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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Everything posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Hey everyone! Happy to see the forums have returned. Just wanted to post saying I'm still here, and that I'm not to blame for events prior to BZP's downtime. In order to apologize for any misconceptions, here is a nice image of a Tarakava we may use for a CGI scene. Thanks guys!
  2. I actually really enjoy how this came out. The iron sights are magnificent, and the feature seems to work wonderfully. Only thing I would think to improve upon would be the somewhat gap in between the iron sights. Looks a tad weird to me, I suppose. Also, something like this does exist in real life. Israeli, I do believe. Hope to see more!
  3. It is, but I guess for some "bronies" can't take it... Mwuahahah... Glad you liked it! I agree in full. =P New comic guys! Merry Christmas! Now, as I promised. I will now announce my final solo comic series after I finish EtB. After EtB is finished, I will begin the series known as... This will be coming out at an unknown time after I finish EtB next year. The story will follow some of the Lazy Life crew, and will be a mix between EtB and the Lazy Life in terms of how dark/humorous it is. This will change pretty much... Everything. I'll throw little teasers here and there before I release it. Like I said, this will be it. After EtB comes this, and after this I will end The Lazy Life of a Comic Maker. I want to give everything I worked up here an ending I feel it deserves, as this series has been a huge part of my life, and I have met so many amazing people because of it. So stay tuned for more EtB and Lazy Life comics! Merry Christmas, guys!
  4. Comics forum is a mess at times. Otherwise, BZP has been fun to hang around these past years.
  5. So, you need photos of a prototype set that was released in two other colors to post as a project on Cuusoo that actually breaks their rules? ... I dunno where any are. Good luck with that.
  6. Personally, after the awesome work you put into Kopaka's lines, I don't think I'd let this project die and be able to sleep peacefully at night. =P But yeah, thanks for sticking around! We're very, very close.
  7. Not gonna lie, that was a hilarious comic. And not just because I was there bad-mouthing BAC. Loved the part at the end, with the Octopus thingy. I would have figured as soon as deus ex machina was brought up, Kahi would have popped out and said "And that is how the Red Star was born." If the rest are gonna be this funny, then I'm looking forward to more. ON WARD TO THE END OF THE WOR- Er, calender!
  8. The first Happy Holidays comic... *sigh* And so it begins. Funny comic, though. Backgrounds were very pretty. Can't wait for the next!
  9. Great comic Bio! So far, these two who have been away from making comic for a while seem to still be able to make 'em great! That face at the end was priceless!
  10. AWWW YEAH! Well, better late than never I say! Utah, that was a great comic. I hope you can get back into making more awesome quality comics like this. I loved that part about the Slice of Cheese in court. Really funny! Can't wait to see tomorrows!
  11. MWUAHAHAHA! THAT I AM! Well, however long the list may be, it's still interesting. =P I have a list like that too, although the likes is consistent mainly of Bionicle, mangosteen, and guns.
  12. It is indeed, and sadly gravity loves misery. ;( BTW, your GS comic is up! I apologize for the year-long delay. It's been hectic, and I've meant to make it longer but I really wanted to get it out quick. And the front post is messed up thanks to a bug in BZPower's editor. So, I'll fix that soon. Enjoy!
  13. Glad to have your support and interest! Welcome to BZP and such. It's a nice place, and if you're interested in RPing, this is a very good place to be. You're also correct regarding the museum server. You guys could donate to keep it up longer, but I'm not really sure why anyone would want to do that considering they can just wait and get the map. -Mesonak "but I'm not really sure why anyone would want to do that considering they can just wait and get the map." well lets see here let me give you two reasons 1. we get to play on mata-nui with all are bzp friends 2. we get to play it with you and eljay and all the other boicraft guys (which is my personal favorite part) is there really much else to say WELL OF COURSE THERE IS! A LOT MORE TO SAY! MWUAHAHA- I'm done now. Like how I've got some pretty images I have to show you all! I don't know if I put these in a video, but here they are for you guys to enjoy. Not as pretty as Kahi's, but nostalgic none the less. =P Thanks for all the support guys! We're chugging through!
  14. OH! I've got a super hero name! Kahinuva. Cause that looks just like him. -Eljay
  15. Yeah, it was difficult to do and I was up late again finishing it. But I think for what it is it gets the point across. Glad you enjoyed it! So, I read her this post and what she has to say is this:"Not a... Stalker, persay. More like... Interested in the affairs of his world. I singled him out, and he became a target. No romantic interest... It was just a coincidence that he was a male, you know? Just like for how it could be considered a coincidence to have a... Claw, or sword... In your throat. Just no one would find the body, or locate the murderer, or suspect foul play.Now the question is, without the claw or sword details ever truly being known, is it a murder, or someone whose run away?"-From the Fires of Mt. Doom,Alena"She really wrote that. She scares me. I can't kill her off like I can characters. ;( He's tried. It doesn't work. ;( Gravity hurts. It also hurts me.Yeah, I'll be making 4 more of these and flesh out the story a bit more. It's her writing it, so we'll see what happens.Thanks guys!
  16. The only thing we have heard about Marendar is that it has activated and is on its way to kill Toa, so I'd say it's safe to assume that it will simply be wandering about until its sensors pick up Toa.True, but always good to ask anyways. I mean, we asked about Lewa and got an interesting answer.
  17. 1. What happened to Voporak after he took the Kanohi Vahi?2. Where is Marendar now?
  18. New comic!
  19. Thank you very much! Yeah, I really enjoyed making that part of it. I wanted to hint back to Thanksgiving 2010's comic, but decided against it due to the over amount of work I'd have to do.Cruel? NOT CRUEL ENOUGH, MWUAHAHA- Nevermind.Well, thank you again! I liked making that part. XD Thank you!Well guys, I have made a new banner![url="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=544&st=0"][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/lewajohnson/Bionicle/TLLOACM3/lazy_life_3.0_banner.png][/url]BTW, anyone who uses it from here to the first of the year will get a cameo appearance in Eljay: The Becoming! Just provide a sprite sheet!Thanks guys!
  20. So, I just wanted to post with my thoughts about the comics so far. From what I've seen, your work on the text is really good now, and I was able to read between the two Gavla's. As for the backgrounds, I still suggest trying to make your own, because I've noticed that when someone makes their own backgrounds, the personality of the author and the comics kinda shows through, and melds really well for the eyes.No matter what nonsense you make of that, it's just my observation.As for the story, I've noticed it's picked up a lot. The guy with goggles is rather confusing, and I have no idea why he is still there, but he makes for an interesting plot device. I'd be interested to see some character development in Chilly, however. The Gavla character is interesting, and I get the sense of "controlled psycho" from him. Sane or not, he's kinda evil. Interesting twist. Although, the multiple Gavla thing got kinda confusing for me.Something I'd like to suggest is when you end a comic, try making the end a little longer. How you do it now makes it seem abruptly cut off and awkward. If you give it a tad more time, I think it would flow nicer (least to me).Other than that, these seem to have gotten real interesting. Been keeping up with them. I'll be looking for the next one!
  21. I loved watching his show as a kid, and ever since he passed away I went as him with one of my real snakes for Halloween up until this year, to honor him.Also, I meant to reply to this as soon as I saw it, but got caught up with things. That means a lot to me, as I used to do that with old comics here too, like VC's, and Dark's. I'm glad I've had the chance to make so many people laugh and love the series, but recently I've been feeling it's been growing old on me, with lack of motivation. One thing I promise to do is to give this series a really, really nice ending. Thank you for posting and reading this whole time, it means a lot. Work was a pain, but I enjoyed how it came out as well. =P And yeah, I thought Pierre would be fitting here. I liked killing him off, though.Yeah, thanks. I'm sorry I didn't bring it up with you first, but I kind of made up my mind then and there. As I explained above and to you before, it's just feeling like the work being put into these isn't getting all I can. At this point, I only continue them because I love making people laugh, and showing them to you and all of my other friends. It's never been about posts, of course. So, I'll keep going until I give it it's end... Either way, I am sad too. I've so far been doing this for about 6 years. I've grown so attached to Rainbow, and Fred, and all the others. When it goes, I will miss it too. It's gotten a lot farther than I ever could have imagined.Well, with everything sad comes something happy. Today, I give you guys a comic!Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry it took so long. I stayed up until around 7 in the morning to finish it, though. Enjoy!
  22. It's pretty hard to miss the status update we posted like, a week ago. It hasn't changed since.
  23. Things are progressing indeed. I feel as though I'm rushing things here, because I am capping this series off at 25 comics, so it's gonna be tough fitting everything in. But from what everyone says, everything is alright. Glad you liked it!Well guys, got another comic! Enjoy!
  24. It's like a sport. Sort of like baseball... Or Akilani. Better late than never, so it all works out. =P And yeah, no one did, but hey, maybe they did in their own... Violent way. And as for Alena's comic, I think it all worked out in the end... Besides my treatment. ;-; Thanks, and glad you enjoyed it!Regardless of my pain, here is a new comic! Happy Halloween guys!Now, for that there announcement...Not easy saying this guys, but this season will be the last season of The Lazy Life of a Comic Maker. I'm just somewhat exhausted from doing this for a while, and my motivation has been wearing thin. It was hard enough making this Halloween comic, which I spent last minute (aka until 6 in the morning) finishing up. As a side note, I won't be making anymore Halloween comics. Just rather stressful.I'll be making comics for some time longer, but this will be the last season. I will finish up Eljay: The Becoming and move on to my final solo series. That series will be announced at Christmas.Sorry to have to break the news to you guys, but it's just not what it used to be. I've had so much fun making comics for around 6 years, and will continue to do so for however long I will be making comics until I can give this series the ending it deserves. I see too many comic makers making wonderful stories, or comics, and not giving them a proper ending. I don't want this one to suffer that fate. I'll give it an ending that will feel right for it, and be a great send off for the future, and possible projects afterwards.Thanks for reading guys, and have a safe and fun Halloween!
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