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The Dark Chronicler

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Everything posted by The Dark Chronicler

  1. I'd vote for myself. This seems absolutely like something I would do. Nah, I'll just say Portalfig to help hang two people if possible
  2. I wrote a comedy, and for some reason it did really well. Then a created a sequel that has done rather well. And Spinoffs, all doing quite well. I guess my secret would be... I have no idea at all. XD
  3. IC: VranaThe Avian said nothing, merely taking back the locket and concealing it in his armor. He turned away from the village, and started traveling deeper into the forest. "Let's get moving, we're wasting time and there is still something else that you need to be shown." With that, he vanished out of the Toa of Plasma's sight.OOC: Vrana to Le-Koro.
  4. IC: Vrana"We are... we were scavengers. We eat creatures which have died... and Matoran die all the same as anything else. But they don't see the eating of the dead as we do, they see it as horrific and yet do the same to Rahi. After an attack by other Rahi, we feasted upon the corpse of one of the dead Matoran left behind."His head tilted sideways slightly, a slight hint of pain drifting over his face. "We were spotted by someone, possibly a friend of the corpse in life... and were attacked to scare us away. There was a Toa of fire, he was called to fight us, by the now-terrified Matoran. He burnt her, he used his powers to cause her such pain...""We fled, we escaped with our lives into the caverns along the coast. It was there... it was there... I returned to the village, seeking the Toa of fire, but he was not there. Now I see that it was not only the fault of the Toa, but the Matoran who had such fear. It was they who used the Toa as a weapon against us..."
  5. IC: Vrana"I can't tell you who... she doesn't have a name. Names are a more... Matoran concept, something I didn't learn about until much later." The Avian spoke, head tilted downwards with a slight hint of sadness. "She was my... I think the Matoran term is 'wife'... but even that word is unworthy to describe her."
  6. IC: Vrana"Because not everyone gets to live the life they deserve... not everyone gets to chose their future." He wearily handed the locket over to the Toa of plasma, showing him the small stone carving inside. "Because the innocent die far more often than the evil."Inside the locket was a rough stone carving, depicting what appeared similar to Vrana, but not quite the same. Also of note was that it did not wear a mask, having a face similar, but not the same as that of a Toa.OOC: Bet you expected the same image as the one in the last RPG.
  7. OOC: But of course, there are many ways the story shall shift and change. Better to stay as the character than force something upon them.IC: Vrana"Indeed... how many heroes have you heard of, outside of the Toa Mata? I have heard of very, very few. Those who oppose the Matoran, force them to act as they would normally not, they are the ones remembered. Fear is stronger than bravery, and the effects are bleak."He slowly opened the locket, looking at the image inside with the grim seriousness of stone. He didn't say anything, just clutch tightly onto the metal object. After a few moments, he managed to find words. "We must keep living freely for those who could not..."
  8. IC: Vrana"I understand more than you know. I played that part for decades, but just look at how well it ended for me. I've been the hero, I've done what good I could for far too long. The Matoran just don't care. Unless you can instantly fix all of their problems, then you are nothing but an item to be used."It sickened him slightly, that Cadias could be so heavily weighted by his blind desire to be the hero. There was nothing but suffering and pain awaiting down that path. Cadias hadn't felt it yet, he hadn't been through what Vrana had. "Is it not obvious to you? No matter what you do, others will never see it as enough, they will always complain that you could have done better, despite that they themselves do absolutely nothing. The only purpose in life is to live, and within time, everything you do will be forgotten and treated as though it were nothing.""That is the curse of power, the desire to use it, to further your own goals, no matter what the costs. For some, that means wasting their lives to defend those who don't even care enough to defend themselves. Others choose differently, seeing the darkness and setting out on their own, not allowing themselves to be abused by the wretched Matoran. Those that use the power to protect the Matoran only do so for so long, before that power, or their very lives have been lost into the abyss of memories, only to fade away. They don't care, the Matoran don't care. If you saved them from danger, do you think they would even care enough to learn your name, or merely move on without even the slightest thought?""The fight against the Makuta... the rumors that the Turaga create, to convince the Toa to defend the Matoran. I have never seen the Makuta, and I know of none who have. All I have ever seen are angered Rahi, and those who follow the rumors, crafting a trail of darkness. Makuta is nothing but a shadow, to give face to the fear. And fear is something the Matoran have in great supply."The Black Bird reached into his armor, pulling out a dull and pitted metal locket. "The point of being free is its own purpose. To let none control you, to live life as you want to, in honor of those who could not."OOC: Do you remember this locket, Cadias?
  9. IC: VranaAt Cadias' outburst Vrana said nothing, but he prepared should the blade change targets. But it never did, striking only the now shattered stump was all that Cadias' rage had lead to. "Toa, nothing more than a word. If it were a title held in higher regard, then you would hear tales of those on this island that have all of those qualities that you believe make a hero. But you don't, even the bravest and most heroic barely get the slightest mention. All you here is of the failure of the Toa Mata, heroism is so easily forgotten but the slightest failure has scarred the view of all Toa."The Black Bird walked over towards a broken branch that was upon the ground. Picking it up, he turned to Cadias. "This branch is no different than a Toa, and the tree no different from the Matoran. While it is strong, the branch stands proudly around the tree. But when it breaks, it is left there upon the ground, and a new branch takes its place." He threw the broken branch aside, before speaking again. "What is honor? Following rules set by others that you are expected to follow, and given no reason as to why? What good does honor ever do? It means that danger never dies, it merely continues to grow. Courage is bravely standing against all foes, despite the odds. But why fight a foe for another when they would merely force you to the front lines it they were to face whatever may threaten them? Sacrifice is throwing away your life for those of others. And yet, could you not save more life by not dying? The expectations of a Toa are nothing but ways to keep their lives short. They either die as a hero, or live and see the darkness that inhabits those they protect.""Matoran have numbers on their side, if an entire village rose up to fight, they could easily do more than any Toa ever could. But they don't, they expect others to do that dangerous work for them. Some may join the guard, but that is little more than glorified cowards. They deal with catching people who break their rules, which they expect all others to follow."At the mention of Mata Nui, Vrana almost let out a sickening laugh. "Mata Nui? What does the imaginations of the Matoran have to do with their corruption? A magical being with great power that protected and gave them what they desired. How is that any different from what the expect of Toa? They want everything, but have no desire to work towards it themselves, preferring to let others pave the path for them."He turned, pale white eyes looking piercingly into those of Cadias, as though knives trying to slice away at the beliefs of the Toa. "Your duty is to whatever you wish it to be. You are not some tool of the Matoran, not a weapon. Do not treat yourself as such, you have the choice to be so much more. The only reason you gained power was through luck, nothing more."He flexed his wings, seeming to think for a moment, searching for a reply. "When the Matoran work together, they can solve their own problems. And yet, they care only about themselves, making working as a team something reserved only for sport. They abandoned me when I could not help them any longer, because I did not follow their rules. But why should I? What good would helping them do, when all it leads is to a live of misery. You are no more a failure than I, both choosing not to be weapons for those who only use others until they are of no further use.""We are not failures, Cadias. We are merely free."
  10. IC: VranaSomething struck Vrana about Cadias' anger. Nothing truly alarming, but slightly unnerving nonetheless. He found that he didn't care. He had been warned by someone with the power to char him in an instant, but he didn't even care. "Why? Because you were once one of their worthless kind? Does it matter what you were? What matters is what you are now. You're not one of them, their blindly selfish and heartless way don't hold you. You're free, free to be what you want to. They can accept Toa, they aren't afraid of you. But look at me, and they see a monster, a creature out of their nightmares. They don't look past the appearance, Cadias. That is all they ever care about. Look different, and you are merely a Rahi to be worked until you are no longer of use, then abandoned.""They act as though they are superior to everything, and trample anything they see as below them. Once it has been used for at it can, it is nothing more than garbage. But I'm not useless, not some tool to be disposed of. I'm different, I look unlike anything they've seen. They think everything should focus upon merely them, with everything else as a small stepping stone on their path. Once stepped upon, it is no longer needed." He flexed his wings, starting to feel anger building within him. Rage, hatred, fueled by the Matoran."Even Toa only have a place for so long. What happens when all the fighting ends, Cadias? What use to then will you be then? Plasma destroys, it is not safely warming like fire, nor can it create. Then what do you think will happen to you? Will they praise you as a hero when you can't provide them with what they want, or will they merely toss you aside as they have done in the past?"
  11. IC: VranaFight or flight, and fighting certainly wasn't an option. How Cadias could speak of being calm was fine and all, but he must have somehow forgotten the very large pair of wings that Vrana possessed. Drawing attention was not a very challenging thing to do, running just meant getting out faster. Sure, he could fly... but what if it caught the attention of the guards? Running was clearly the best option, though not an easy one with a Toa of plasma acting as an anchor. "You, maybe not. But I don't want to be caught within village borders. Wretched Matoran vermin, it's all their fault..."
  12. IC: VranaThere was sounds of something rather chaotic going on nearby, along with a shout for the guards. That was bad, very, very bad. As far as he knew, he wasn't supposed to even be inside of the village. He wasn't sure why someone was calling the guards, but it didn't really matter. He had to leave the area, fast. He could show the locket to Cadias at a later time, for now it was time to get out. He grabbed onto the Toa's arm, trying to pull him outwards from the village. "We need to leave. Now."
  13. IC: VranaHis wings lowered him onto the ground, near the dark armored Cadias. There was something eerily grim about his face, as grim as the thought that had moments before crossed his mind. There was a way to show Cadias to uncaring heartlessness of the Matoran, reveal the darkness within each and every one of them. It wasn't pleasant, nor would it be as easy as he had hoped, but perhaps it would reveal the suffering, the anger. Maybe Cadias would finally learn. "I have something to show you."
  14. Finally finished Tales of the Abyss... That game is awesome.

  15. ... Yeah, kind of expected that. Is now a bad time to point out that, like Disco, Jazz is now dead?
  16. Hey, my vote has nothing to do with bandwagons! I have the more noble goal of killing off my friends in each Mafia game.
  17. Kingdom Hearts 3D is alright, nothing spectacular. For someone who has only played another side game of the series before, the story was a complete and utter headache. I needed my brother to explain who half of the characters were, often multiple times because a few look similar. And I've never liked the controls of the KH series.When it comes to the 3DS, it does have a rather disappointing lack of any really good games. I too only have four games, three of which I really enjoy. Having played quite a lot of Kid Icarus myself, I have never once noticed any discomfort with playing the game. I had far more discomfort playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And I'm afraid I can't see the mediocrity either. It's rather hard to notice problems that aren't there, and I've not had the slightest issue with the controls at all. And I can't see anything being overrated, having only seen a single, rather low review of it, which constantly complained about something that has never caused me any issue in the slightest. You can claim as you wish, but having gotten other really enjoyable games, I still find that I like Kid Icarus better than most. Many other hyped games I have found not even worth the money spent on them, but not Kid Icarus. But, Mario... I've never been a Mario fan. I've played my brother's NSMB, and got tired of it after only the first world.
  18. Meh, I don't know if I should celebrate that Grochi is dead or feel upset that it was not voting that brought him to death. Well, seeing as one of my targets is down, I shall be voting for XIII Roxas.
  19. Driven nearly insane by all the misery in his past, a man from Ireland seeks his revenge. Wearing a pair of black sunglasses, he heads out on the adventure of a lifetime. He's going to turn his day around, no matter the cost. It will be the best day he's ever had, or someone is going to pay. Vorex Has a Bad Day: The Movie
  20. Kal Grochi.... I have a rather small list of people to kill this time around. Maybe I'll actually kill them all this time without dying!
  21. I'm up for any spot.Maybe I won't die this time, and manage to kill all my friends targets.
  22. ... I can't stand the new theme, I see it as horribly dull in comparison to the old one... XD Needless to say, I use the old one.
  23. 1. That's a very good idea, but I'm not quite certain which sites can and can not be linked to under BZPower rules.2. I don't believe Cadias nor I spoke of a character limit while designing it. I'll have to speak to him about if he thinks we should add one.3. Only the highest rank for each species is limited to the staff characters at the current time. But the chances of one of them possibly dying would leave that position open, as would one stepping down from command. So they are indeed ranks that characters can achieve, but only one person can have the top rank at a time.
  24. Well, It seems I'll likely be trying out for a job soon. Even less BZPower time...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cadias


      Riiiiiiiight. =P

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Seriously. I went bowling, went to a Festival, etc.

    4. Cadias


      Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. =P


      I had a busy weekend too.... one full of paint.

  25. IC: Moros"The bomb, like all things, has its place and use, but that is not here, not in the hands of you." Listening to the argument earned a response. "And people sometimes complain that we gods speak too much..." I muttered shaking my head. "And you, why do you use such wretched language?" Then with a frown, I merely turned my fist in an upwards direction, towards the main irritant, Liam.It is likely enough that his argument with the other had distracted him, giving me an opening. But I was stopped in my path as I was struck in the upper part of my left arm by nasty barbed projectiles, the same as had struck my foot. Painful I suppose, but I had something far more important to worry about than mere attacks and damage.
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