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Padishah Mehmet II

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Everything posted by Padishah Mehmet II

  1. Same as yours, actually, it says "0.06 per day" - I think it just means six.-Dovydas
  2. Nonononononononononononononononono. Mediocre toylines returning for no win.-Dovydas
  3. I disagree. One of the things I have absolutely loved about this forum over the years is the fact that we could talk to the creator, ask him questions, and even have input into the story itself. The fact that GregF has put up with us all these years amazes me, and I respect him more than most other authors for that reason, if nothing else. I think he did a fine job of choosing what to incorporate from our feedback and what to ignore.I don't think that at all, IMO - it's only my opinion, but I do think BIONICLE was virtually ruined by all the unnecessary details we pressed into it and Greg was just all, "Sure, why not?" to. Examples could include, for example, the whole Varian story writing contest. Why does anyone CARE about Varian? What has she done that would be so interesting, besides, well, be in a big glass jar? BZPower's direct contact to Greg has allowed us to canonize ideas that weren't all that necessary. By extension, we've had a hand in BIONICLE's demise by assisting Greg in making it more convoluted and complex than necessary. And I can't honestly say Greg did a good job picking what to incorporate either, because quite often his reaction was, "Sure, why not." when a Shrug of God would've been preferred.-Dovydas
  4. I'd reply, "To please crowds of incessant whiners and a bunch of kids who don't dare accept that it was rather mediocre as it was."-Dovydas
  5. Yeah, she does, sorta ... This wasn't cover art, but she looks creepy in cover art too.
  6. Yeah, they should just get back the like button they removed, I'd at least enjoy it that way. xD
  7. Not really in my case - I enjoy some electronic music, eg. We No Speak Americano.Most dubstep is just idunno to me, though.-Dovydas
  8. Basically this.-Dovydas
  9. Decision making, to be precise, in an RPG. I would like to see an extensive, developed system of decisions, in which you get to choose a lot in your game and to feel the consequences of your actions as opposed to a straight line of a story in which you have no actual choices, making it something of an interactive show.-Dovydas
  10. After countless hours of wracking my head over why I have only four stars out of five, I realized. ... I don't care. -Dovydas
  11. "Meh, sure, whatever. *mass elven genocide in The Witcher 2 follows*"-Dovydas
  12. Head Over Feet - Alanis Morissette. *gets weird looks* ... It's good music, what can I say.-Dovydas
  13. A bunch of mostly rock and various random songs with mostly political messages I find on the video site not to be mentioned. That's not actually a representation of what I listen to, it's more of what I listen to most of the time. I listen to a lot of stuff, and I'm not particularly biased against any genre.-Dovydas
  14. No problem, it's my fault anyway, I'm just dumb like that and I was really expecting people with the "Go listen to better music" tone of forum post to come along.
  15. Oh yes, let's hate on the pop genre just because, well, it's pop. How dare musicians be popular.
  16. It's a genial song it's got new meaning now too, it sounds like something my girl could sing now
  17. I'd agree completely if not for the lack of The Witcher 2 on that list.-Dovydas
  18. Here's how this is going to work. Dovy is going to pick three songs, absolutely any songs, every Wednesday that he recommends to be listened to. Dovy doesn't like those people who come along saying, "This is so overplayed go listen to better music" and he doesn't think their opinion worthy of his (limited) time on the computer. So please. If you have the urge to say that, go away and say it to a wall or something. Dovy also would like to note this is absolutely his opinion. He understands people may not like these songs. He respects their taste, so he would also like them to note this will be judged completely subjectively, not objectively, as Dovy detests the pretense that such a thing as objectivity exists outside of natural laws. He also would like no debates to be sparked over what he just said. He wasn't too serious writing that. So, let's get on with it. This week's pick: 1. Amy Macdonald - Poison Prince 2. Alice Cooper - Love's A Loaded Gun 3. Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day -Dovydas
  19. Hinder. The lead singer is worth not one penny, but the guitar riffs, omigod.Rockstar by Nickelback. Nickelback sucks, but I love the song.Social networking sites are not to be mentioned - WWDragon Age II. It sucked kind of, but I like it nevertheless.... Yeah, I'll think of more later.-Dovydas
  20. Okay, the impression I got was slightly different than LL's. Basically, the way I understood it, a man loves a woman, but she's not at all what he interpreted her to be, and he can't bring himself to love what she really is. As for criticism, well, darn, I have a confession to make, Dovy doesn't understand poetry. Like LL, I did not enjoy the first two lines as much as the rest of the poem, but whatever, overall, I liked it. Good work.-Dovydas
  21. 1. Yeah2. My sense of humor is better, I'm not so insulting, and not so egocentric.3. A bit.-Dovydas
  22. Bionicle was actually pretty childish, IMO. Ninety nine out of a hundred deaths were reversed at some point in the future, and the deaths that remained permanent were at their very best undeservedly en masse portrayed as incredible. And the story was pretty mediocre overall too. The whole point was saving the world, not much more. Also sorry LL, but horror's never been my thing, can't really say.-Dovydas
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