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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kakaru

  1. Sooner or later. I'm patient.
  2. Wot? Yeah, a bit run down and such. <_>
  3. So is it possible to incorporate a Muaka and call it a Tiger? If not, I'll start building anyway.
  4. The flood of blogs is over. To celebrate, I grabbed an image from MNOG and put text on it. Enjoy. Whanglefuzz
  5. Kakaru


    That's what makes it so amusing. ^^;
  6. Kakaru

    Stillllll Evil.

    Kk. NO U WON'T BtB Klakk Technically I did. =o I knew it! It would seem that bagless cleaners are attempting a world takeover... >_> BtB No, they tried that back in the 70s. Now it's mechanical pencils that are trying to.
  7. Kakaru


    I got stuck on a cliff somewhere that Hahli wasn't supposed to go, and gave up.
  8. Kakaru


    I found this on Boba Fett's Maj gallery. I nearly suffocated laughing. No I've never seen the movie, but I know enough about it to get this.
  9. Kakaru


    Lady K likes my art! Link
  10. Kakaru

    New Approval!

    I could do it if I hack your account, but that's just more trouble for me.
  11. Happy late birthday. I missed it by one day...

  12. "Toss me.

    ...But; don't tell the Elf."

  13. Kakaru

    New Approval!

    Fine! Be that way! I don't know what he meant either. :/
  14. Well everyone's saying this, so congrats on your new job!

  15. Kakaru


    Thank you. I'll do that.
  16. Kakaru

    New Approval!

    I made a Steampunk'd approval. Everyone who has my approval, please update it to this. [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Kakaru/Miscellaneousness/DurinsForge/newapproval.jpg]
  17. Kakaru

    From A Real Blogger

    Okay, I'll forgive you.
  18. Cheeseburgers, Mudkipz, and 300. I got nothing else. (BTW, I think the Hobbit thing was better.)
  19. Kakaru

    Absolute Ownage

    Ooh, become -Aragorn-, that'd be the best! We could start a Lord of the Rings wave... XD Too bad I just changed my name. =/ -Tor Noes! -Aragorn- FTW! GIMLI OWNS LEGOLAS! BTW, I love that content block with me in it. Do I guard your blog now?
  20. Trying to constantly "bump" your blog onto the top twenty is FREAKIN' STUPID. So you can just stop. If you're blog is so boring people don't want to surf through the tidal wave of non-premeir blog to get to yours, it's not worth reading.
  21. If all was true, you woudn't have a blog. Blogs are evil, eh? -A REAL Blogger
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