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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Swert

  1. But Six, you can't have a LEGO Technodrome!They -never- built that thing to work right! :PYeah, I'm still deciding on this theme. I was fortunately too young to get too deep in TMNT (Power Rangers ftw) but I remember parts of it.I anticipate enough nostalgic factor to tide over the AFOLs.
  2. Swert


    ... What were they thinking?! ... Actually I could see that business meeting now. Nick: Hey LEGO, we have a cool new franchise coming out soon! It'll probably rival Transformers! LEGO: Sweet, now we can beat Hasbro out even more in sales! What's the franchise? Nick: Weeeellll.... And that's pretty much that. But hey, it could be worse. Could be LEGO MLP. And absolutely NOBODY wants that [/sarcasm shielding]
  3. So yeah, finally got poked enough times to go make skins for the two sites. BS01's is the second winner from that old contest, and was made by ~MI~. The HS01 skin is one I had kicking around to begin with, and it was decided it was time to make it happen. Thoughts, everyone? 8D
  4. ... I have a few ideas there. I've been very inspired by the theme. In fact, I'm more inspired even before the theme was finished being presented to us. ... Oh also, the full name is Pigs vs Cows. ... Should have mentioned that before I posted this, yeah? Probably.
  5. Swert

    Pink Floyd

    Welcome to our niche club. I'm glad you chose to listen to a good sampling of the music, rather than stop at one album. Yeah, WYWH and TDB are two of my top 5, AMLOR, DSOM and Obscured By Clouds fill in the rest. Still deciding on the order
  6. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ... AAAAAAAAAAA. Oh man oh man it's 2 days away *breathes heavily, waiting for Friday to arrive* I'm stoked, people. I get to see my friends, I get to hang with the SEALUG AFOLs, I get to display my MOCs, and with luck I'll be able to throw my Wacky Racer down the ramp and get decent video of it working. I hope
  7. Swert


  8. ... Is it just me (for people who met Rob IRL) but doesn't he almost look like Yahtzee does anyway? You're practically there.
  9. Swert

    Wat The Cee

    October? DOUBLE VIP POINTS! *runs to mailbox, checking for VIP card* INEEDYOUFORBRICKCONGOOOOO *remembers mail hasn't come yet* D: Soon...
  10. Woo, 6 days til the big one comes! I have FINALLY secured a space for my Mata Nui island at BrickCon. However, it isn't EXACTLY how I want it displayed, nor where I intended. It's also not finalized yet where it goes. Fortunately it's got room, the coordinators noted I registered it early enough and they have the room. Meantime, the other stuff is also ready to go. Let's see what happens there. And also Xccj's angled mosaic stuff is safely in my care, ready to be assembled. Next Friday better get here soon, my sister keeps wanting to build it. That's all for now. Hope to meet some new BZP members next week : D
  11. Swert

    You know who I miss?

    SPI's on my staff chat on IMs, and Turkii is on another IM. I could try but no promises.
  12. Swert

    You know who I miss?

    I talk to SPI and Turkii all the time : | Never did meet Arpy, but that'd be cool too.
  13. Swert

    Name my Bricks

    -YES.- (The BrickCon running joke this year is epic.)
  14. ... Nah, I'll forget it exists in a week. XD Anyway, I am all packed up for BrickCon as far as models go, except I need to finish my wacky racer. I'm also set for the hotel (still figuring out transportation, but it seems pretty safe to me) and all that. So yeah, I look forward to it next week 8D
  15. Definitely a UK fan of the two shows, but having not seen the American version (probably better off) I can't say which is better. However, I regularly watch TG on Netflix these days, always worth rewatching an older episode (one I had not seen, and/or one I had and loved).
  16. Swert


    I had an old Dell DJ Ditty, then a small Philips MP3 player, then a Zune, finally my Windows Phone, and the same thing was on each one: Floyd.
  17. Swert

    Ask Swert!

    Added my replies above.
  18. Swert

    Ask Swert!

    Sure, why not; Ask me anything (within BZP limits) I will do my best to answer. Now, I will also say, I may paste the questions here so people can read 'em in the same post, I dunno yet. So yeah, ask away. Edit #1: I added my replies to all of the posts, bolded, and spoiler-tagged it so it doesn't stretch the screen: Spoiler tags are for spoilers, sorry man. -TMD Valenti edit: Spoiler tags are for spoilers only. Not to prevent screenstretchingness.
  19. Then I remembered nobody talks to me anyway. Oh well, let's see what everybody thinks of doing one. Also BrickCon! Y U NO GETTING HERE SOONER? D: Sorry, had to
  20. http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Bohrok_Online_Animationshttp://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Bohrok-Kal_Online_AnimationsYou can simply right click on the links and save 'em, though I am not sure if the text will work with this method. Best bet is to watch 'em online.Also Bambi, that link you gave links to forums (or will soon host forums) so we generally don't link to it.
  21. The bloopers this time make up for it. Oh, and news.
  22. GO. LISTEN TO IT. I promise, it's better than a lot of the other episodes I've heard. Also I was in it. That's a good reason. Also new BIONICLE info which will possibly be spoiled by the afternoon anyway.
  23. But when I do, it's usually everyone. Stay epic, my friends.
  24. Haven't even hit morning of the 15th, and already got a few gifts: 2 new Polos + Floyd T-Shirt $70 total from relatives $75 Amazon Gift Card from brother Three new DC-related movies/DVD collections: Batman Mask of the Phantasm, Green Lantern Emerald Knights, and Green Lantern The Animated Series Season 1.0 (13 episodes already debuted, with the other half coming out next week or so on CN) (I bought myself this one) Black Mesa Source Not expecting too much else, but you never know. I'm still waiting on my brother and his Amazon Gift Card idea
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