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Padishah Mehmet II

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Everything posted by Padishah Mehmet II

  1. Controversy: Dovy voted yes.... I never got to read them, because, you know, I'm in Lithuania and all.-Dovydas
  2. I have no idea.It could be he took them off "holy" oak trees he put to the torch, but that sounds like too complex of a thought.-Dovydas
  3. You probably are, because I'm talking about Prussia attacking Lithuania and screaming, "CONVERT THE NONBELIEVER"-Dovydas
  4. CONVERT THE NONBELIEVER.Since it involves my country rather historically accurately, that's the best line I remember.-Dovydas
  5. Reading people's minds. Life is frustrating with all the lies and all the hiding of one's thoughts and emotions.-Dovydas
  6. I disagree. One of the things I have absolutely loved about this forum over the years is the fact that we could talk to the creator, ask him questions, and even have input into the story itself. The fact that GregF has put up with us all these years amazes me, and I respect him more than most other authors for that reason, if nothing else. I think he did a fine job of choosing what to incorporate from our feedback and what to ignore.I don't think that at all, IMO - it's only my opinion, but I do think BIONICLE was virtually ruined by all the unnecessary details we pressed into it and Greg was just all, "Sure, why not?" to. Examples could include, for example, the whole Varian story writing contest. Why does anyone CARE about Varian? What has she done that would be so interesting, besides, well, be in a big glass jar? BZPower's direct contact to Greg has allowed us to canonize ideas that weren't all that necessary. By extension, we've had a hand in BIONICLE's demise by assisting Greg in making it more convoluted and complex than necessary. And I can't honestly say Greg did a good job picking what to incorporate either, because quite often his reaction was, "Sure, why not." when a Shrug of God would've been preferred.-DovydasI care about Varian because she was a undefined character. The contest was created because it did not significantly change the then current storyline. It was just background information that fans would have liked. Varian was always a popular character that fans wanted GregF to write about, but he never did because he couldn't fit her in the current storyline, so it became a contest. You may not care about her, but I certainly do. The BIONICLE Story Squad serves to limit these ideas you consider to be "stupid", when there are those who consider them to be "cool". I am not sure if you're aware of this, but the ideas that the BSS are messaged about are thoroughly discussed by its members. After reaching a consensus, the idea is either thrown out or it moves on to the next stage: polling on BZP. The BZP members vote on whether they would like to see something canonized or not. Even if the majority is a yes for canonization or no for throwing out, GregF still has the final say. Remember the Kinetics proposal? The slight majority of BZP members who voted wanted Kinetics canonized. GregF still said no. Either way, a BZP member cannot go up to GregF and ask for something to be canonized any longer. I would have said you're completely right about 2-3 years ago. Even around that time, GregF has rejected many ideas. However, now that the BSS is running, it just sounds like you're exaggerating a bit. As for contacting GregF, I suppose there can be a Greg Contact Team but I would prefer if everyone got an equal opportunity to speak with Greg. Yeah, I suppose I am; with the BSS and the polling there, I agree, this mess wasn't there. 2-3 years ago, though, I dunno. That was the only time I was actively involved in trying to propose theories or anything, so a lot of my experience is based on that.-Dovydas
  7. Okay guys.Get ready.This might be a shock to you.30 SECONDS TO MARS. NOVEMBER 3. DOVY'S GONNA BE THERE.Yeah.Really.-Dovydas
  8. Hard time coming up with any..? Challenge accepted. ... Pretty much any game. I agree with accepting inspiration from other games, but making "TF2 BIONICLE EDITION" sounds just idunno. "MATORAN FORTRESS" sounds no better. On the other hand, if you'd disconnect yourself from trying to make a TF2 remake and getting to making a game inspired by TF2, that's a different thing. Remakes =/= inspiration. Inspiration =/= remakes. Inspiration - desired. Remakes - lack of creativity.-Dovydas
  9. Lithuanian is my native language, and I also speak English, fluent Russian, am learning Polish, know a couple of words in Hebrew that my little sister's school books taught me, and know bits of Irish, Scots, Japanese, German (mostly swearwords). ... I also speak a bit of Sindarin. xD-Dovydas
  10. Guys, all this remake suggesting comes off to me, personally, as lack of creativity.People should make their own games, not remake somebody else's.-Dovydas
  11. BZP is awesome, but I want a better reason than that for hanging out here, personally (no offense) There's a bunch of awesome people.It's a forum, dangit.What else do you want.I don't want BIONICLE back, in fact, I'm opposed to the idea. ... I don't even like Bionicle anymore. ... So what reasons would you prefer?-Dovydas
  12. Live action with Jackie Chan playing Brutaka and Jet Li as Axonn.All Fire, Water, and Air characters are also given pointy ears. Lots of epic martial arts scenes with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. With a lot of slowmotion. Screenwriter: Jon Stewart.-Dovydas
  13. Teridax.Bite me, premature fanboys.-Dovydas
  14. Mr. Brightside - The Killers into Somebody Told Me - The Killers-Dovydas
  15. Guys.Musical =/= HSM.Please get that into your heads, because it don't seem you try to. ... But besides that, NO WAY. I love musicals, but Bionicle, no, god no, it's just, no.-Dovydas
  16. Let me be very, very frank.Dovy does not agree.Absurdness is absurd. Was there a separate version of LotR for girls? Of HP? Of Clash of the Titans? Of the Saruman Trolling video?Yeah, I didn't think so.-Dovydas
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