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Everything posted by Ka-Chan

  1. That's what she said. He doubts she did what they claimed she had. Ted Danson says your whole event was one big fiasco.
  2. For once, something ironic that I can say is fitting to the point of it almost being moving. I am, of course, talking about the Inauguration of Barack Obama, America's first black president and Martin Luther King Jr. Day coming hand in hand with eachother. One could only imagine what Martin Luther King would feel to see how far his movement has gone. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, people =p
  3. I guess my point is that I don't feel like I'm capable of drawing Authentic Manga.

  4. I either contribute to the glory of the Leek Wielding Idol, or I risk disgracing her and my art skills. Decisions, decisions.

  6. Your new avatar is so freaking awesome that I... Can't think of something epic enough to show my appreciation... Or something.


    Wow, that was lame XD

  7. He sucks either way, so it's not like I care XD
  8. Well, I guess I mean as manga style art. I can't keep my drawings clean- they're so overtly detailed that they have a sketchy feel to it, unlike the often refined and simple but elegant looks of manga.

  9. Who be the Cyclops?

  10. Well, I didn't want it to get too complicated for the little'uns, but I can think that up sometime XP
  11. Because it needed to be done. WHAT YOU NEED - At least one Glatorian for each player *duh* - A ruler - One die for each Glatorian. - A basic paint set - A table or counter of decent size- any place where you will be unlikely to lose the thornax ammo. - Each Glatorian is either a Heavy Glatorian or a Swift Glatorian. Vorox, Gresh and Terix are Swift Glatorian. Malum, Skrall and Strakk are Heavy Glatorian. THE GAME ITSELF -Set up your Glatorian/Glatorians across from eachother at either long end of the table. -Place any terrain or obstacles on the "arena field" before the battle. -Roll a die to see who goes first. -Each turn, you have 12 action points to spend. When you use them all up, your turn is over. -Last man *or team* standing wins! ~ Movement -Running- Roll a die for your Glatorian. Whatever number you get, you can run that far at the cost for that many points * you get a three on the die, you can move 3 inches for the cost of 3 points, for example* . Remember, you can keep rolling if you chose to- your turn is only over once you've spent all 12 action points. -Leaping- Roll a die and multiply the number you get by two. Whatever that number is is how far you can leap in any direction you want for the same amount of points * You roll a 5. 5X2=10= leaping 10 inches for the price of ten points* . If you leap, you cannot fire your thornax launcher afterwards. ~ Melee -Charging- If you're within 6 inches, you can attack your opponent in melee. You get to attack first- then roll a die. 1-3: No hit. 4-5: Hit, take down one life point. 6: Critical hit! Take down two life points. Your opponent gets to roll a die to counter-attack after your initial attack. Or he can attempt to break your grapple. If you're a Heavy Glatorian, you are immune to critical hits and only lose one life point on a six instead of 2. -Grapple breaker- After launching a counter attack against your assailant, you may roll to attempt to pull off a grapple breaker if you do not wish to remain in close combat. Roll a die. On a 3 and up, you can break free of combat and move 12 inches back from your opponent. If you're a Swift Glatorian, you can attempt to do a Grapple Breaker roll BEFORE your opponent attacks you. ~The thornax launcher - Using paint, paint a green dot on one side of the thornax, red on the other. Then paint a different colored dot on each "side" of the black band encompassing the thornax. One blue, one white, one orange and one purple. 1. Fire your shot. 2. If the thornax lands on the half with the green dot, the Glatorian takes no harm. If it lands on the red half, he takes a hit and loses a single life point. Note that that damage or effects can only take place IF the shot actually hits the opposing Glatorian! If it lands on a side with a color on the band, the attacked Glatorian blocks it and takes no damage, but at a price... Blue- The shot deflects and the attacked Glatorian gets a free shot back at his opponent. White- The glatorian's weapon gets knocked out of his hand as he parries the shot. Take his weapon off and place it 12 inches away from the Glatorian in any direction the attacker chooses. You have to be touching the weapon to get it back and use melee to attack/counter attack. Orange- The attacked Glatorian is stunned and unable to do anything next turn. Purple- The attacked glatorian stumbles backwards/is knocked off his feet and falls back. Push the glatorian back 12 inches. ~ The Agori All the rules apply to the Agori, but they only have 8 action points instead of 12 and have a life counter of 3. For each Agori within 2 inches of a Glatorian, that Glatorian may re-roll any unsuccesful melee attacks free of cost *but the original failed roll still costs* and may choose to let the Agori take any melee or Thornax damage at the price of them losing the life points instead. DONE Well, what do you guys think?
  12. Can we incorporate bowling balls into the tactical squads?
  13. What is with you and ignoring people on IM?


  15. All this Lucky Star mushmash is depressing 8I

  16. Well, I haven't been able to find the advanced rules on Bionicle.Com so I will retain this opinion on the game in the meantime. Wow, that's incredibley lame. I'ma gonna make up my own rules in the meantime to make it more playable.
  17. I can say you're a lot better at keepingthe drawings clean *aka free of eraser marks* then I XP

  18. I haven't seen Solace, honestly.

  19. Because I wanted a few little guys to boss around and Skrall would have knocked my debt up to 40$?
  20. WE HUNTED DOWN THE BUGGERS AT TARGET AND NOW THEY ARE OURS Well, not all of them because of Lego's amazingly retarded prices, but still. <3 Gresh <3 Berix <3 Tarduk Want to <3 Skrall but didn't buy him so I didn't drain all my money
  21. All the Epic Fail pix in your blawg made me lawl.

  22. Wow, you're good at art.

  23. Ka-Chan

    Zombie Powder

    They generally keep it like that.
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