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Everything posted by --V--

  1. lol, the most recent books i have are chronicles 1,2,and3. those aren't even written by greg!
  2. --V--

    Ha Ha!

    is it funny because we rely on so many other countries yet we call ourselves 'independant'?
  3. --V--

    Sparklers Lol

    true fact bunda... i burned a hole in my pants when i was 8 or so with a sparkler...
  4. --V--

    Half-life 2.

    the orange box is a better buy you could just buy half-life 2... or you could get half-life 2, half-life 2: episode 1, half-life 2: episode 2, team fortress, and portal!!! buy one now....
  5. october?! why thats almost tomorrow!!!! must start building!
  6. Build something with: A four or more sided polygon shaped torso Four legs A jaw that opens and closes A function And you must use at least 4 Kanohi.... That inspiring enough for you? Get your mask of creation on. --------- Do you mean all of those in one? -K-
  7. love that band... the video for 'The curse of curves' is a bit wierd... but watching it on fuse made me go get the album.
  8. wow, you have to ask to mow the lawn? if i don't mow every friday i get yelled at by 3-4 people, dont get to do anything all week and get to hear about how much of a lazy, complaining, stupid teenager i am for 2-3 weeks. talk about opposites...
  9. ahh half-life... fricken g-man.
  10. *dials V and is immediately speared* welcome back? ferrius want to go to canada again, so much fun!
  11. 1. out of the 6 canisters i would have to say bitil. 2. 2 gali and tahu 3.some of them, the toa visors are cool. 4. tahu and krika ( i would love to see you do something with his lower limbs... and the rockets all over tahu would be great moc parts)
  12. poll 1: midak skyject protodermic claw poll 2: drone gyalia
  13. im just going to say this so the angry mob doesn't have to.... HERETIC!!!! jk well thats out of the way, i don't mind it... i wouldn't buy it for the set so much as the parts, and the yellow would make a good lightning titan.
  14. sorry argy, didn't enter this contest because the 4 parts i am looking for in my giant bin are untracable... so maybe next time...
  15. --V--


    i started playing expert... through the fire and flames is NOT COOL... failed after 14%
  16. --V--


    i think the printer just messed up on the blue and inverted that one color... but still that would be a WAY cooler set.
  17. i myself would love one where we find out what happened to Kaz... but your idea's are good. the in-depth kanohi dragon thing would be great!
  18. --V--

    Dear Bbc

    how true, there's nothing cooler than a good old fashioned basic toa... i mean look what we've become. Back in 01 and 02 customness wasn't a big deal... it was creative part use/ a good backstory/ great color combinations. Now anything that isnt "100% custom" it recieves nothing but comtempt and the famous "needz moar cuztom"... i myself love making a custom moc, but i do think that you're right. if i had a blog approval i'd give you one! huzzah!!
  19. sweet... i have a canister-safe in the shape of a RC can, but i must say JONES SODA IS BETTER!
  20. there is a very rarely used term for this situation... VICTEM OF CIRCUMSTANCE FAIL!!!
  21. ahh 7th grade, good memories... my middle school was messed up because we were an "epirimental trial" group... instead of books, they gave us laptops and no blockers! but onto the social part... i really cant help with the amanda thing aside from a simple either talk to her face or leave it be speach. the sevent grade social part however... what helped me was 1. get contacts, 2. stop wearing lego and cartoon shirts, 3. don't answer every single question the teacher asks. that's about all i can say, oh and 7th grade isnt that big of a deal, its just 6th grade again with more kids this time. that and you get more than one teacher!
  22. i want to play a game! oops... i loses fun fact- if you say the word doller (doll-err) and not (doll-ah) you automatically loose the game, the game of life, boston life.
  23. goooooo nuurahk! (atleast i think that's the red vahki?) but still, looks amazing, cant wait to see them watching over the obbidient matoran soon!
  24. --V--

    Star Wars Is Dumb

    only one good thing has come from dumb ol' starwars... and that is some of the lego pieces from the starwars sets...
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