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Everything posted by Ka-Chan

  1. You guys don't want me to leave, yet when I try to post stuff in my blog, I get like, snot's worth in feedback? This is silly, this little clunky machine that is Bzp's social system. *Rant switch is flipped* It's pathetic. Just pathetic. What do I have to do, claim to be a girl of pretty age and proper behaivor to get any sort of recognition in my blog? All I ever get are a few petty comments that consist of maybe a sentence or two. How is it that people like Wrack or Exo can post completely idiotic horse ###### and still get a wealth of replies and attention while I'm over here in my corner, posting the occasional entry that usually shows insight into my life or my works. Yes, I know I am going over the top here- but it's a rant about an issue that I find works for all Bzp. What is it that I have or lack that makes it so nobody around here even does much in the way of talk to me? I don't want stardom, I don't want to be a Bzp Idol. I just want the occasional PM or profile comment telling me "hello" or asking me "what's up?" and some encouraging feedback. THis might not be such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that Bzp plays a fair role in my social because I homeschool and all my real friends are a pain in the ###### to get a hold of. Again, I know I'm being somewhat illogical here. People love my art when I feel compelled to post samples and my Transformer RPGs have always been popular- but I just want some recognition, for God's sake. Fun fact: It's the sort of ###### above that I just threw at you that is the REAL reason why I wanted to leave Bzp- because I just feel like it's a BIG waste of my time. I'm going to post a collaberation of my drawings tommorow and I hope to get some sort of general response from the crowd. If I don't, well then that's just sad that all of you are happy living off the gunk some of these people churn out daily.
  2. You think? They're done by none other then the guy who created THE Alien. x3

  3. Mine's purdier.

  4. Ka-Chan

    The Leper Lord

    Here he sat upon his rusted throne, Ruler of nothing but his golden mind, In a mad society he proudly thrives alone Mad himself, he left a different madness behind. The voracious black hole that is humanity The behemoth tried to swallow him as whole An overlook of mankind, he ascended his insanity At the price of body and mind, he saved his soul Flesh of the wild animal and mind of the inhuman being He gazes down from his throne at the monkey-ants below, Swarming and killing to continue pointless existences seething Raising whispy arms of dustblood and crumbling flesh, a gift he bestows. Carpet the Earth with darkness until the ants become one with the soil Purge the creatures that intrude all four corners of Mother Earth's bosom Let the ivory-clad elephant sleep without fear and let the ground keep it's oil. Kill the killer with the shadow and nightmares they created, then watch life blossom. So the God sighs and descends onto the rusted kingdom of man His dry viens cling and become one with his blemished sceptre He knows not what he is or what he does in his ethereal plan The one God of manborn flesh sits upon a throne of debris- The Leper Lord. This was judgement day. The mad man found all guilty. ... I have NO idea what I just wrote. What started out as a four line poem for my personal statement became THAT. Brilliance and foolishness come hand in hand, I guess. XD
  5. A late thank you to you! And yes, Shadow Megatron ftw.

  6. Wait, scratch that- she changed her name to Bfhamie or something.

  7. Just when I thought your obsession with Bfha couldn't be anymore deranged -,o

  8. Ka-Chan

    Back To School

    Which basically means I'm just sitting over here doing all my work with nobody to talk to besides my dogs. TmT At least I get to go work down at the rogue trader this afternoon- that'll give me some time to plan out my life between miniature sorting. *is going to post a collection of some of my random sketches next entry*
  9. Because all lawyers need ubermasks in the future.

  10. ~Kisses N' Cuddles!~


    Pretty scary, huh?

  11. Romina's in the comics 8o ?

  12. Well thass fail =/

  13. Ka-Chan


    Is up. I have nothing more to say ;D
  14. @ Chane: I didn't make that one. Sorry XP I was just giving an example. @ Avy: I already has sum and ready to rock and roll, boi B}
  15. These are gonna be funnnn~ These guys are so awesome, but also so.... Simmiliar in comparison to their jumpy XV-28 brethren. So, I already wanted to give my twin Broadsides the savory flavor and theme of a city fight, but I want and need to go beyond the call of duty when it comes to basing. So now it's only a question of converting this Into something extravagant like this I'm gonna build from the bottom up and see where it takes me! Although the lack of useful Tau bits might be a little hindering... I mean, I still plan to keep it simple enough that you can tell it's a Broadside and that it still follows the same rules, but to give it a more personalized feel.
  16. Yeah, due to a miracle streak of plot developement between Orb and myself last night, I am posting it today. I'm just putting in the finishing touches now... So yeah- Happy New Years Eve, guys x3 Unfortunately, due to the activites of New Years Eve stacking up against Orb and I, TFDE will have to be delayed until tommorow. >,o
  17. I do not recognize thou ._.

  18. What do you think I do best? This is not for self-glorization, this is simply to give me an idea of what I should do around here to benefit both you and I. Please, feedback is appreciated ^^;
  19. Well, I've virtually been dead over the course of Christmas break, so I'll just go over things briefly. It's actually been a fairly busy break for me, between Christmas, the birthdays, the parties, the friends coming over, the volunteer days down at DoK and ironing out wrinkles in my relationship between Romina and myself- I haven't had anytime to wind down to goof off on Bzp or make use of all the stuff I got for Christmas 8s I mean, I know this activity isn't to last, but in the meantime this would be why I've been essentially a ghost around here. Once I do have the time to myself, though, I plan to: - Go on an art spree, reigniting my rusted drawing talents. - Get TFDE on the road. - Energize my developing Tau army with my new 2 Broadside Battlesuits and the addition of another Devilfish. - Load up my new Ipod Nano with a ton's worth of music - Kick myself back into weightlifting even BEFORE my break ends just to gain a headstart before I enter the meat grinder again. - Hopefully get back into Bzp without devoting too much of my money to Bionicle. - Sleep in. Sleep a whole lot in. So yeah, now you're all up to date and hopefully I'll be getting back into the rythm of things around here!
  20. Never underestimate the power of the FBI.

  21. Toilet paper man!

  22. Ohai. Ka has contemplating segregating from the Bzps.

  23. I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE STILL WORKING ON IT As for everyone else, it's really more a question of me being able to balance out an equilibrum between reality and Bzp life. Lately I've been getting more active with activities out there in the big world and have felt sucked into it. AND OH GOD 3-STARRING MY BLOG ISN'T GONNA MAKE KA ANY HAPPIER
  24. Well guys, I dunno what to say. It's been a mix of change of heart and the lack of anything really enjoyable to be found around here that has brought me to a state of mind like this. My interest in Bionicle has almost entirely died off, honestly. It's not that I don't like it, but genuinely, I really just don't feel the need to actively pursue it as an interest anymore. Sure, I'll want to pick up a few of the new 09 sets, but that's where I hit the end. I just have my hobbies, I'm losing active interest in toys in general and I need to start prioritizing what I do with my money. I can't keep track of the story any more and I also don't feel the need to with the end of the original story ark. And second of all, even the things that I once enjoyed so much about Bzp have deteriorated. Most of my friends that I got on here to talk with now talk to me over Yahoo Messenger, I find I no longer feel compelled to go to the trouble of posting on here since I get so little feedback. Not to mention I just generally feel uneeded and unnappreciated around here. I'll stay around to run my new RPG, but ultimately I think I might be saying goodbye soon.
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