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The Dark Chronicler

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Everything posted by The Dark Chronicler

  1. Donkey Kong Country Returns... EVIL BATS! NO MORE BATS! SO MANY BATS!

  2. ThanksI figured you would say that.I expected that too. XD ... It is finished. XD
  3. Now you shall hear their giggling forever... even in your sleep. You will never escape, Vorex, never...
  4. A V-3 Halloween, now available in a Comedy Forum near you!

  5. Well, I never finished Last Year's Halloween Special, but here's this year's. A V-3 Halloween Ghosts of Comedies Past 6:00 A.M. V-3, Toa of fire, sat outside his home, carving away at a pumpkin. He had actually remembered to wake up early enough this year. The Halloween party wasn't until six, but he was sure he could get done this time, not a problem. Though, he really did wonder why he was the one chosen each year to host the Holiday parties, you think everyone would have wizened up by now.That's when he realized he had just unconsciously carved the pumpkin beyond recognition is his distraction. "Ugh... okay, new plan. No Jack o' Lanterns." With a slight sigh, he tossed the pumpkin to the side into a large pie of other mangled attempts.There was the sound of a crash nearby, along with screaming, as a vehicle rocketed around the corner. V-3 could already guess who it would be, and he couldn't say he was glad to see that person.As the horribly beat up moving van pulled into view, he knew that he was very clearly wrong. Then the vehicle's doors burst open, revealing an odd assortment of people."V-3, I'm sure you remember us." Spoke the first, a Matoran of iron, with a very strange cape. It was made out of a chain link fence. "Because we're back."The second, an Onu-Matoran, decided now to speak up. "You haven't used us in one of your comedies for a long while. Why?"V-3 seemed a little surprised, but clearly has failing at trying to hide it. "Uh... Hey Random, hi Kayep. What are you guys doing here?"The third, a Toa of fire, stepped forward. "Hey V-3, It's me, Virthee. You know, the detective. The Detective who you just stopped writing about. Yeah, I think you can guess why we're here.""... You want me to write?" Was the Writer's response.The fourth stepped forward, a machine of green and grey. "Affirmative, we would like to see that you have not forgotten us.""I... I guess I can write something about you all..." V-3 responded, looking into the faces of the van's passengers. "But first I need to get the Halloween party ready for later tod-"Random stepped closer, revealing a lighter in his hand. "It would be a terrible thing if some of your newer writing just went up in flames, wouldn't it?""... Right, New writing up right away!" 7:00 A.M. "Funnier, It's not funny enough!" Random barked, as V-3 frantically wrote comedy upon the pages of a pad of writing paper. "It needs more of me in it!""This is a Kayep story, it doesn't even include you!" V-3 whined back."It does now!" Kayep responded, with a sinister grin. "And Virthee, and-"V-3 winced as the list of characters to include went onward. He'd have to do the writing, it was up to him to keep everything under control. He was wishing he had just let someone else plan the party and have slept in. 8:00 A.M. There was a knocking at V-3's door, indicating the arrival of someone, and he could guess who it was. "Can one of you get it?"There was a resounding "No." from all of those who had arrived in the van."Fine, I'll go... If I may leave the writing for a few moments." When none of them refused, he quickly bolted for the door. As he opened it, it revealed the grinning metal face of none other than Makuta Junkyard. "Hey Junkyard, I can't really talk right now, my guests want me to keep writing.""Oh, that's fine, I was just here to help you get the party... what guests are you talking about?" The Makuta questioned, inviting himself inside.V-3 followed after the unwanted guest who had, like the guests before, made himself at home already. "My old Comedy characters, they want me to write more about them, and all in a single project... It's not fun."As the guests all turned to look at the newcomer, Junkyard stopped in his tracks, getting a slight frown upon his face. Then he unexpectedly turned around, and walked out.V-3 stared in confusion. "Well, that was Weird, maybe-""Get back to writing!" Came the invading group's response. 10:00 A.M. Makuta Junkyard sat in a large parlor of his home, along with a few other people. "I'm sure you know why I called you all. What we're dealing with here is not exactly a normal situation." He stood up, walking into the center of the room. "V-3 has a few... unwanted guests in his home, who are forcing him to write, and not do all the stuff he's supposed to be doing. It is interfering with my desire to bob for apples on Halloween, as he has done nothing to prepare for the party. You are all here because you are the only ones who were willing to listen... Er, the ones ones capable of getting this accomplished. We, are going to be hunting ghosts... the ghosts of comedies past."One of the people raised their hand. "Hey dad... I have my art class project I still need to finish later... So we really kind of need to get this done quickly.""Sure Virahk, this shouldn't take more than a few hours." Junkyard responded with a slight grin, eager to get going."Oh joy... Maybe I should sit this one out then, I've been working all week on this project and I really don't want to end up unable to complete it." Virahk responded with a slight sigh."Nonsense, You've got a perfect score in that class, you can afford to miss an assignment." Junkyard remarked."But dad... this assignment is worth ten percent of my final grade!" Virahk remarked, looking sadly up at his father."How about we let him finish the assignment first, before we go to rescue V-3?" Suggested the third person in the room, a Toa of stone. "I'm sure my brother can survive that long." 12:45 P.M. "And it... is... ART!" Virahk shouted, lifting the canvas above his head. "Glorious art! The embodiment of thoughts and emotions, the true window to the soul, the-""Yeah, It's a pretty picture." Junkyard remarked dully. "Now let's get to rescuing V-3."Virahk's smile faded very quickly. "Yeah... I guess..."The Toa of stone, Te3e, walked up towards the painting. "I think it's nice, Vibgyor.""Thanks..." Virahk responded to Te3e calling him by his nickname.The fourth and final member of the team finally decided to speak up. "If we're going to rescue V-3, it might be a good idea to do it now, before he writes himself to death. I mean, obviously that can happen, right?""Yeah." Te3e Agreed. "Let's go." 1:30 P.M. The four rescuers walked up to the front of V-3's home, each carrying a vacuum with a strobe light attached. It was hunting time.Te3e and the fourth member of the team burst in through the door, getting a startled Phantom Virthee by surprise. One quick vacuuming, and he was sealed away inside of an inescapable plastic garbage holder."Good shot, Kayep!" Te3e commented, talking to the Onu-Matoran."Thanks! Now let's find the fake me!" The Monster-Hunting Matoran grinned."Junkyard slipped silently down the hallway, he approach silenced by his silencing Makuta power of silence. There was no way the ghosts could hear him moving about, no way they could ever tell that he was waiting in silence, ready to bring them down." That was when he realized that narrating his own actions wasn't the best way to be stealthy.From around the corner, came a phantasmal machine, a green Vahki. "You are not permitted to be here. Leave the area immediately, we need no more distractions.""Eat dust bunnies, you comedy ghost monster!" With that, the wailing apparition was pulled into the cleaning device with the force of a thousand brooms. Junkyard merely smirked.The smiling Rahkshi Virahk walked down a hallway, whistling a cheerful tune. Sure, there were ghosts around, but ghosts couldn't hurt anyone, could they? It didn't really matter though, they didn't put up much of a fight when trapped inside of a vacuum, as he was sure the Kayep ghost in his vacuum was finding out. 1:35 P.M. The four hunters converged, right outside of V-3's writing room. Here was the final battle, they were going to free V-3 from the ghosts that plagued him. It was going to be a epic tale for the ages, or at least to tell around campfires. As Junkyard opened the door, they were not prepared for what would happen next.There was the Random phantom, standing over V-3 like a predator over its prey. V-3 was writing, seemingly mindless scribbling away on paper. That was when the ghost noticed them. "Sooo... Youuu think youuu can stop meee?" It hissed, a ghostly laugh echoing out from its ectoplasmic throat."Uh... Yeah, that's why we have the vacuums." Junkyard remarked. "If we didn't have these, it might be another story."As Virahk tried to use a vacuum to inhale the ghost, a clawed hand ripped through the suction tube, rending it useless."Okay, not a ghost." Te3e remarked with surprise. "What we have here is a visible Poltergeist... not good.""Now, Letsss get seriousss." The evil creature hissed, as sharp spikes grew from its back, its hands lengthened into talons, and its eyes began to resemble those of a cat. Then, it began to increase in size, smashing through the roof as it grew. trapped inside of it was V-3, still blankly writing onto a pad of paper."Well... that doesn't make any sense." Virahk remarked with a confused glance. "I mean, why would it suddenly become some giant monster?"Te3e let out a slight chuckle. "I was honestly expecting a marshmallow man... this is a bit disappointing."While they were speaking, the massive creature stomped out of the building with a mighty footstep. It was heading towards somewhere they could never reach V-3, he would write eternally. There was the perfect location just a few blocks away, the tall building that was the Comedy Forum Standards building, a rather impressive skyscraper.Seeing the direction the creature was moving in, Junkyard cringed in irritation. "Ok, first Ghostbusters, now what? King Kong?" With a sigh, he climbed out of the wreckage of the nearest wall, and dashed off in the direction of the tower. The others were quick to follow. 1:50 P.M. The massive creature lifted its phantom body higher and higher, climbing up the tall building to keep the writer from being freed. His comedy would live again, T and V Detectives would survive and grow anew.From the ground, the four heroes watched the sight grimly."I told you it was King Kong, I told you!" Junkyard shouted irritably. "Now what? How do we bring that thing down?""Uh... dad... You know I can fly, right?" Virahk questioned, looking at the Makuta with a strange expression. "I can just go all Biplane and bring that thing to ground level."Kayep grinned widely. "That's a great idea, let's go with that!" 1:52 P.M. Virahk smashed into the ground, having been knocked from the sky. "Ugh..." He triggered his power of quickhealing, to get back into fighting shape. It also had the side effect of causing him to teleport about a dozen feet to the left. Sometimes he hated his powers, Junkyard's attempt at making a Super Rahkshi didn't turn out so super.With the cheering of Te3e and Kayep, and Junkyard muttering to himself, he found the courage to fight again. He couldn't let himself be defeated! 1:56 P.M. Virahk was thrown to the ground by the massive creature, once again needing to heal himself. This time zapping himself in the process. "Don't worry, I'll bring this thing down, one way or another!" 2:00 P.M. Virahk swooped around the massive creature, dodging its clawed hand as he arced through the sky. This time, the monkey was going down, painfully. As it readied to make another swing, he charged strait into its chest, smashing through, and ripping V-3 from inside it.With a horrific scream, the ghost fell backwards to the ground, smashing everything beneath it.Landing carefully, Virahk dropped the stunned V-3 to the ground. "Mission accomplished!""Great, now that was interesting! Hey, anyone else here hungry? I know this great Chinese Restaurant..." Te3e grinned, speaking with his stomach. 2:30 P.M. The five sat inside of Junkyard's Limousine, eating in the parking lot of the Chinese takeout restaurant. V-3 seemed to be recovering, though he still mumbled about writing more. Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine.Then Te3e noticed the root beer in his cup was starting to ripple. "Uh oh...""Oh great, Jurrasic Park too? What's next?" Junkyard grumbled.That was when they saw the large Poltergeist charging up behind the limo, hunched over and now with a tail. Needless to say, Junkyard floored it.Kayep looking into the side mirror, seeing a very bad sign. "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear!"The creature was gaining on them, the limo was built for style, not for speed. It wouldn't be long before the ghost caught up to them, and they really didn't want that to happen. They just had to keep on driving for their lives. 3:00 P.M. The chase was still going, the creature was almost upon them now, there was very little time before it was all over. With a sigh, Junkyard revealed a hidden switch in the dashboard. He waited, and as soon as the creature opened its mouth, he pressed the button. The trunk of the limo snapped open, ejecting a extra tank of fuel that was stored there. It hurt, that fuel was expensive... and he just hoped no one saw the body that had been launched with the tank."What was that?" a startled Te3e remarked, watching the fuel tank lodge itself in the mouth of the creature. "Why did you even have something like that in there?""I work in the weapons business. This whole car is loaded with weapons. But I only need one... me." He leaned out of the limo window, letting the steering wheel go free, and taking aim at the tank. He sighed. "Jaws too?"A bolt of electricity struck the flammable fuel tank, causing it to unleash a blazing, Hollywood style explosion."Please tell that killed it." Junkyard muttered"I don't see it moving..." Te3e responded.Junkyard groaned. "Good... Let's get out of here." 3:30 P.M. V-3 had finally seemed to snap out of it, after finishing writing the first chapter of some mysterious story, which he was now refusing to show anyone. Clearly whatever he had written, it was not meant for mortal eyes... or he just didn't like how it had turned out.The problem with that was that was that Junkyard didn't want to be keep in the dark. He swiped the writing pad from V-3's hand, reading the title. "Chronicle City? Eh, already bored with it." With that, he tossed the writing paper back to V-3. "Now about that Halloween party you were supposed to be setting up..." 6:00 P.M. The guests were arrived for the party, only the find the house with a chunk of the roof and wall missing, cheesy cutout decorations and V-3 running in circles screaming with a flaming Jack o' Lantern over his head.It was just as they all expected.Vorex walked up grinning. "Hey V-3, did you see that awesome battle between a Rahkshi and a giant mutant monster thing?"V-3's reply was agonized screaming as he fell to the floor, trying to free himself from the burning pumpkin."Yeah, I know, it was crazy. Then there was this limo chase and an explosion. I wish you could have seen it, it was awesome! Did you know they never did find that creature's body anywhere..." Vorex replied, as though V-3 had actually answered.Another scream poured out of the entrapped writer."Well, I'm going to go see if there are any snacks at the party. Oh, and I think you may have something on your face." With that, the grinning Paradox Eater walked into the house to join the rest of the guest partying, none of which had decided to help remove the blazing Jack o' Lantern.V-3 hated them all so much. Epilogue 12:00 P.M. A black shape stood over the sleeping V-3 with a sinister grin. "Just wait... Soon we start work on chapter two..."
  6. I wrote a new chapter in The Sniper 2... yay?

  7. Long time no post... I really should finish this up soon. Happy (early) Halloween everyone. No color this time, not feeling up to it today. Chapter 12 Part 2 With a rumbling groan of metal scraping metal, the two tank collided. For those inside of the capture tank, it was not exactly an optimal situation. There was not only the fact that they had another tank smashing into theirs, but also the fact that the other tank's barrel was aimed right into the side of their mighty vehicle. They could only hope that it wouldn't fire at such a close range.As it turns out, the drones aren't that bright.An eruption of smoke and metal poured out from the wreckage of two machines of war, scattered fragments of armor among them. The tank's plating had taken most of the destructive force, but it didn't stop everything.A large form pushed itself from the smoking shrapnel, four arms lifting a part of a tread from across his back. He looked like he had been chewed on by toddlers, thrown in a blender, then a wood chipper, then fed goldfish. Funny, that reminded him of a past battle... But memories didn't matter now, he was beyond minor irritation. Zaphos. Was. ANGRY.Hubert managed to snap back into the world, wincing as intense agony that shot up and down his leg. A large chunk of tank was sticking out of his lower leg, and it was bleeding more than he would have liked. He would have liked no bleeding at at all, but he could deal with... he say a single, lumbering creature walking off into the distance. "...Zaphos..."The brutish being turned his face towards Hubert, etched into it was a snarl of great violence about to be unleashed. He was mumbling almost incoherently. "He's gone far ...... I'm done ....... ... game. Tricking them isn't ......, only leads .. .. getting hurt. Betrayal is ... ... plan. Now it shall .. ....... back upon ... tenfold."Hubert watched, unable to move from the ground, as the Frostelus walked off, towards whatever he was talking about. It didn't sound good. But, there were more people in the crash, maybe they had heard Zaphos... or more importantly, could get medical help. "... Hello?... Guys?..."There was a light sound from his left, as another being began to stir. "That you, Hubert? Either that was the coolest tank battle ever, or the blood-loss is making me delirious." It was the voice of Zaen, he sounded in worse shape than Hubert himself."Yeah, it's me... See anyone else? Lewafan... Fayrahk... Garrahk?" Hubert responded, feeling oddly tired.There was a bit of movement in front of Hubert as a strange shape appeared in the clearing smoke. It looked like a giant cocoon, but it couldn't be, could it? With a grotesque sound, the cocoon peeled open, dumping out a strange substance, just as something stepped out.Wide-eyed at the strange thing for a few seconds, before realizing this was one of the more normal things he had seen in his life, asked. "What... what are you?""I... I am... Oh, hey Hubert. Awesome Burrito shield, right? It was powerful enough to take the explosion, and also rather delicious." The grinning Toa responded as he walked over to the wounded Hubert. "Oh hey, that doesn't look so good... Burrito Power!"Hubert stared dully as a burrito shell wrapped around his injured leg, sealing the blood from escaping. "I take back everything I said about your powers being useless.""Yeah, thanks... wait, what did you say about my powers being useless?" Lewafan questioned.Hubert winced. "Nothing important, go help Zaen.""Right, forgot about him for a moment."A heavily sarcastic shout came from nearby. "I forgot about myself for a moment there too, then I remembered the tank crash, the awesome... oh hey, I'm bleeding. Who would have thought?"Sidekick barely rolled out of the way as two sets of metal-tearing talons slashed down upon him. Clearly, it wasn't trying to hug him. With a sudden blast of plasma, he sent the bird reeling backwards. "Had enough, featherbrain?"The response was a mixture of a hissing screech and a laugh, as the might parrot stepped forward, not even a single feather singed by the blazing plasma. "Foolish little pest, you face a foe far more powerful than you could ever wish to be. I exist beyond your comprehension, I-""am a giant ugly parrot with an over sized ego and a cracker addiction." Sidekick spat back, before trying to land a punch upon the mighty bird. All he hit was feathers.The next thing he saw was more feathers, then blackness as he wondered why his fight scene had been so short.Jawson lifted a metal fist, bringing it down with the force to buckle the street where it struck. It would have been a Toa of lightning pancake, but Hukan wasn't fond of that recipe. "Why do you run? Your friends have already been defeated. We do not have to fight."His response was an electrified kick to the face. Followed by a blow to the arm, then a sweeping strike to his leg. "Tell that to the spider.""Arok is not a good example, he is too pathetic." The brutish ape responded, barely even seeming to feel the blows that bounced off his hide. "And the yelling one will be taken care of shortly."Hukan almost got the chance to respond, but she didn't account for the ape's tail and the large blade on the end of it. As Arok was about to celebrate his victory, the Toa of lightning managed to stand back up. "There is no way I am letting my fight scene be shorter than Sidekick's!"Jawson stumbled backwards as searing lightning arched into his chest, before delivering a finishing blow worthy of even the most chaotic fighting game.As she hit the ground, she smiled slightly. Her fight was longer.Trad stood in the middle of the remaining villains, surrounded and very highly outnumbered. He had beaten the spider, but... Wait, where was the bunny suit guy? He was still contemplating it when a living missile smashed into Jawson's face."BioBeastMegaActionSuperDestroyerAwesomePunchSupremeAttackExtreme!" The jetpack wearing madman shouted, as the large, and very startled, ape went crashing to the ground. "Sing a song, I killed King King! Ha Ha ha Ha Ha!"Then, the Parrot started to stumble and waiver. He fell over, revealing the sleeping dart stabbed into his backside."Always keep a dart around, never know when you'll need one. Of course... the dosage was probably fatally high, but if I know anything about this comedy, it's that everyone lives through it." X-Ray Dog remarked, rifle in hand.The Brickfather looked at the three enemies now standing before him. But of course, he wasn't alone here. He had the Hammer, and a secret weapon. "Irony, attack them!"There was only a phantom laugh floating on the air.Brickfather muttered under his breath. Of course Irony wouldn't help. The Ironic thing would be to not help in the fight... Eh, he still had the hammer. "Do you know what this is? Do you know how powerful this hammer is? This is the mighty BAN HAMMER!""... With a tag that says 'Made in the Art Forum' on it?" Trad remarked curiously."Wait, what?" Was the confused remark."Someone gave you a fake hammer, that thing even say replica on the tag." Biobeast chuckled madly."I... I guess I didn't check it when I got it, I was too happy to have it and..." The Brickfather almost jumped back when the hammer's head exploded in his hand, a bullet-hole somewhat visible in the pieces. "I, uh... accept your surrender?"The three heroes merely gained sadistic grins.Junkyard walked along, a grim look upon his normally cheerful face. "As you may know, the location of that Whoop person has been found. We are going to see to it that he's still alive, and that this isn't someone's cruel idea of a joke."In the background, Te3e elbowed Vrf3 in the side."Hey, I said I was sorry about that!" Was the Fire Toa's response."Why am I not surprised?" X-Ray lightly chuckled."Hey, this meeting is boring. I want to fight evil." Neelh Remarked, still holding the Death-Shooting Apocalypse Launcher."Maybe the car's been fixed by now..." Monochrome contemplated.Seeing that they were all bust with unimportant and useless discussions, Junkyard decided now was as good a time as any to get to the point. "I've got business to accomplish at Junkyard Industries, so I shall not be joining you on this mission. Also, I don't even know the rescue person, so I don't really care. Good luck." With that, he walked off, getting into his Bugatti Veyron and driving off.Kralica seemed to have vanished all on her own. She was probably less interested in the rescue than Junkyard."Well... Let's go save Whoop." Vrf3 remarked, raising his sword heroically. Then he stumbled over, turns out car crashes can cause injuries.Grochi sat whistling in the back of the police car, along with the three arresting security officers. "So, any of you happen to know a song? No? I've got one, it's about robots that can take over people's brains. You guys want to hear it?""Will this guy shut up already? He hasn't stopped talking since he-" There was a crash of shattered glass-like substance as three orbs smashed through the car windows."Oh, the robots cameTo take take our brainsBut you should be fineThey attack the nervesMake muscles swerveBut they don't want mine!" Grochi sang, as his three machines latched onto the backs of the officers' heads. "And guess how it ends?"Grochi's maddened laughter was blocked out by the agonized screaming of the officers.
  8. And so, the Wolpertinger has been killed... and turned into a paste. I think there's a law against that in some countries. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Also, maybe next time I shouldn't leave for a month... makes me seem suspicious.
  9. I'm feeling the desire to use a flamethrower on my Pre-Calculus book, while laughing maniacally.

  10. OOC: Crushing response in 3... 2... 1...IC: Moros"And if they are dead? Then what? If you rely on them to halt the path towards the end, then you will be weak and useless when death finds them. Find your own path, let the gods worry about their own ways, and do what you can to stop this destruction. Not always will gods have the power to stop fate... I am the perfect example." He turned, shaking his head towards where the bomb had once been. "The only way to stop this... is to kill all who would blindly walk into the void.""If you wish my help, I shall warn you now. The fate of the other gods concerns me not, I see this world on a much larger scale..."
  11. Yeah, sorry. I hadn't seen you already said that. I just looked for the most recent vote list, I never actually read any of the posts in the time I've been missing. XD

    1. WriterofReapers


      I have no idea what a Wolpertinger is and I am scared.


      So very scared.

    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Like a Jackalope, but with wings and fangs.

  13. IC: MorosThe god of doom stood merely watching, shaking his head. For years he had been trying to keep the world from sliding into chaos and ruin. Then a group, so full of confidence in their own superiority, of the fact that they can do no wrong, think that they know better. But no, there was no choice in this matter. The one in armor would prove an equal foe, and he did not have assistance of his own. "I will say only once more, that you are making a mistake the likes of which you will regret for as long as your short lifespan allows."He turned towards Zoltar with a frown. "So that is why you act... blind loyalty to lost gods. If you rely on them, then you shall always face the same challenges whenever they fade away for a time.""I wish luck to you all in your choices, try not to unravel the thin thread that holds life to this world... or you will be seeing me once again, in the swirling abyss of chaos as all life is consumed."
  14. Woah, this game is still going? Cool. It appears that Toxicity, the mighty Wolpertinger, is the target this time, due to my lack of activity. That makes perfect sense, a traitor not doing anything, and me being way busy this past month. But really, do you want to kill a poor, innocent Wolpertinger? Will you all allow the blood of such a rare and mysterious creature to stain your hands? Eh, go ahead and kill me. XD Or kill someone else, such as who I'm voting for in the hopes they die instead. Zakuro, because you can never trust anyone who has a name starting with 'Z'.
  15. Wow, been a while... probably won't be online much for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      Don't worry, I expected that you wouldn't have much time.




      Three comics? You have betrayed the text of the Library!


      Just joking.

    3. WriterofReapers


      Yay! Good to have you back! :D

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yep, three.


      One about superheroes, a comedy of course. Bullets can actually hit people, and punching someone actually does damage to your hand too.


      One about the same set of characters, in a far more serious story, set during World War II.


      And the last a rather strange tale about Mythology and Cryptozoology gone mad.



      Glad to be back, Despair!

  16. Pre-Calculus... I feel like my brain is trying to kill itself.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Now that I have spent more time in the class, I think I can agree.


      Still somehow better than Algebra II, though. XD

    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Of that, I can not be certain. XD

  17. OOC: Moros may end up joining them, but... You have to beat the BOSS FIGHT first. :PIC: Moros"The bomb is already well guarded child, as I'm sure you have seen." I watched as he dropped his weapons to the ground, looking me strait in the eyes. What he would see staring back was cold and dull, with the light gleam of metal. The second attack did not stop, it remained heading full force towards his human face.
  18. IC: Moros"No... I am here because I wish to be." Another burst fired towards Liam as I began to charge forward, arm raised for a punch towards his face.
  19. Toxicity is now... Green.

    1. Mad Scientist BioBeast

      Mad Scientist BioBeast

      Why yes, yes you are. Any particular you're green today? Green with envy? Green with sickness?

    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Green with... Greenness.


      I just wanted to recolor my avatar for the Toxicity name and finally got the time to do so.

    3. Let's Henshin!

      Let's Henshin!

      Yay, Green, my favorite color.


      Also Bio stole my joke about Green with envy.


      Although I've always consider jealousy purple.

  20. Centipedes with machine guns.

  21. IC: Moros"I can not destroy it, child. It has purpose in this world, but it is not here, not now! It exists, but it must exist. But I can not let it be used, whether you blindly see your use of it as good or not. It is a weapon, it will destroy more than you could imagine." I lowered my arm for a moment, waiting for a few moments. Then I shot of a burst of attacks aimed right at Liam, hoping that focusing on both myself and the other child would slow his reaction.IC: Pyrrhon"So... what now?" I asked with a slight frown. Sure, watching the paint on my new statue dry had been my idea, but it was more boring than I had expected. Plus, they had gotten the coloration on my flames off, much to my irritation. "Let's go attack something, or beat some info out of the humans, or blow up the Underworld."IC: CyeHe cheerfully floated around the fortress, never noticing the attacks sent his way. There had to be a way inside, then he could meet up with his friends inside. Then he noticed an opening, the mysterious object called a 'Door'. It was a challenge unlike any other, how to open it...
  22. IC: Moros"Then you shall leave yourselves little choice, I'm afraid. You shall not be taking this bomb from where it sits, nor shall any other until it comes the time that it may be used. Until then, I will have little choice." He turned towards Liam with a very grim face, before sending a charged shot from his arm. "No more games, child, you are going to die."
  23. Ah well, no way to alter Kirse to fit this one. I likely will not be entering, but It will be interesting to see what people come up with.
  24. OOC: Well... I was waiting for Blade to post, but I suppose this has been too long.IC: MorosI pulled the barbed projectile from my arm, throwing it to the ground. Then my vision turned to the surrounding trees. "Where are you, human? There's no need to hide within the trees if you turn back now, and forget the explosive." I was listening carefully, waiting for either motion or a reply.
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