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Everything posted by Toarobot18

  1. I SECOND PROPOSAL 69. I agree that it is thematic.
  2. Well, the original proposal would still exist, and since that can't technically be changed once posted, you would make a new proposal, with its own separate quoted text, and it would take the next available number like any proposal would. If you look at the second-to-last post on the bottom of page two, you will see an example where I messed up a proposal and therefore made another one just to ensure I wouldn't break Rule 15. Alright. To ensure that is how the rule is interpreted, you might want to specify that thefts and kill attempts are "attacks" and covered by Rule 27, since the current wording only says a Terrifying Rahi "is able to kill or steal . . . unless they also own a Terrifying Rahi."
  3. Proposal 67 has passed and is now a rule. I agree that the above rule proposal is thematic. Note that, technically, according to Rule 15 you may not edit the quoted text of a rule-change proposal once it has been posted, but must instead propose a new rule. However, since no one had seen or seconded your proposal in this case, I don't think it really matters. I would second your proposal, but I think it might be a little unclear as to whether kill/steal attempts are always successful if the other player does not have a Terrifying Rahi, or if this relies upon a 3/6 dice roll like the Scari Rahi attempts do. If the rule as proposed passes, I will interpret it as meaning that they are always successful under the right conditions.
  4. Widgets minted and transferred. First post updated. I encourage the Matoran Council to agree upon and appoint the Secretary of the Great Nui Treasury.
  5. Proposal 66 passes and is now a rule. Proposal 67, to create a new mutable rule:
  6. Alright. I'll be sure to keep an eye toward maintaining my reputation.
  7. Woah. No way am I reading that many pages. I did see a similar rule on the first page, though, about not revealing allied roles, but I assume this rule is broader, and applies to revealing (allegedly revealing? only truthful revealing? speculating on?) any team's roles after one is dead.
  8. Out of curiosity, and to further my understanding of this rather ambiguous (but praiseworthy) rule, which game was that?
  9. Maybe the dead inhabitants of the mansion collected Bionicle sets, and we find the sets' littered remains all over the house, missing pieces, heads, and limbs in just the right places to foreshadow our own fates . . .
  10. So, my inbox was full when the messages were sent out, so I would like to officially make the claim that I have no special role. Now, the last time this happened to me, the host made the mistake of announcing in the topic that my inbox was full, thus clearing my name and allowing me to run VDAMMA, which was successful in that game. This game, I have no real proof, and last time I ran VDAMMA no one believed me anyway (to be fair, I was the Pyro), so I'm just going to take it easy this game and let things run their course. However, if anyone trusts me and wants me to pass something along, I will see what I can do. "No role revealing if you're dead." Does this mean a player's role is not revealed when he dies? Or just that dead people cannot reveal other people's roles? Is that intended to imply that dead people should be dead and not actively altering the course of the game? (If so, I applaud this rule development.)
  11. Dapper-San mined 3 ores. ShadowVezon mined 4 ores. Portal mined 7 ores. I mine for ores. I mined 4 ores.
  12. Mairanui mined 7 ores.
  13. I have added you to the list. Our new Chief Turaga is Lhikevikk. He should appoint the judges as soon as possible. Our new Council Members of the Matoran Council are Portal, Mairanui, and ShadowVezon. Now if anyone else wants to second Proposal 66 . . .
  14. Just Norik, 1. Yes. 2. At the moment you can create, amend, or repeal mutable rules to allow you to win or for any other reason, or change mutable rules into immutable rules and vice versa. 3. As long as it does not break the Ironclad Rules, yes. Additionally, if it conflicts with an immutable rule or a rule with a lower number, the other rule overrides it. Ehks mined 2 ores. Pupwa mined 2 ores. ShadowVezon, I don't think it has quite yet been 24 hours since you last mined.
  15. I SECOND PROPOSAL 65. Rule 64 is transmuted and renumbered.
  16. Didn't see this before. Updating the first post . . . EDIT: You only have 9 ores, because 1 of your 2 ores you minted into a widget and spent to pay for mining.
  17. Armor created and widget minted. First post updated. Proposal 66, to create a new mutable rule. I think this rule is thematic.
  18. You mined 8 ores. I nominate ShadowVezon as a Council Member of the Matoran Council.
  19. You mined 6 ores. I nominate Valendale as a Council Member of the Matoran Council.
  20. Mairanui mined 4 ores. Portal mined 10 ores. I mine for ores. I mined 5 ores. I nominate Lhikevikk for Chief Turaga. I nominate Portal as a Council Member of the Matoran Council. I nominate Mairanui as a Council Member of the Matoran Council.
  21. I pick Kualas.
  22. Yes, except that your proposal to transmute 64 is, itself, Proposal 65, and so you should probably include that number in your post.
  23. Proposal 64 has passed. Rule 48 is amended and renumbered.
  24. Minted. I SECOND PROPOSAL 64.
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