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Everything posted by --V--

  1. You no hungry for Ignika, you hungry for HOT POCKET!
  2. *ahem* -=< >=- Oops? Lhikevikk The Red Stapler
  3. go ahead and help yourself to some lemonade and cookies for doing such a great job.. (to catch a predator reference intentional)
  4. good decision to throw away the imitation hot pocket, regular hot pockets are severe health hazards by themselves..
  5. I say we should consider giving him a few more weeks to participate (since he hasn't logged on in 11 weeks, it would seem that there is something preventing him from accessing the sight, school could have something to do with it, or a lack of internet connection) and if he doesn't participate after a certain amount of time (say another week or two) then i would recommend possible probation.
  6. The revised 5th article: Aye The revised 100th article: Aye The revised 140th article: Aye Article 144: Aye Article 145: Aye Article 146: Aye Article 147: Aye Article 148: Aye Article 149: Nay, I just don’t like the idea of something that’s not a toa/turaga/matoran wearing a kanohi mask or something close to it Article 150: Nay, same reason as above. Article 151: Aye Article 152: Aye
  7. Revised 8th article: Aye Revised 123rd Article: Aye Article 153: Aye, I rather like the idea of a Sonics mask (because words can hurt too.) Article 154: Aye Article 155: Aye!! Article 156: Aye Article 157: Aye Article 158: Aye, although it seems like a bit of an odd power, but I like it. Article 159: Aye Article 160: Aye Article 161: Aye Article 162: Aye Article 163: Option “b”
  8. you what some friends? and some people (dare i say it) are better than cats, they are just difficult to find.
  9. Zygomorphic [word changed to fit gameplay guidelines -Lhikevikk]
  10. --V--

    Godwin's Law

    they don't promote violence.. they promote AWESOME!!
  11. --V--

    Viaticus 2009

    I'm not sure if Pajama's smelling like Bacon is incredibly awesome because its BACON, or terrible because now you can smell bacon, but there is no bacon to have.. hmm.
  12. Atlas shrugged was good.. you should try it and just about anything written by Chuck Closterman.
  13. *high five through the internets*
  14. you can have text in any color you want... so long as its black.
  15. there are enough buckets to fill a bucket of buckets.
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