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Everything posted by -Windrider-

  1. Awesome, now I can let my imagination create your weekend. >
  2. Sergeant Six! (sounds better) Good luck.
  3. These dissenters are missing out by passing up the opportunity to get to know and to talk to you staffies. *<3s to you all*
  4. *world explodes because Haha. Reason that the equation ends up how it does removed, because I like to keep the others guessing. *
  5. Nap time! I got an A in that class.
  6. But...I just killed her. :0 I'll order sesame chicken for the funeral.
  7. :alert: For Omi and me... Here, split it up: "...can whip some Chinese up for Omi and for me." Because of the preposition 'for,' both nouns following it must be objective. In other words, you can't say "...can whip some Chinese up for I."
  8. I can cook for you! But only if you give me coffee as payment.
  9. I knew it! That's what the fish resembled. The leg-like fins give it away.
  10. -Windrider-


    But people's pockets will break and their money will fly into your hands if you bring Dunkin' Donuts!
  11. SPARTAAAAAAA!!! Your girlfriend is very cute!
  12. "I went to college, and all I got was DEBT."
  13. -Windrider-

    Oh Ridley?

    This entry is made of awesome and win.
  14. -Windrider-

    The Classes

    Than owns you because Calculus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Precalc.
  15. -Windrider-

    Ave Mahria

    I really love the title of this entry.
  16. Happy birthday! So, I heard that Déagol has something for you...
  17. -Windrider-


    But you were at a college program this summer, right? I thought that maybe you took psychology then too. Wow, my brain is fried.
  18. That's because New Jersey is awesome. Well, we make ourselves feel better by thinking that way. And by yelling at Pennsylvanian drivers.
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