jaller had (dual in story) a sword which turned into... Another sword, no surprise. Hahli had a harpoon which turned into a giant claw. Hewkii had an axe which had a shape unlike most axes, which then turned into a blade on a stick, but still retained a very streamline look. Nuparu was supposed to have a weapon that ended up looking like this, which if it was to resemble that shape would look similar to his drill. Matoro is a tad bit of an odd ball, since he had a sword that turned into awkward hooks. But following this, considering Kongu had a crossbow (a ranged weapon), is it hard to believe that having a second blaster would make sense? I dunno if I'm just over thinking it or just seeing things, so that's why I decided to post this topic. What do you guys think? Does this make sense to you, or do you think he just should have gone with the flow (no pun intended) and kept a mysterious melee weapon?
  11. In which case, would you like to call it $80 + shipping, just in case? Or remain at $85? Also, would it be possible to get pictures of the items? I see you've had several completed orders, but this is my first time buying anything from another BZPower member. Sure, I'll post a picture sometime soon. Mc Thanks. Still, as far as the price goes, I'd appreciate if you'd consider $75 - $80 instead, which would let shipping round things out. As I am sure is the case with many, my budget ain't the largest either, but I'm trying to find a price that works for us both. =P
  12. In which case, would you like to call it $80 + shipping, just in case? Or remain at $85? Also, would it be possible to get pictures of the items? I see you've had several completed orders, but this is my first time buying anything from another BZPower member.
  13. Well, I must ask first how much shipping is. If it's over $10 then that won't work.
  14. I'm willing to negotiate the pricing, what were you willing to pay for all of it? Well, if I was to base everything off their original price, I'd be perfectly alright with $75. could you meet me half way between $105 my price and $75 your price? So $90.00 + Shipping? That's much higher than I'd like to go. My highest would be about $85.
  15. I'm willing to negotiate the pricing, what were you willing to pay for all of it? Well, if I was to base everything off their original price, I'd be perfectly alright with $75.
  16. So, I am interested in buying several things from you, mainly from 06 and 07. From 06 I'd like to buy Brutaka, and from 07 I'd like to buy Lesovikk, Hydraxon, and both Hydruka. However, I'm very aware both of those 07 titans are currently priced at $10 more than their default, and the Hydruka by $5. I feel I could only go through with a purchase if those prices were dropped by at least five each. If that's possible, let me know! I am quite interested!
  17. If that spot is still open, I'd be totally game for fillin' it.
  18. I'll have to greatly thank you for this topic, Bonesiii. This kind of stuff is exactly what this forum needs in my opinion. Just want to quick say in regards to the length of the interview: If anyone doesn't want to have to listen through the whole thing, or try guessing where to go via skipping, there are time stamps in the description of the video that can help people skip to parts they want to hear. If my memory serves me, the Red Star stuff would be around the 1 hour, 9 minute mark. As far as all this Red Star stuff goes, I'm interested in this theory regarding the brain. I've never thought of that, and it'd explain a lot. I've had many a debate with Kahinuva regarding wither or not the MU acts as more of a beacon, a kind of signal enhancer for dead beings. If that were the case, I personally feel that since it's broken down and what not, then no one from the MU who dies can be sent up. I wonder how many people in the MU are aware of it's purpose, and would find this kind of unusual. Once again, thank you!
  19. I'm really excited to see this pick up. This is just what this sub-fourm needs right now. Comic 1 was a good starting point, but the small panels and larger amounts of text made it kind of cluttered and hard to read, at least for me. I notice your text is either just like or very close to Dark's, which is fantastic. The style you've pulled of is a lot like LR's but I think well mixed in with Dark's, so it looks good and doesn't feel out of place. That, and I am a sucker for hand drawn stuff like this and LR's. Comic 2 I think improved a lot, as the panels got bigger so it was easier for me to read and nicer on the eyes. I like where the story is going in this one, cause you are writing it really well. That last panel sweep me off my feet, it just looks so great. What is written on that tree is a perfect touch to what you are conveying here. I love the attention to detail in this, and the shades and colors flow so well with the darker tone of the story, which is why I'm really eager to see this pick up. I think the choice of Razor was a good one, as it fits this style a lot better than Chimoru Omega would which is what Dark lasted used. That, and we don't see that very often now a days. Will we know how long after Dark's last comic this takes place? Any mention or involvement of his third movie? All in all, this is looking to be really great. Very excited to see more!
  20. Thank you very much for the review! Yeah, the reason I use the simpler and brighter kit is because sometimes I am restricted with time in order to give really well fleshed out dialogue, due to my annoying deadlines (another of which is coming up XD). The characters seem very distinct in this kit so it helps me with identification. I actual had an ended fully planed out, but since I had to get this out around an hour before the end of the entry period, I sadly had to leave it open ended. But thank you very much for the helpful tips! I'll but sure to make good use of them in a few upcoming comics, and I may take you up on that offer! =P Guess I'll quickly explain that part (the latter of the two). First one was done in parody (inb4 bad taste) of how the original show did that extensively, and was quite... Weird about that. Not gonna say more on that here. The second part wasn't even a joke despite what everyone said, it was solely meant to set up the plot and give a reason as to why she'd be a giant monster rampaging through the city. I guess I don't see how it could be see as a joke besides the two characters involved. That's about it from me for now. Thanks to those who read the comic to give it a review, no matter who said what! I'm glad to know it's getting read. XD
  21. I really do appreciate that. It just doesn't seem worth it to try and keep this up when BZP seems to be in a slow decline, and the comics forum will be the first to go. But thank you for sticking with me while I finish this all up! I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed them! Even if you didn't post, I'm glad you read them, it means a lot! It is quite sad. I've really enjoyed making comics all these years, and to have to end them so soon without being able to finish them fully is sad. I will give 'em a good ending though. And that idea for a RtC epic is great, I may do that! Yeah, I've been around to see some real great ones go as well. Venom seemed to have quit, Dark709 left, etc etc. However, yeah, I feel stopping without an ending wouldn't be nice for all the work I've put into this, so I wanna give it one everyone who has read these comics can enjoy! And thank you! I am really, really glad to hear you've liked them! It will be sad when I make the last comic, but it'll kind of be happy as well to give somethin' like this an end, cause on this site it doesn't often happen. And thank you very much for sticking around and following the other projects! So, on to the comics! Despite it being over in his timezone, I have made a birthday comic for Meso! Wish him well! And I have also added my disqualified entry for the BZP contest to the front post, so if you want go check it out! Again, thank you all for continuing to stick with me! It means a lot to me!
  22. I ended up voting for 3. I like the crisp look of it along with the well done newspaper panel. Over all it won me over, but the other two are nice as well. Good luck in the finals guys!
  23. Too many Tommy's! =P Honestly, I would have had I not been a huge fan of the Samurai Ranger from Ninja Storm. Always been my favorite, so I went for it. Thank you! I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but the joke isn't even meant to offend anyone. Power Rangers has a long history of stuff like this, and that was more of a nod to that history. The other thing is, Kahi couldn't have been any other Ranger. Var was white, I was green, red was unfitting for him... But he has yellow eyes, so that coulda worked. But anyways, thank you for your approval!
  24. The hat thing is something you'd more than likely need to read some prior comics to get. It's just a weird thing about me getting a woman's hat as a gift from a friend... Which may or may not have actually happened. And I'm not gonna make any comment here regarding the race bit in the comic. Kahi is Asian, and says a lot worse than that. If anyone is offended by it, then they can talk to me cause that is far from the intention. Not to mention, but there have been far less classy things on this forum as of late. You would just have to understand and know Kahi to get it. Anyways, great comic. Love how you integrated Power Rangers into it. <3 The graphics were nice and smooth for the most part, and those sprites must have taken a heck of a long time to make. Great job! Keep it up! -Rez You got it as far as needing to know Kahi. =P And I am glad you liked the comic! I rushed to get it out today, and was worried I wouldn't make it. I had the Tuma sprite and the Ranger/Ritalena sprites made a while before, but I had to make the Venazord sprite today and it ate up a lot of time. Thanks again!
  25. Oh, but you see here, YOU are the one with BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! HERE is a clean representation of Kopaka with his alleged pants. Now you should think of the children you criminal.
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