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Everything posted by Regitnui

  1. I'd use the words 'scraps' myself. Most of these connection theories try to build a three-piece suit from a pair of pants and wishful thinking.
  2. Fire and Ice... Searing Cold? Comets? Boundaries? In other news, looks pretty cool.
  3. Please explain? All I see are nudge-wink references.
  4. That's why I was going with established lore heights. I just hadn't heard that the villagers were considered 'short human' as opposed to 'hobbit' sized.
  5. I wasn't going to respond, but what does that mean? Plot why they are separate?The plot of the story is not affected by the information that the two stories are linked. That what it means. You wrote "Plot why's" instead of "Plot wise" this may have caused the confusion. The only reason I probably understood is because I do the same thing with spelling words. And people wonder why I get annoyed over misspellings... He's edited it, so apparently he realized. That is assuming you are a guy, TTL. Feel free to correct me.
  6. I have a bionicle MoC that's a giant: twice the size of the Masters. The Protectors are half the size of the Masters. If you were including the titans in your comparison, you should've said so, but we haven't seen any large sets taller than the toa.
  7. I wasn't going to respond, but what does that mean? Plot why is they are separate?
  8. I'm sure we already did this poll, but OK. Personally, it makes no narrative sense to try and attach a 10-year epic with conflicting story details and a vast open world of its own to a smaller, more streamlined revision thereof. The only reason it would be done would be fanservice, and there simply aren't that many G1 bionicle fans in the world to justify risking the uncomplicated nature of G2 by opening it to the Kudzu that was G1's storyline at the end. Connecting the two generations would bring only confusion, dissatisfaction and a hijacking of G2's story to finish G1.
  9. Small giants? They're twice the size of everyone else. That's not small, that's huge. Of course, that could be anthropic reasoning, since the Toa are canonically six foot; around average human height.
  10. I'd agree with you, but if TTL wants to jump on that and claim I now want a connection, I'll borrow Axonn's weapon and beat him off. That wouldn't be subtle or keep in line with established G2, but it could work. Even if it does still kinda make new kids wonder "who's mata nui and why is that important?"
  11. I would buy that - and pay a large amount of money for it, besides. Oh yes. That'll be a great compliment to the book&set products that TLG brings out. It'll probably be more "Bionicle: the line that saved Lego" history than only a compilation of story. Include a remastered MNOG, and you'll have queues.
  12. 7/10. Um... The last we saw of the GSR/Matoran Universe, it was being broken down for parts. Somehow I don't think it will be involved in any G1-G2 connection. The Red Star might be a good avenue to explore, were it not involved in one of the hanging plot threads and unlikely to be touched.
  13. Closure for those is something I wouldn't object to.
  14. Don't flatter yourself. This is why we stopped discussing connection theories in the first place; most of us are perfectly fine with the two generations being different and unrelated, and the other side is clinging to the vaguest hint that allows them to believe their precious G1 isn't finally over and done. And sorry, this isn't personal, but can people please use proper grammar, spelling and paragraphs? My eyes just start skipping over your posts when I see just a huge wall of text. Basic misspellings also say that you're either in such a rush to type that you can't reread your sentences, you're lazy, or you don't care enough to give others on this forum a coherent read. I do most of my typing from a mobile device, so being on your phone is no excuse. /rant
  15. Hey, I've got a brilliant idea! Let's reboot Star Wars without movies! And then take Marvel and drop the comics, I mean comics are for kids anyway. Stop making Pokémon video games, cards for Magic the Gathering and tabletop roleplaying adventures for D&D! I see no way these franchises could be anything but improved by removing their core elements. I'm sure your heart is in the right place, banana. It's your logic I'd question the quality of. Taking the toys out of bionicle, or any Lego theme, is like taking the wheels off a car to focus on the paint job.
  16. ToaTimeLord? I understand your enthusiasm. I had a similar time when I found Pokémon Sapphire after years of Pokémon yellow having been my sole experience of the franchise. I went kinda crazy and devoured everything I could find. Thankfully, this was the dark age where I couldn't run to a forum on my mobile and start blurting out the first things to cross my preteen mind. Instead, I found wiki's and then fanart. The franchise came alive for me, and by the time I found a place to discuss it all, I knew the basic theories and guesses about Pokémon that the fandom had had for years. So now, I just enjoy it. Don't take it personally when us old Turaga from G1 BZPower tell you your theory's been tried before, sent through the threshing machine of the S&T and soundly and thoroughly debunked and dispatched. We've seen the continuation theory in many forms back just after the announcement, and all through the first few months of 2015. There is no official continuation. Makuta isn't Teridax. Ekimu isn't Artakha/Mata Nui. Okoto isn't on Spherus Magna, and the Villagers aren't Matoran. The Toa are Toa, but they operate off different rules. Masks of Power aren't Kanohi. There is no official link. Easter eggs and references, sure. But the closest thing we will ever get will be a strange grinning creature fall into the background of a scene, then disappear. There's a lot of good theory to make about G2, even if we don't have a GregF to ask random questions. Let's try and figure what the Mask of Ultimate Power actually does, or if it's sentient like the Ignika of G1.
  17. Muta Nui? Dead Makuta returning? Matoran Universe (dead) still somehow running? Yep, the classic continuation theory. Nothing ultimate about it. Debunked already.
  18. No he couldn't. This isn't Spherus Magna. It's Okoto. There are no direct connections, only allusions. Mata Nui is in a different story.
  19. That's no excuse. I'm posting from a tablet right now. As the 'Chir said (sorry, can never keep you two straight) there are no moons to be lifeless remains of. The physical structure of Aqua and Bota Magna impacted with Spherus Magna. Part of the moon brained the GSR, for heaven's sake. So yeah, theory busted. And things have to be internally consistent in any story. Having moons after the fragment-'moons' were merged with the planet raises the question of where the new moons came from. The best guess at the moment is that the orbs in the sky over Okoto are planets where the Toa were summoned from, not moons of Okoto-planet.
  20. Barren not baron, and the moons of Bota and Aqua Magna no longer exist post-final battle.
  21. Also, we've seen them as physically different masks, which were merged and separated. So no, they're not the same mask.
  22. Lehvak kal losing power over vacuum. Great. How does that defeat him again? If anything, he'd be more powerful, with a fluctuating region of vacuum making it dangerous to approach him. Maybe it'd suffocate the Krana or freeze him alive (lower pressure, lower boiling point, top layer of liquid on 'skin' or lubricant boils off and freezes the rest behind it), but wouldn't shooting himself off into the air be one of the least likely things that could happen?
  23. The Protectors are really getting bulked up for this year's story. They may not need the Toa to save them. They could just save themselves. Looks like the combiner models get storyline relevance after all...
  24. Mata Nui deserved a rest. I dunno, 1,000 years is a pretty good nap. Being in a coma =/= restful sleep. I dunno, this comic suggests otherwise You seriously going to argue that with a comic?
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