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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Zeddy

  1. You mean, bones-i-i-i? :P

    If so, Yo bones-i-i-i! =P

  2. *Is a immortal zombie, so is unaffected by the Nova Blasts*

  3. Impossible! But I'm still on Spartan's side.. =P

    BTW, I saw Sweeney Todd too :P

  4. What have I DONE?

    Anyway, *Sticks MISSILE in Adv, and it explodes immediately, since the tracker was there too* =P

  5. And you'd better.. Or else..
  6. Zeddy

    Cool! You like Animorphs!

    (me too.. if it wasn't obvious enough) :P

  7. GUYS. This is about destroying ADV, not each other! Let us all join hands in the quest to annihalate Adventurer!

    (LOL =P)

  8. No You could, however, easily get 3000+
  9. Zeddy


    Go read one of bones' posts That'll help you kill some time
  10. Just thought I'd follow EW's lead and do the same.

    *Drops in too*



  11. *here not heree

    And yes, Adv, this is about you. See my previous comment :P

  12. Thanks for saving me Spartan. And he's right. We are heree to fight Adv, not each other! Come, my brothers, let's do it! :P *Fires indestructable, indeflectable, uber homing rocket at Adv* =P

  13. *Enters TtW's profile and says 'w/e'* =P

  14. @Shadow where he fires at me with Midak Skyblasters: I'm a zombie, so they don't affect me :P

    @Shadow (2): Again, I'm a zombie, so I can't die even if I am blasted by rockets.

  15. @ Shadow-Nui: *Makes friends with the BoM and OoMN and orders them to kill the shadow Bahrag queens*

  16. I didn't want it to be so dramatic, but who cares :P

  17. Zeddy

    Inbox Idea

    And then with 2K when it's almost full, increase it to 2500.. then 3K and so on, till the server dies of overloading
  18. If you review my Reidak-Vezok combiner.. only then. :P

  19. What entry?


    depends.. >:)

  20. And nice work on the Takanuva topic Adv.. it took you so long it ought to have been good :P

  21. LoL.

    Someone here win the RPG contest and we can make an RPG out of this! =P

    Oh, and Shadow-Nui:

    *Summons Shadow Bohrok-Kal who annihalate Shadow Bohrok*

  22. What embarrasing spelling? Toe Ignika? And it looks better now
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