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Spherus Magna

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Everything posted by Spherus Magna

  1. what is this disgusting creature on your Sig and Avi?

  2. aw come on...

    you got caught up in that stupid Sonic recolor trend? Come on..

    Look up "Sonic" on Encyclopedia Dramatica.

  3. Huh... Didn't know there was a green Toad brigadier.


  5. What does that mean? Can people start talking some sense please?

  6. So? This is my comments. I really find nothing funny at this.

  7. I just recieved my Huna!

  8. YES!! I got a Hot Topic!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!

  9. WOOOT!!

    I got my 2-year Avohkii!

  10. -_- u know how long it has been since u posted a chapter in Hewkiis Jazz club?!?!

    how come u have all this time to post and stuff but no time to update!?

  11. u told me to sdend u a comment so i just did

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