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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. Not as much as before, though. My son lost interest in Lego and my younger daughters are into Pokemon. So it's pretty much just me and Turakii now.

  2. Here are the ones I use, in addition to AdBlock and Personas: ColorfulTabs: Colors every tab a different color and makes them easy to distinguish. You can specify colors, but I just use it as-is. CoLT: Right click on a link and a menu comes up that lets you choose how you want to copy the link -- as HTML, Plain Text, BB Code, FuseTalk, or Wikipedia. I use the first three all the time. CoolPreviews: Mouse over a link and a window pops up that shows you what the link links to. Makes my post approving job so much easier. DownloadHelper: Helps you download music and videos. I've had a few others from time to time, but these are the ones I use on a regular basis.
  3. It's birthday time again! Hope you have a great one. =)

  4. Personally, I was hoping it would live up to the book's standards and that Disney wouldn't totally massacre it as it has other stories. The ending was a Disney ending, not the kind of ending Lewis Carroll might have written. Another good ending that would have been in perfect keeping with the books would have been to borrow from "Through the Looking Glass." That book takes place on a chessboard, with Alice progressing from one row to the next until she reaches the final row and turns into a Queen (as a pawn does in an actual chess game). So... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The final battle takes place on a giant chessboard. Alice "crossed" the chessboard by slaying the Jabberwocky. The ending could have been foreshadowed that if she succeeded, she would become queen. IMO, that would have fit the books better and been a more satisfying ending than the unfitting and I think unbelievable one Disney chose.
  5. Spoiler tags, for the sake of those who may not have yet seen the movie: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The ending was a letdown. As you said, it seemed to be building towards one thing, but then left us with something completely (and I think unrealistically) different. I was willing to stretch the limits of believability to accept Alice could live happily ever after with an insane maniac, but sending her off the China as an apprentice trade merchant was an ending I'm not sure even Jack Sparrow could have saved.
  6. Kind of sort of. My younger daughters aren't interested in BZP.

  7. Surrender now or prepare to fight! =p

  8. You play the mandolin? Is that duel stringed? It looked that way in the video but I wasn't sure.

  9. I was wondering who Also was. =P

  10. Blame the girls. They watch it every night on their laptops.

  11. Next time, go for the smaller cookie. ;)

  12. True. Pokemon has been around for a while. =)

  13. She watches them on an anime Website.

  14. Did I mention my 10yo daughter watches it every night? I think we start the Battle Frontier season next...

  15. To protect the world from devastation,

    To unite all peoples within our nation,

    To denounce the evils of truth and love,

    To extend our reach to the stars above.

    Jessie! James!

    Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

    Surrender now or prepare to fight!

  16. Yep, we're homeschoolers too. =)

  17. You're welcome to it. I like chocolate, but I hate marshmallow Peeps, even chocolate ones. >

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