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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Everything posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. Uh, MCGPY, as I remember the gun was described as a channel for his heat vision powers at the same level Taltrun himself is at. Which means he doesn't get any kind of blasting projectile yet. And for the record, I generally tend not to allow weaponry that lets people cheat their way around the levelling mechanic Never too late, there's no limit on time or number of players here. If you haven't already then I'd recommend looking at Click's fantastic recap. It covers pretty much everything and has some helpful tips. Going to have to ask how old Kardenex is supposed to be? Kojol's death happened about 1,500 years before the RPG is set so Kard is presumably around that old...which sort of goes at odds with the fact that the more sapient breed of Rahkshi have only started popping up recently. Their ages are measured in months, not centuries. Its kind of not possible for Kard to be that old. Since you've given adequate reasoning for the body type, no problem. Tangirahk approved
  2. Approved, if it is up for approval. It's not exactly a WIP, but those are there for me to constantly add or change it according to how the game plays out for my character. The Life is approved I meant edit in the part about what it does: firing blasts of level two heat vision power. Since otherwise it sounds like its supposed to fire an element, not a Rahkshi power
  3. What kind of power level does it have? I'm going to ask that it sticks to channeling his level 2 power, not be able to fire the equivalent of level 6. Ok, I can leave the rifle at level 2. And how about Taltrun was made on Courpus Rahkshi, and ran into the other character after being mauled by a rahkshi? Level 2 rifle is okay with me. Nobody is made on Corpus Rahkshi. You're made by your Makuta, recognised as a smarter Rahkshi, then sent to the academy for training and levelling up. If Taltrun went rogue then perhaps you could say he was recaptured and shipped off? Also, ran into who now? For the record, I'd appreciate that edits and changes be made to a profile, or a newer version posted, before I approve. I link to them in the first post you see, and its so much easier for everyone if that link leads to an accurate profile and they don't have to chase down the conversation that follows Ok, I'll edit the original profile, and I like the idea of him being recaptured. And he ran into whoever is playing the RP at the time. This is the edited version. Could you put in the clarification on the rifle (since Rahkshi powers aren't the same as elements its not as obvious what it does as you might think) please? Are you looking for this to be approved now, or would you prefer to wait until the bio is no longer a WIP? And I hope all your questions were answered, feel free to just ask more if you have any. We try to be open and welcoming around here
  4. IC: A powerful gust of wind buffeted at Lucid as she tried climbing the pillar, Tridax still exerting his control over the weather and attempting to knock her down. "It seems the proper mood has not yet sunk in to some of our members. It is insolent thoughtlessness like that which could lead to more names and more pillars. Many of these students gave their lives and their names for deeds of great honour, and will be remembered. The only thing you will remembered as if you die through a childish fall is as a joke. A moment of silence, perhaps, to try and strike the more appropriate and sombre mood. Heads bowed, and enough of these jackanapes." His hunters still had not struck. Wondering if they were waiting for an opening they could work unseen in, he was banking on everyone looking to the ground being the chance they needed * * * * * * * * * The Matoran in the storage closet had presented the Porters with a problem. A room they could not enter. There was normally no room they could not enter. Even the personal quarters of the students they had means to access. But something...something was stopping them here. Several of the Porters that had gathered round the mysterious door clacked and chirruped to each other in some form of discussion before evidently deciding on a course of action. They were going to default to some of their most basic of programming. This door was an obstacle. And obstacles must be removed. They stepped back, all but one. And that one stepped forward, the segmented fingers of its hand rolling up into a fist now more akin to a sledgehammer than anything resembling a hand. It drove that bluntest of objects right at the door with all the strength its mechanical muscles could muster, driving the great metal block at the end of its arm towards the dead centre of the door. And if this failed to reduce the door to splinters? It would simply keep going. And going. And going. There would only be one outcome of this contest, the only thing that could change was the time it took
  5. What kind of power level does it have? I'm going to ask that it sticks to channeling his level 2 power, not be able to fire the equivalent of level 6. Ok, I can leave the rifle at level 2. And how about Taltrun was made on Courpus Rahkshi, and ran into the other character after being mauled by a rahkshi? Level 2 rifle is okay with me. Nobody is made on Corpus Rahkshi. You're made by your Makuta, recognised as a smarter Rahkshi, then sent to the academy for training and levelling up. If Taltrun went rogue then perhaps you could say he was recaptured and shipped off? Also, ran into who now? For the record, I'd appreciate that edits and changes be made to a profile, or a newer version posted, before I approve. I link to them in the first post you see, and its so much easier for everyone if that link leads to an accurate profile and they don't have to chase down the conversation that follows
  6. What kind of power level does it have? I'm going to ask that it sticks to channeling his level 2 power, not be able to fire the equivalent of level 6. Also, Corpus Rahkshi is an island. Not sure how you'd just stumble across it... Still working on a Tridax post. Hopefully post it tonight assuming I don't fall asleep after a days toil and travel. And Xara, Vlad and Mortsia all get a level up for their successful evacuation of the Matoran
  7. What is an elemental rifle and how does it work with Rahkshi powers? How do you channel heat vision through a gun? Do you get blasts of heat from the sights? I'm guessing "Karzakie" is supposed to be Karzahni? If the worst he's ever done is to shoot up a Matoran shrine, not even a whole village or even whole temple, is he really so brutal? I mean, sure its bad but not so much compared to some of the stuff he could be doing. And if he's gone off on his own path how did he come to Corpus Rahkshi? Approved
  8. IC: Palma shrugged. "I couldn't say I know of anyone fitting that description. Most of the time, when people come to me, they aren't too talkative. Mostly just groans." IC: While the Porters attempted to clear the school out of the last few stragglers and stubborn layabouts, the skies above the new memorial began to darken. When the black clouds had blocked every trace of the sun, the only light coming from grim flashes of lightning within the sombre storm, Tridax appeared. He teleported in, simply appearing from thin air with no flash or fanfare. "Gathered students. You have been called here in an act of remembrance. Each of these pillars stands for a brother, in arms if not by blood. They gave their lives for the betterment of themselves and for their kind. For the betterment of you. You will remember them and remember their sacrifice." In addition to the obelisks built by Toxin the Porters had added a few of their own, for the likes of Mantis that he had forgotten. "And in doing so, you will remember one other crucial fact. Your own mortality. I know many of you are new to life, and with the new strengths you have you feel like nothing can hurt you. You are wrong. And you should look to these pillars every time you think otherwise. Look to them and remember that you can die. These students did, and gave their lives for your benefit. You can but try to do the same." He was making this up as he went along. Rambling to stall for time, let his chosen hunters move in for the capture...
  9. Approved. Good to see you again Korkoa
  10. IC: [Olari, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Interior] Her shadow streaked out behind her as Olari watched Kale's...persuasion of Dayeth. Her feelings for this were mixed. On the one hand it was effectively torture, something she wasn't entirely sure she was comfortable with. It had never been necessary against Bohrok, there was simply no point or purpose in trying to draw out their destruction. Just end them and move on. This...this left a bitter taste in her mouth. But on the other hand, Dayeth was refusing to obey direct orders. That had to be dealt with somehow, right? And this was possibly the easiest way of doing it. And it wasn't like it was permanently damaging. Just a little light show, a bitter taste in the shadow Toa's mouth instead. Overall...Olari felt she could live with this. If Dayeth would not respect the chain of command then she would fear it and that would have to do
  11. IC: Palma almost whirled round a complete one-eighty when Sliver spoke up, changing from her attempts to return to her secret Matoran patient to answering the student. "Yes. Can I help?" IC: As the Porters continued to rove through the school, their intonations and insistences got more and more demanding. They were outright harryding students to the causeway by now, and hammering on any door that wouldn't open to them. Their brains were simply, and would continue to follow orders until Tridax gave them different ones
  12. So was it Gorast who created him? Seems a bit of a conflict of interest for one Makuta to be taking over from another. Also, calm and emotional? Don't they kind of contradict each other? Approved. Welcome back
  13. IC: Palma was possibly a little agitated when she was removing the glass from Shock's back, applying a little more haste and less care than normal. She was worrying about the cordoned off and concealed Matoran. Every moment she was spent away from him was an opening for death to claim him... IC: Porters scrambled and rolled through the school, the announcement of the coming wake spilling from their mechanicals jaws. They kept rolling about the place, rounding up and herding them to the Causeway if needed. Their persistence was ensured they'd come across the Matoran in the closet sooner or later...
  14. While you can question Tridax's empathy over the dead, you can't deny the guy loves himself a ceremony. His Naming Day assignment involved everyone flying in formation and a big speech, his 'trial' of Zex was all a grand show that he wanted everyone to see...Its not entirely unlike him to call some mass gathering that'll make him feel all important. However the history I just brought up shows that something sinister goes down every time he does, so I kind of expect suspicion
  15. IC: "Enough." Tridax had the information he wanted, and with that his interest in the torture was waning. But as the Fohrok at the door announcing the finalising of Toxin's work, another gleam began to light his eyes. "I am about to call all the students to a ceremony at the Causeway, a ritual of remembrance to properly dedicate our new monument to the fallen. Attendance will be compulsory and I will have the Fohrok scour the entire facility to make sure the rule is followed. Our traitors will be there, and then you will seek them out." He placed a hand on each of the loyalists heads in turn, using telepathy to plant the images torn from Mangai into their minds. Next he tapped their hands, instilling them with a sickly looking glow that appeared to sink beneath the metal. "I am imbuing your claws with small traces of poison. Enough to knock a Rahkshi out for the count, no more. Each hand gets one touch, use them wisely to try and remove the traitors from the population without undue fuss and bother." He looked down at the unconscious form of Mangai, who was quite probably comatose through trauma and pain. "That one...is all yours."
  16. IC: [Turbo Vixen, Royal Blindside, Field] Gah...couldn't...couldn't feel her hindwheels. Or her hinge-arms. The way the end of her torso was dragging against the ground suggested they were gone entirely. Kind of...kind of felt like whatever that just was had bisected her... She needed to get out of there and to do that needed less friction between the ground and whatever was left of her back half. Skids of metal appeared under what passed for her hips, propping her up enough that her front wheels could start pulling her along. Having all the force coming from only two wheels was reducing her speed, but she was still able to get a fair pace going. She had no idea how she was going to get across the desert but for now not being here was good enough IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] As his three squaddies hopefully went about the tasks he'd set them, Venga leapt into flight, getting airborne in the hopes a birds eye view would help keep track of the battle. Gliding along, following the storm's wind currents to aid his progress and trusting in the ugly mottling of the clouds somewhat matching his armour to keep him from being completely blindingly obvious, he was keeping an eye on the cove, watching for unnatural ripples in the water that would reveal hidden enemies. "Control, any more news or changes?"
  17. Was slightly concerned this was too similar to Matoran und Panzer at first, but after another read through or so that does seem to be only the way the jaeger profile is written. So Year 60,000 Approved [1]
  18. IC: "Yes, proceed with the other hand," Tridax confirmed, "Something nice and sharp to go with the persistent aches your comrade is giving. And you." He pointed at Grim, "If you're going to twist things off, start lower down. Start with the toes." The process was working. The jumble of thoughts in Mangai's head was being pulled and stretched by the pain, as though a bowl of spaghetti were being unboiled and forming into straight rods again. Images were getting clearer to see...
  19. IC: The Rahkshi now known as Mangai was still unconscious. It would make it difficult taking anything from his mind, as it would be an unformed mess of random colours and shapes. If even that. Measures would need to be taken to...clarify things. "My task for you loyal students is a simple one. Cause this traitor pain," Tridax instructed, "You will start small, but gradually escalate your efforts as I instruct. The pain you inflict will cause a...sharpening, I suppose, if you wish for an appropriate analogy. His thoughts will be brought into more clarity as the pain drags his conscious mind close to the fore, and will keep what little mental defences he may have occupied trying to block it out, thus leaving me free to take what I want. Further action will be explained once we have accomplished this." He placed one hand on Mangai's head, slowly slipping into the mind-soup that was his consciousness. "Begin."
  20. Approved, and welcome back
  21. IC: [Olari, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Control] The Fa-Toa looked down at the interactive map, noticing the cluster of red dots at the field in the centre, and a series of blue dots suspiciously close to them. "Think thats something they already know about?" she asked, pointing at the map's display of Arma Virique's advance team IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] "Dress it in all the fancy words you want!" Tuyetkhamun shouted after Miril, even as she walked away to answer Kopen's call to arms, "But you know that when you stared into the merest hint of my power...you blinked!" IC: [Jorth, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] Alright, finally time to move out! Jorth had started building sandcastles outside the pyramid he'd started getting so bored. It wasn't just something to keep his mind occupied though, it was a test of how well he could control the Ebon Flow. Delicately building up the tiny fortifications meant he'd pretty much mastered the dexterity of the mech IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] Vinra hadn't responded, Venga assumed her checks over hidden enemies were taking more time. His suspicions had apparently been correct though as mission control informed him one of the other forces was making their way into the cove. "The forces have currently been big and obvious, Control," he responded to Kotak, "Announcing their presence with an earthquake of all things. Makes me think we're supposed to be looking at them while more sneaky dudes try and sabotage us unseen. Especially since having someone on the cliff itself is news to me. Keep an eye out and keep me informed of anyone else who's getting that close." He turned to his little team. "Vorzin, take to the sky, I want you blast that plasma breath of yours along the whole length of the the cliff, as high as you can without baking our own. There's at least one person trying to climb it and having never seen them get close I think they're invisible. That isn't going to protect them if there's a wave of rubble and lava pouring down on them. Venix, get in the air as well. Keep an eye out for anyone trying to take down Vorzin, and if you happen to see anyone trying the cliffs I wouldn't be adverse to you shooting them in the back while they were preoccupied. Vinra, take position near our snipers and keep that detection thing of yours going. Odds are they're going to be the first targets of anyone who's creeped up here, be nice if they had someone big and armoured watching out for them. Lets move people!"
  22. Alright, if there is a dedicated staff effort to keeping the players actually engaged and doing things then Ashfall Approved [1]
  23. IC: "You really don't know much about how Tridax tries to operate do you?" Suvak asked, "Giving you that kind of free rein isn't exactly the sort of thing he's known for." IC: Palma tapped Flabbergaster's leg, planting a new patella on him. "Also, lose some weight," she advised IC: Tridax soon learned what he needed browsing through the mind of Draco. It was impossible to lie through that kind of "interrogation" and the Makuta was appreciative the student had co-operated. He was presented with images of multiple Rahkshi, whispers of conspiracy, proving that the claims were not simply a falsehood designed to land another in hot water. "I thank you for your reports of this. Bring the traitor inside. We will see if any further answers can be gouged out of him." True, he could have read Mangai's mind to try and take what he wanted...but it was the students who had turned him in. Why not let them have a little fun as reward? OOC: Yep, thats totally why Tridax grabbed Draco. To ensure he wasn't trying to get someone in trouble for hate lulz. Not me covering my behind after goofing it up at all...
  24. IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] "Hah, and your cowardice is exposed." Because gloating was one of the perks of being an arrogant villain, and Tuyetkhamun did so love her own voice, "You insult my power yet dare not actually challenge it. You are but an insect that retreats to the darkest hole as soon as the light turns on." IC: [Turbo Vixen, Royal Blindside, Field Spawn] Creating a few windows here and there in certain shields was an easy enough task. Turbo did as the small box requested, making adjustments to a few of her metal plates so they had slender slits running at what she judged to be average eye-height from the motley assortment of people gathered in this team. It was through one of these that she saw the unfortunate fall of A.D. "So...what that supposed to happen?" IC: [Olari, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Control] Shuffling back to the node point control centre, Olari continued to mumble to herself, trying to keep several important points within the surrounding maze clear in her mind. There was no way she could remember it all, the structure was just too big, but knowing the key areas could be essential. "So how is it going?" IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] "Well scratch that, general, snipers got him. Testing a theory though..." Venga looked over at Vinra, "You said you can see hidden things. Was anyone with the dragon, out of our sight, or was he working alone? A nice big distraction like big, winged and scaly was would be just the thing to get an unseen spy amongst us." A diversion wouldn't aid a big army get up through the tunnels, those helpful maps would give that away, but one lone figure, potentially using other dots on the map to cover their own? Well that might work...
  25. IC: "I am fairly certain that Tridax would prefer to read through your book and approve whichever ones he deems appropriate and only then grant you the materials you need." Suvak thought for a moment, "He'll probably make it homework for you." IC: "A sound strategy. Good to know at least some of my students are taking their education seriously." Tridax used magnetism to pull Draco closer, grabbing him by the spine. A subtle shifting in the air suggested power being used, Mind Reading connecting the pair as Tridax peeled back Draco's memories to see if the accusations were true. Which was worrying for Draco given that they were...
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