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Everything posted by Xaeraz

  1. GM IC: Falcon's arrow struck true, blinding one of the massive Gate Guardian's eyes. Its screech ripped at ears nearby, and it swung itself at Falcon to try and catch him in its jaws. Behind the glatorian, a yellow Hau peaked out of the House's front door, looking at the situation ahead of it. "Are you both done yet?" IC: Zeraxa swallowed, looking up from her meal as Puppetmaster's message played in her head. She growled at it as she tore out another chunk of the guard's flesh, then stood, moving fluidly into a low run, guns at the ready. "Find me a way out if you really want to help."
  2. DAY SIX The mob had cast their votes, pushing Shadowvezon to the center of the boats. It was obvious that they expected a gruesome, overwrought death for their declared traitor, one befitting a sizable post with multiple paragraphs and explanations of delays. So they were disappointed when the twisted matoran shot the blacksmith and retreated to his lifeboat without a word. ROLES PM ROLE REVEAL: THE BLACKSMITH: Chains two lifeboats together, preventing one from being separated without separating the other. Occurs once during the game.
  3. GM IC: The Gate Guardian roared its insectoid roar, snarling in anger at Falcon and Antiro as arrows clattered off its head or struck its limbs. It leaned in for a bite at Falcon, shifting its focus from Antiro for the time being. Behind the Gate Guardian's bloody outline, a pair of Kahgarahk zombies came over the dune, dirt and mold dripping from their blue and white bodies. There was an unholy screech as one began to charge its Field of Shados spinner, while the other charged Antiro. Behind the zombies, a small form came stumbling over the hill, golden mask clear on its panicked face. And behind the fighters, the door to the House of Flying Daggers creaked. IC: Xaeraz roared past the Keetongu, floating up behind it to strike at the base of its neck with a blade, leaving a scar in the armor. As the lumbering rahi turned to strike him, the toa dodged back out of the way, then shot around behind the beast again, striking at the same spot. He spared a second to glance at Dreisen and company, checking to see if they had all made it over the ledge. IC: "The only time Xians are really obnoxious is when they fire on us from the entrance to our dome," Venix offered, having spent time staring into the distance. "Those big old cannons they have dwarf even my guns!" IC: Zeraxa was hungry. She had been teleported out of the arena and into her cell, only for it all to go down the drain in a hurry. She had broken out of her cell with a couple well-placed shots, and found prisoners and guards brawling in the halls. She turned as she heard a cry to find a toa guard bearing down on her, billy club raised. Fluidly, she dropped below his reach, raised one gun, and fired a shot right into his leg. The toa screamed in pain and collapsed, allowing Zeraxa to seemingly flow up and around him, leaning over his corpse as she fired three more times, crippling his other knee and each elbow, drawing a strangled cry each time. The mask fell from her face and she grinned as he stared into her eye and found only hunger. He tried to call for help, but her fangs found his throat and killed the scream before it could escape. OOC: Okay, who did I miss? Also Zeraxa open to interaction in the prison
  4. Buy them off amazon, Tex. It's worth it. Although, it is a visual novel series, if that's a dealbreaker.
  5. Y'all try writing a post with no free time on a smartphone prone to random restarts of both the browser and the phone entire. Scene will be up by Monday. I'll be home by Sunday night.
  7. I may be unable to do fancy formatting right now, but I fully intend to have your hanging up later tonight. When I'm less busy.
  8. Mobile IC: Reggie shrugged and polished the bottle off herself, more out of a desire to not let it go to waste than to get drunker. "Suit yourself," she muttered, turning and beginning to return to base. "But I would be appreciating company."
  9. Mobile IC: Reggie took a look at her own phone before sighing. She had hoped against hope she was wrong about today, but her gut had decided to be right instead. Turning back to sofia, she offered the bottle, saying, "You may as well be starting your drinking now, comrade."
  10. So, real life summer stuff is happening for me, and my ability to post will be limited to mobile posts from a hotel wi-fi from Tuesday to Sunday. I've informed the other staff of my ongoing GM IC plans, so they can keep running that while I'm away, but otherwise, here's the relevant bunnying permissions: Adders/TPTI/Ultron/Wyrd and Nato can bunny Venix along on Mirilquest as need be, and I think that's all I've got for the time being.
  11. NGIHT SIX The stench was horrible. Portalfig nearly threw up as he stepped into his lifeboat, while Shadowhawk and Pulse behind him did. Portalfig took a shaking step inside, looking around the reeking, sticky mess of a lifeboat. The walls, floor, and ceiling were coated in red, both from the blood and the fragments of armor embedded in them. The only thing left intact in the room was the giant golden hammer Burnmad had taken from Tiragath's corpse. Portalfig took a deep breath and pulled the hammer aside, finally losing his own lunch as he found what was under the hammer. Both of Burnmad's hands, each finger bent backwards at every knucle, having obviously been snapped before the hands were removed and the matoran was plastered all over the walls. Behind Portalfig, the ramshackle captor approached, grinning, a list in hand. Its contents were simple. SUSPECTS FOR THE MURDER OF BURNMAD Null 1 Nato/Locus/Of Australian Origin Dark Cloud Shadowvezon Piraka Mistika
  12. OOC: Sorry for the disappearance, y'all. did not intend things to go that long without activity. If I missed anyone, let me know. GM IC: The tiny Gate Guardian failed to stagger as the wall of air hit it, but the much larger, invisible beast projecting the illusion did, as Antiro might be able to detect. It screeched and sent another kick at the le-toa, much stronger this time. More zombies could be felt rising from the earth behind it, a rhythmic crunching sound as sharp feet began to skitter closer to the House. GM IC: Zombie Intavus mourned his hat. IC: A yawning Venix wandered up to the group, holding a lead pipe in one hand as she covered her mouth with another. "Hey. What did I miss?" IC: "You all go on ahead," Xaeraz said, floating up into the air as his jetpack activated. "I'll keep the Big Guy here occupied while you head on down, then we'll meet up at the bottom, okay?"
  13. Ooh, yeah. $145 a night for five nights at Freddie's isn't fun at all. Finances should 100% take priority. But if you need fun while you're in Baltimore, you know who to call. (HINT: it's pablo)
  14. Thanks for the tip. If I stay the whole week, I may check some of that stuff out, but ideally I'd prefer to do stuff like that with friends rather than just wandering around on my own. I'm, like, an hour away from Baltimore on a bad day if you need someone to pal around the inner harbor with? And I'm sure Pablo would be willing to come around too. so yes stay in baltimore and experience it all
  15. Xaeraz

    look at this

  16. Thanks, Eli. DAY FIVE The mob had roared in anger and confusion as the twisted matoran proclaimed their first Climax Lynching, but a sudden burst of gunfire into the air from a gun hidden in one of his arms quickly silenced them. At gunpoint, the mob was forced into their lifeboats, one by one, locked in them as their captor shoved them inside. Boats turned into hives of worried whispers, wondering who all the votes had been cast for, or even how they'd cast them. In Lifeboat Six, Toa Chuck and KK17 turned to each other, sighing heavily. "I'm a medic," Chuck admitted, knowing full well there was no point to keeping it secret from his only friend (besides their Null, who was basically catatonic since the loss of Grochi). "...I'm the Agent," KK17 mumbled in reply. "...Which doesn't explain why we had rations in here?" The agent picked up a brick of food, looking at his companion with a look of incredulousness on his face. Before Toa Chuck could reply, however, the door swung open to their boat. A broken mask peered inside, grinning, and a ramshackle arm made a motion for them to come stand atop their boat. As Chuck and KK17 reached the top of their boat, they looked over to Boat Eight. There, Hina, Gibberish, and Underscore stood, all looking vaguely worried. "I'm the Coroner!" Gibberish yelled. "And Underscore's mafia! He told me that, and I have no reason to disbelieve him!" "What about Hina?" Chuck asked, indicating the third member of the other boat." "Villager," they replied quietly. chuck was about to open his mouth when a burst of gunfire cut through the air, and Lifeboat Eight began to drift away. Turning in horror, he stared at the twisted matoran on Lifeboat Twelve. "Why did y-" he began before the gun belched fire again, severing Lifeboat Six and sending it drifting away. The captor waved a jaunty goodbye, and settled into his boat for the evening. HINA (matoran), K17 (agent), CHUCK (medic), GIBBERISH (coroner), and UNDERSCORE (mafia) DEAD. NIGHT ROLES PM ROLE REVEAL! The CORONER is a neutral role. As long as they are alive, the Agent takes two turns to deactivate a Serial Killer. In addition, while the coroner lives, the village knows what role killed each victim.
  17. Okay, so, sorry for the holdup, some real life stuff happened, so the scene will be later than planned, but I'd like to ask a couple of you to go through the topic and count up votes for me to compare against because... I think you guys just voted to cast away three of the lifeboats. btw voting is closed and luroka's switch from 8 to 11 doesn't count because only one switch allowed.
  18. Everything about this game is immune to 48 hour periods due to how busy i've been of late. Scene up later.
  19. IC: "I think I have earned right to be pessimist," Reggie said, turning to stare coolly at Sofia, artificial eye glowing cold blue. "Is hard to not be at this point." The russian woman sighed heavily once more and stared at her bottle. "Oof. Look at me. Is not even midnight and i am already being buzzed."
  20. IC: "I am feeling that something will be happening, Da," Rejiva replied with a heavy sigh, "But it may just be paranoia speaking. Or perhaps the alcohol, though I am not drunk yet. It is simply that, when things, they are going well, that it all comes crashing down." She made a dismissive gesture towards the mechanical arm in lieu of further explanation.
  21. IC: "Parades, nyet," Rejiva replied, taking another swig. "It is too easy to take attenders by surprise. Is perfect place for sneak attack, especially on monumentous day like today." She gestured with her bottle, then said, "Would be like Tet Offensive, but worse. Would be hitting us harder."
  22. IC: Rejiva hrmphed at the main street, glowering at it even as she brought a bottle up to her lips for a swig. She lowered it and glanced across the crowds, more irritated mumbles rising to the surface. Crowds like this never sat well with her, nor did the sort of parade she was sure was going to come noisily down the street any minute. Too many places where things could go wrong, more dangers could arise. It was the perfect place for an attack, if you asked her. Still, she may as well come out and see, what with it being a holiday. "It is exciting night, Da?" She grunted to the woman next to her, glancing the "long" way down to Sofia's height. "Will be much celebration and making of parties over colonies. Is not like it was big mistake that will bite us in rear or anything." IC: Andrei quietly slipped into a seat at a local cafe, a ways away from the main street festivities. With a shaking voice, he asked a waitress for a cup of coffee, cream and sugar please, and settled into his seat to just try and relax and enjoy the leave. Crowds unsettled him, that many people he didn't know in one place, with all the lights and noise... He knew that it would take a miracle for him to go without unfamiliar company, even located where he was, but it was worth the risk. OOC: Rejiva making small talk at Sofia, Andrei open for interaction.
  23. Name: Rejiva “Reggie” FedorovaAge: 28Gender: FemaleOccupation: Mech mechanic and pilot, E3Appearance: Rejiva stands six two, and noticeably well-muscled to boot. She’s dark skinned, being black Russian, which contrasts with the absolute mop of shoulder length gray hair frizzing down from her head. However, most noticeable is Rejiva’s various injuries. Namely, her left side is covered from the waist up in burn scars, and her left eye has been replaced with an obviously fake prosthetic, complete with a blue glow to it. Also notably, her right arm from the shoulder down is a completely mechanical replacement, which affords her the facsimile of two working arms, but is notably different, and lacks feeling in it, as well as requiring nearly weekly maintenance. She wears standard issue fatigues, but with the jacket tied around her waist, and a dark green tank top (“To allow easy access to arm”).Equipment: A pipe wrench, a two barreled M1911, a small tool bag with parts for repairing her arm on the go, some pain meds, and a slightly burnt photograph of a younger Rejiva with another woman. Also Молот Тора AKA MTV AKA The Beat.Skills: Rejiva is a very good mechanic, being able to keep most things running as long as there’s analog components. In addition, Rejiva is exceptionally durable and possesses high endurance, even for a Russian.Personality: Reggie is somewhat grumpy, with an obvious air of it, too. Getting close enough for her to actually speak to you requires either incredible patience, a common job (like mechanic), or a lot of strong liquor. Drunk Rejiva, however, is simply quiet and sad, a large change from her usual self. Bio: Rejiva keeps quiet about her past as much as she can. Despite a fairly nice life growing up, Rejiva was nonetheless beset by tragedy later on. First, her girlfriend was killed in a car accident during a drive home, which cost Rejiva her right arm. Though she would learn to use her new replacement well and return home to a celebration of her return, it would not last, as an electrical fire erupted not long after, taking Rejiva’s parents, siblings, and eye before it could be quenched. Nowhere left to turn, Rejiva enlisted, first as a mechanic, then, eventually, as a pilot. Rejiva lost her previous partner due to mechanical problems in her mech, but has since been partnered with Ethan Flannery as her new Gunner gunner. The Beat has since been modified to take into account both Ethan’s interests, and the safety concerns that killed Reggie’s last partner.Weakness: Rejiva has no feeling in her right arm, meaning that she takes a longer time than normal to learn tasks requiring it. She also has very poor vision from her prosthetic eye, severely hampering her ability to see things to her left without turning her head. Finally, fires can cause flashback and panic attacks if they occur while Reggie is unprepared for them, severely hampering her ability to respond to them outside her mech. Name: Andrei IsidorovAge: 21Gender: MaleOccupation: Mech pilot, E3Appearance: Probably the first thing one notice about Andrei is his androgyny, assuming they don’t mistake him for a woman at first glance, anyway. Otherwise, that Andrei is part of the military at all is rather shocking, given how he looks rather frail and breakable, what with his slender frame and sickly pallor. Andrei looks exceptionally pale and always cold, despite the white longcoat he wears everywhere. Andrei wears his black hair short and close cropped, but adamantly refuses to get a buzz cut due to personal image issues. Andrei is noticeably underweight for his height, standing around 5’ 6.” He is not a fan of this.Other noticeable things about Andrei include his omnipresent medications, most typically present as a small thermos and set of boxes in a kit on his hip, and his generally nervous air.Equipment: Kel-Tec P32, a small first-aid kit that contains his cocktail of medications and set of pills, a can of pepper spray, Koschei the Sightless (mech)Skills: Years of dealing with innumerable conflicting prescriptions has given Andrei a wealth of knowledge about these nutso future medications and interactions between them. In addition, he has a gift for aiming indirect fire, usually knowing exactly how and where to shoot to make his grenades land where they need to.Personality: Andrei is a bundle of nerves, rather twitchy around anyone he’s meeting for the first time. Even with people he’s very familiar, there’s a bit of a stammer about his words. If you can get him talking about something he’s passionate about, however, he will gladly ramble on about it until you tell him to stop.Bio: Andrei’s an American former medical student who dropped out of his classes to go serve for the Federation due to crippling Student Loans. He quickly showed promise as a mech pilot, despite his reluctance to actually fight, and managed to convince his superiors to allow him to pilot in a more support role, leading to Koschei the sightless, a mech that specializes in support, not direct combat.Weakness: Andrei, as a side effect of his multiple medical issues, has a severely weakened immune system, rendering him bedridden if he catches so much as a very angry cold (This is an exaggeration, but Andrei's health merits observation, as he is severely immunocompromised due to the medications he requires. Colds mostly just make him utterly miserable). On top of that, he tends to have a hard time making acquaintances, due to anxiety problems, as well as a distaste for direct combat. Base Model: FAW-007G Warrior Designation: Koschei the Sightless, but also called “Smoky the Bear” for the smoke grenades it uses Appearance: Koschei is painted in a uniform white color, coupled with red trim and markings. The other most notable departures from the normal Warrior on Koschei are its grenade tubes mounted on each shoulder, and the armored transport pods on its back for bringing wounded pilots away from the front lines. Armaments: A mech sized (30mm) handgun, standard Warrior machete, support munitions (White Phosporous smoke screen grenades, chaff, flares, flashbangs. Each munition has eight shots per deployment, four per set of tubes.), armored transport pods mounted on the mech’s back that can be used for moving injured pilots back to the rear lines, or for carrying supplies to the front lines. Weakness: Koschei the Sightless’ primary weakness is its lack of actual weaponry beyond the handgun included for self-defense, due to its role as support and retrieval. Otherwise, the joints in the arms of Koschei are exceptionally delicate, due to the precise movements the transport pods’ contents can require, making them notable weak points. Pilot: Andrei Isidorov
  24. What we do have, however, is my beard. Debuting for the first time ever this brickfair. And really, what would you rather have? A big, green muscle? Or face hair?
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