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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. What is the point of listing those that are? We list all sorts of random stuff on here - I see no reason why this is any different.
  2. Toa Nidhiki05


    I finally have a new chapter up for Treason, my epic. Hope you enjoy it, and be sure to comment. -Toa Nidhiki05
  3. Chapter 8The Toa followed Nektann's instructions faithfully – there was indeed a large fortress on the northern portion of the island. The Toa carefully hid behind a hill, several kio away from the imposing structure.“Alright, how are we going to do this,” Spawn asked. “I can see at least a thousand ways we could all get killed here.”“Its simple, really,” V responded. “We infiltrate the fortress, and take out any guards we find as quietly as possible.” Shadonix simply shook his head.“Look, there are thirteen of us. That plan would work if there were less of us, but they would immediately find out if we all went in...”“That may not be necessary,” TN interjected. “Come and look for yourselves.” As the group followed TN, they noticed the fortress looked like it had been severely damaged. Cracks were visibly present, while parts of the building had broken off entirely.“Someone must have gotten here first,” TN reasoned.“Well then, we better hurry inside,” Twilight stated, heading towards a hole in the wall.-----The scene inside was grim. All along the halls, dead bodies of Brotherhood agents were visible. As the team traveled down the halls, they saw a dead agent gripping a design plan of the facility. Spawn walked forward and pulled the plan from the agent's hand.“Hm,” Spawn said as he examined the map. “It says the prisoner cells are right near here, actually. Based on where we entered, I'll guess it is to the right at the end of this hall.”As the group traveled, they found the cells were indeed there – more dead agents lay along the hall, with the exception of one who appeared to be just clinging to life. Shadonix walked up to the agent and held up his katana to his kneck.“Tell me what happened or I'll make your death much more painful.”The agent immediately responded. “Whoever you are... you should not be here. This is... Brotherhood territory...”“You don't understand, do you?” Shadonix laughed. “See, you don't know who you are dealing with. You are going to die, and one of two things is going to happen before then – you can tell us what we need to know and you'll die without any trouble from us. If you don't, I'll torture you until then. I'm not like those other Toa - I can cut off a limb, heal you, and repeat that process over and over and over again... and I will do that until you tell me what happened. Trust me, it isn't fun.” The agent just shrugged his shoulders.“We... were attacked. An... inside job. Prisoner One was taken...”“And Prisoner One is?” TN questioned.“Swert... he was...” the agent muttered before finally dying.“Well, we know what the person came for, and who he works for,” Twilight stated. “But how would he – or they - be able to lay waste to the entire facility?”“I have no clue,” V responded. “But it certainly isn't anything good. We need to find the room of operations for the Council of Seven – it may offer us a clue as to why.”-----Swert awoke with a massive pounding in his head. As he opened his eyes, he noticed his surroundings – he was in a small, dark room with no windows or doors. As he tried to move his arms, he noticed they were pinned down to the floor, as were his legs. As he tried to use his Gravity power to break the chains, he felt them become even tighter. Before he could try again, he heard maniacal laughing.“Keep trying that, Sectra,” the voice taunted. “Those chains are designed to absorb elemental energy. The more you try and escape, the harder they will bind you.”“Who is this?” Swert demanded.“Who am I?” the voice pondered. “I am death. I am evil. I am the enemy of all that is good and righteous. I am your nightmares, and your life will soon become a living one.”“Stop this madness,” Swert commanded. “You know who I am, and I know who you work for. I know all about the Brotherhood.”“The Brotherhood,” the voice noted in mock surprise, “is no more. I no longer need to work for them, or pretend to share their goals.”“Well then, darkness, what is it you want from me?” Swert demanded. The voice simply laughed.“You know well what I want. I want to know where the secret of Wiki-Nui is – where is the source?”“The source?” Swert questioned. Within seconds, dark coils of shadow sprang from the ground and grabbed his neck, squeezing the air from his lungs. Swert could do nothing to stop this assault.“Don't mess with me, Toa,” the voice bellowed. “You know well what I am talking about, and you are going to tell me.”-----Megan looked nervously over at Shadonix. “Shad, did you actually plan on going through with what you told that dead agent?” Shad looked over at Megan.“Of course I did,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. “He is the only one here who knew what happened. If he wasn't going to tell us, we would have had to break him.”Megan shook her head. “Torture isn't very Toa-like, Shad.” Shadonix simply pointed to his wings.“Well, I'm not exactly a Toa, am I,” he stated. “I don't run by the same code as you. What needs to be done has to be done.” Megan prepared to respond, but Vartemp started to talk before she could.“This way,” Vartemp motioned to the other Toa. “I think I see their council room.”The Toa followed him into the darkness of the room. They could barely see in the pitch-black of the room, but noticed a lone lit area – a table with seven chairs.“This must be where the Council of Seven met,” V noted, walking over to the area. He noticed several corpses littering the area – a Glatorian and a Makuta.“The Council supposedly has seven members,” Cykron commented. “We know Nektann isn't here, and with these two dead members, where are the rest?” Suddenly, another Toa advance out of the darkness.“Anti-Nui incinerated them,” the Toa stated as he walked into the light, revealing himself as Ektris. All the others drew their weapons, but Ektris did nothing.“You have a lot of explaining to do, traitor,” Spawn said as he pointed his weapon at Ektris.“I'm not here to fight you – the time for that is long past,” Ektris stated. “Whatever plans I made have failed, and if you are wise, you will hear me out.” Spawn looked to the others, who shrugged.“Make it short,” Spawn commanded.“I intended to take over this city, yes. I won't deny that. But the most powerful one of the council members, Anti-Nui, had other plans,” Ektris stated. “You haven't by chance heard of the source, have you? Of course not, only the highest-ranking Sectra even know about it.”“Go on,” Twilight urged.“Anti-Nui is a being of pure evil. He intends to find the source, absorb its energy, and use it to take over this city. He is too insane to realize that, in doing so, he would in fact destabilize the island and destroy it,” Ektris continued. “He recruited another being, Shadow, to help him destroy the Council and take Swert from us. I managed to survive, but the rest of the Council wasn't so lucky. I still have no clue where Nektann is, but I'm guessing Anti-Nui is going after him too.”“Basically, we have little time before he does extract its location from Swert. We have to find the source before he does, or else all we know will end.” Spawn shook his head.“And how do we know we can trust you,” he said bitterly. “You've already betrayed Wiki-Nui once.”“You have no other choice, Toa,” Ektris rebutted. “I'll even lead the way to the source for you.”“Alright Ektris,” Spawn commented. “But any funny business, and I will end you. Lead the way.”-----First chapter in a long time. Hope y'all like it. -----Review------Toa Nidhiki05
  4. I got Lifetime right before the crash, so I don't have to worry about it ever again. -TN05
  5. @Makuta_of_Oz - Yes, but that is a petition - this is just a list.
  6. I clicked on this and thought you were talking about the old BZP store. I guess I'm just that old here.
  7. @Muharax - Dang. @Robalin - I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point - I thought the entire fanbase was using it at this point. @ Lhikevikk - it is really just to remind people not everyone is into MLP.
  8. Basically, this is a counterpart to the Full Bronie List. This list is for BZPers that do not consider themselves bronies (or pegasisters); casual MLP fans that do not consider themselves part of the bronie/pegasister community can be added as well if they desire. If you want to be included, either post here or PM me. This is not a club - this should simply be an informative list of those who do not identify as bronies. As such, all comments should directly pertain to the list, and not be aimed at either side. The List Makuta_of_Oz Toa Nidhiki05
  9. Alright, so it would it be wrong to saw you all were drawn in by it's positivity and fanbase?
  10. In response to Bambi's blog entry; I ask the same question, but reversed - why do you like MLP? What drew you to it? -TN05
  11. Toa Nidhiki05

    People Who Don't Like Mlp

    The fanbase, for one - to be blunt, I find it obnoxious and annoying to see avatars and sigs of ponies everywhere. I can understand some people like it - what I don't understand is the obsession with the show. Second, I do not care for the plot style, the animation style, or the writing style. I've never cared for the works of the show's writer Simply put, I don't care for really anything the show has to offer - some may, but not me. It doesn't match up with my interests. -TN05
  12. I've never got the idea of LEGO trying to create a line exclusively for a female audience - it relies heavily on drawing in new customers (as opposed to the mostly male base), and is utterly worthless to the vast majority of the male base. Why not make something both genders can play with and enjoy? -TN05
  13. Wow, excellent idea LEGO. Not sure I'll be coaxed into buying one, but nice idea. -TN05
  14. Toa Nidhiki05

    Tebow Time

    Michael Vick had similar completion percentage numbers until recently and nobody really complained - heck, he got to Pro Bowls and was a media darling. And really, if someone is passionate about faith, they should be active and vocal with it. How much do you have to hate someone not to tell them what you believe is truth?
  15. What he said.Basically, yeah. What they said. Also because some of us require validation of effort, however minimal, to see the point in continuing something.What they all said. Same here.
  16. Toa Nidhiki05

    Tebow Time

    People hate him either because A) He doesn't play quarterback like NFL quarterbacks play and B) He expresses his religious beliefs quite openly. I won't go any farther with the religious bit, but the critics should just shut up at this point - he has won seven games in eight starts, which is incredible for any quarterback, let alone one taking over a 1-4 team. Stop tearing him down and give an objective look at this record of wins. Wins are all that matter.
  17. Yeah, it's hard to beat that album - After the first few songs, Viva la Vida explodes into musical excellence... The same can't be said with MX. It starts out pretty good, but fizzles a bit after "Charlie Brown" - aside from "Teardrop", nothing really stands out until "Up In Flames" comes in... But dang, "Charlie Brown" is good. Its the next single, and hopefully it can crack the top ten on the Hot 100 - "Teardrop" and "Paradise" stalled at 13 and 14.
  18. So I got the album and, after a week or so to listen, here are my thoughts: "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall", "Hurts Like Heaven", "Charlie Brown", and "Paradise" are all excellent. "Don't Let It Break Your Heart" and "Up In Flames" are both great. "U.F.O.", "Up With The Birds", and "Major Minus" are OK. "Us Against The World" and "Princess of China" are my least favorites on the album. The musical interludes are all good, but "Mylo Xyloto" is the best. Basically, "Mylo Xyloto" is a good album, but nowhere near as good as "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends" - there aren't any airy guitar-pop songs like "Strawberry Swing" or "Life in Technicolor", and not a single harder-edged song like "Violet Hill". It's a decent buy compared to other albums, but not as good as Coldplay's previous effort. -TN05
  19. Toa Nidhiki05


    Well, it's my birthday again.
  20. Toa Nidhiki05


    Swift didn't win anything all night, so why the % did you give her the award?
  21. Nice job - the humor was good and not entirely random, and the design is amazing as always. -TN05
  22. Glad to see you making comics again, 009. These are great, I like the aesthetics of the comic as well as the humor (I cracked up at the final panel of Comic 3). Can't wait to see more of them. -TN05
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