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Jonestown Bartender

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Everything posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. I'm gonna miss you man but I'm still going to find you one day =3
  2. And it sucked. A LOT. But at least the steelers won.
  3. I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way Nah Nah why don't you get a job?
  4. Only crazy Lego zealot's think that Megablocks is copying lego. Also it's just a Tauntaun you can only make it so many ways. Heck, for all we know lego my have bought the mold from him.
  5. Oh! Oh! pick me! pick me! It means that the Set Designers haven't seen a real girl in the past say, 10 to 15 years.
  6. Watership Down. you'll get this.
  7. "I wish to be a little girl."~ Moot. It's is and you know it.
  8. I'll be your acquaintance. ... I love you;_; Why don't we talk about our feelings anymore? I called you like 32 and on half times but you didn't pick up so I went to your house and now I'm waiting for you to come into the next room so that we can have a nice little chat about that other woman but you know on seconded thought this isn’t really working out it's not me it's you, but I hope we can still be friends.
  9. and I have come for your left hand! ...I don't know how to respond to that.
  10. Squeeee, Jonas Brothers positively rock my socks with their overwhelming awesomeness and their music is twice as good as Elvis and Joe Jonas is my next boyfriend! <333 *Attacks you.* Turakii I'm going to find you and hit you with my marker...that I just found...in my room...
  11. You really ought to take the "unhealthy" out of there. He's right you know, if you don't shes gonna find you...
  12. Through posters! Frist up we have Bfahime~! Next we have the lovely Ka-Chan! And last and yes least my blog. this is going to be a weekly thing for me, every week I'm going to pick three random blogs do. *No offense was meant through any pictures here. If the recipient doesn’t not like the picture you can PM me and I will take it off.
  13. I don't really mind them it's just their carzy fangirls that try to kill me over the internetz
  14. … huh? Go to the end of the page it was a post there.
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