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Everything posted by --V--

  1. --V--


    I've been using Gradients since i joined the site.. my favorite is black to black gradient
  2. --V--


    I loved the series up until the 4th one, after that it kinda fell apart since there really wan't any new story development, just filling in the "gaps" of the first three. Tobin Bell is one of my favorite actors though..
  3. --V--


    I guess only 4 lives will be saved today :'(
  4. Because Guy Fawkes is serious business, or was serious business..
  5. --V--

    Duct Tape Wallet!

    Playing card wallets are cooler
  6. --V--

    Lg Env Touch?

    I really haven't liked any of the enV's aside from the touch one, the outside panel is really awkward, it almost looks like a calculator, the inside is basically the same as the touch's inside, although i think the touch has more keypad space. Other than the outside, the two phones are almost the same.
  7. --V--

    Lg Env Touch?

    it's a really good phone, although i recomend that you buy a proctective case (the soft sleeve cases are pretty cool) aswell as inside and outside screen protectors. For some odd reason the enV touch is the only phone that I've dropped all the time, and the touchscreen and inside screens are very easy to scratch. The phone is very good though, great camera, the keypad is great for sending texts, and games on the touchpad are awesome! :^D
  8. Article 169-AYE Article 170- AYE Article 171-AYE Article 172-AYE Article- 173-AYE Article 174- AYE, sounds very interesting.. Article 175-AYE, I like it a lot! Article 176- AYE, reminds me quite a bit of the Legend of Zelda.. but it’s a pretty good idea.
  9. Article 112- AYE Article 147- AYE Article 164- AYE Article 165- AYE Article 166- AYE Article 167- AYE Article 168- AYE
  10. There you go. ahh... it... its like Daft Punk and Keyboard Cat had some sort of.. space baby cat..
  11. I think we're done here.. play him off KeyboardTron..
  12. --V--


    The vulpine and viperous vagrant theft of my vinculum to the identity V is very vexatious.
  13. you forgot the second Russians after the Germans.. and it's human/societal nature to have a resistance to change, seeing as it kinda' offsets the social contract (not really, but some people interpret it that way) and makes people feel afraid because they don't know what those people "might" do.. Oh curse you conservatism and irrational sociological fear..
  14. --V--


    at least you can traverse the internet without the use of your feet?
  15. because the gods have smiled upon you on this day?
  16. Tyranids, assimilate, ASSIMILATE, ASSIMILATE!
  17. --V--

    Yo Dawg

    this would be more epic if you included the candlejack mem
  18. --V--


  19. --V--


    Dear Mr. --V-- and the rest of the BZPowerian populace I denounce a popular movement to bring back.... The ANIMAL COUNCIL. Signed, Mr. Cat. Dear Mr. Cat, I fully support your excellent idea. Sincerely, Mrs. Fox Dear Mrs. Fox. I third it. Sincerely, Mr. Gukko Bird wow great idea guys also Mr. Rabbit Hmm.. i do concur with this movement, let me acquire some ink to sign it, here we are.. Sincerely, Mr. Octopus
  20. --V--


    No. YOU GET NOTHING not even a consolation prize?
  21. --V--


    but there will be no prospering..
  22. --V--

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    *party* *party* *party* *party* *party* *is tired*
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