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Everything posted by Voxumo

  1. Actually, I'm with the Knights of Ekimu. Our job literally consists of... So sneaking around the Earth Region is something I should be doing. Oh I'm not questioning that, but it still doesn't make it right by any means. At least when I had to sneak, I talked my way in. Charisma FTW
  2. Again... says the person who created said mask in the first place. That mask was never gonna be used for anything other than impersonating people, and sneaking around where they shouldn't.
  3. That's a bit rude... Our issues in the game is nothing compared to family, or any real life issue. Be grateful tex is even doing this.
  4. Common sense that the skeletons are evil is very subjective. Let me point back to the fact the skull warriors have been guards for the mask makers for several generations... Yes people may feel uneasy about them, but the skull warriors have never shown reason to suspect evil, especially if the mask makers have made use of them. Kulta has shown no reason to fear her or her skull army, to the general populace and most players at least. I mean heck, terrorsaur and burnmad could be considered more evil than kulta presently, give one's partial genocide of a region and the others... well conquering and subjugation of another. Argue this as much as you like, but you are the only person, aside from the secretive mask makers, who has witnessed the truth. Even the current knights of ekimu have not witnessed the truth, and are merely believing what they've been ordered to. They don't know if it's any more true than anyone else, they are just too stubborn to think otherwise.
  5. You assume the giant skeleton is bent on Genocide, but icly we don't know that, and really have no reason to even believe it... well except you and the mask makers but again they aren't exactly making an effort to convince the populace otherwise. The way it's seen icly, Kulta and the skull army helped to bring back two regions from the brink of destruction, and have done nothing but help. Aside from their appearances, there is little reason to suspect anything. Again, IC wins out over OOC in this game.
  6. Again, maybe if the other side offered a better offer, I would turn to them. You just claim I'm not neutral because you're not the one paying for my services. Of course I'm not going to appear neutral to you.
  7. And? Need I remind you that a fair majority of those you mentioned killed many people just to get what you wanted? Terrorsaur killed half a region with poison. So killers attesting to the character of someone convicted of murder doesn't exactly provide the best case. "Hey, this guy wouldn't kill anyone, even though he hung out with a bunch of killers." Face it, the people, even the knights, for the most part have been led to believe what I've fed them. Also as far as any of you know icly, you don't know if what I said is the truth or not, you may suspect, but you don't know. Here's the thing, I'm living in that false reality. I know full and well what really occurred and I don't pretend to know what I don't know. I live by what I see in front of me, and I see a populace ripe for the manipulating.
  8. The only feasible way you could touch me is if I were to run up and down the streets of Kamuk, unarmed, unguarded, unclothed, drunk, repeatedly yelling "I AM IMPORTANT! ATTACK ME!" over and over. Okay if that's what you want to believe...
  9. Kulta = God Therefore, me = Pope Also, Makuta = That Guy Who Ruined Everything Yeah... that's not a very convincing explanation. But even if you go with that, doesn't make you untouchable.
  10. I was referring to the whole Kamuk thing, since you support it, therefore making you a heretic by extension. Not I would expect someone like you to understand. Also, I am basically the Pope. You don't have the power (or authority, for that matter) to "do" anything about me. Please explain how you are basically the pope? I'd love to hear this explanation.
  11. Hold on let me check... uh none, because they're not technically Faithful anymore, because what you have done is HERESY. Hmm... So exposing the killer of Lord Zatth, and a traitor to all of okoto is heresy? Interesting. I mean the facts and results of my actions say otherwise. But I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand. By someone I mean a useless "Ruler" who wasted an entire round banging on a door.. a ruler who can not keep his temper under control... A ruler who rules nothing. Maybe if I was more ruthless I'd do something about you, but alas I'm not terrorsaur, or nato... or pulse. Death is such a brutish method of conflict resolution, befitting only savages and simpletons.
  12. If a mercenary is paid to kill the leader of a rebellion, would you claim the mercenary has vested interest in the side whom is paying them? No, because that goes against what a mercenary is. If the opponent paid them more, they would swiftly turn against their original contractor. The same is being said here, however instead of being paid with material goods, I'm being paid with the chance at survival. Which side is ensuring my survival better? Hmm? Say what you both will, in this game, I'm only looking out for myself. It's why I'm still alive despite what I've done. Also Shadowvezon, I would suggest not wasting further time with these simpletons. They will believe what they want to believe, they will believe they know everything. Let them live their lies, and when their false reality is eventually unraveled, well it will be all the more rewarding.
  13. Tsk tsk.. I can't very well sell goods and services to an island if an island hardly exists. As I told you, House Maran's Interests lies in House Maran. We are not going to provide services for the sake of money if it means risking house maran. At the end of the day, it's all about what's best for House Maran, and sometimes that includes being paid handsomely for goods and services. i mean, i have a feeling that the earth region will end up being the one in control of kamuk. Not if I have any say in it. Kamuk is only really as strong as it is by my actions. For example sometime soon, Kamuk will hopefully be in control of two toa, despite only technically being one region. One could even argue the Faith of the island is even stronger by my actions. How many faithful cowering in other regions were renewed in spirit and motivation by my little speech? The funny thing, this is all from a guy who is as neutral as the sun in the sky. It only burns those who remain in it's rays for longer than they should. Maybe if the Knights had actually made an effort to contract my services early on, matters would be different... But no, they chose to do nothing, like they always have.
  14. You speak of truth, yet all you've done is steal, spy, and lie. Says the guy who made the mask of illusions in the first place. Lord knows what you might have stolen, spied upon and lied about while using that mask. Now now, don't place yourself on such a high pedestal. If anyone's the designated desert dude, I'd say it's vinheim given his productivity.
  15. I deem this an appropriate response to my unjust death.
  16. Well... I wouldn't expect anything less from the Japanese and FFXV's least shown summon.
  17. I say we just on a very precarious ledge on the side of a cathedral somewhere and have him shoot at people who try to sneak into said cathedral, if his bow is really that big.
  18. I really hate some of these new ads I'm seeing on bzpower. Nothing bothers me more than ads that have autoplaying sounds.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Honestly I for a minute thought premiers or at least pobzpc didn't get ads, but didn't know for sure just because I use adblockers. I feel like it should be a perk for POBZPC

    2. Voxumo


      That would be an amazing perk, though I feel like it would definitely up the price of premier memberships if it was.

  19. Hmm... never heard of it.
  20. Well while I would not consider that a stupid move, it is one that probably could have been prevented if his guardians did their job.
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